Chapter 32

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Dean POV:

As I'm following Seth to his house, I hit on another car on my way and make everything worse. I try to pass on, but the owner of that car holds me in place and torments me. With a furious look, I slip out of my car and seize the stranger's shirt. "Who the hell you think you're?"

"Is just amusing to me about your approach? Maybe you have a relationship problem; that's why you're a hothead now!" The guy starts laughing at me and uncurling my fingers from his shirt.

It sends me over the edge, so I jump right into his face, landing fist after fist in his face and on his head until muscular hands pull me back. I keep kicking at him anyway and contact with his stomach twice before I've drawn back further and pressed against a sturdy chest.

My fierce eyes are still on the stranger's face. His nose and lips are bleeding, but luckily he isn't fucking smiling anymore. "Get off me." I try pulling free from the person who holds me back but has pressed to the body even tighter.

"Dean!" It is a familiar voice that yells right into my ear. "Dean!" It calls out again, and I finally pull free to turn around and look right into Baron's face. "Dean, get yourself together!" A hand lands on my cheek, and I turn my head to the left because of the impact behind that slap.

My hand forces its way right to my face, where the hand has connected. Baron looks at me with hard eyes. "You've done here?" And that pulls me down from my lurid anger attack.

My breath is heavy, and my heart almost stops beating. I swallow hard, and my hands start shaking as I tremble backward. Luckily Baron is here somehow, so he tries to convince that guy and apologize to him for this moment.

I'm slowly beginning to break down. My eyes start burning, and the shaking that has started in my hands takes over my whole body, and I look around, eyes full of confusion until I look back at my cousin.

"I need to.." My voice decides not to work as I want it to. Instead, it sounds weak and shakes as well. "I need to go.." It's only a whisper, but he understands what's going on. My face is still hard.

He gets in my car and parks it out of the way before dragging me to his car and taking me to my house, not knowing what has happened a little ago. My cousin searches for Seth and tries to know what's going on, then finds that he's not here.

With a confused look, he enters the kitchen and takes some time to do something. A few minutes later, he places a cup of tea on the coffee table that is in front of me before sitting beside me.

My eyes are staring into emptiness, but my face is full of pain and shock. I don't move, barely breathed, and it makes him worry a lot.

"Dean?" He tries to keep his voice soft but doesn't get an answer. "Dean?" He tries again and puts his hand down on my thigh.

"Yeah?" I'm still not moving, but I have clearly heard him, so that is something, even though there is nothing but pain and angst and confusion in my voice.

"Dean, can you look at me?" He asks, but I don't move. He sighs and reaches out to put his hand on my cheek carefully, turning my head until our eyes meet. "You think you can try telling me what has happened? And where's Seth?"

My adam apple drops a little as I swallow, but I come back to life a little and nod. "You knew I went to the bar last night. There I got into trouble by dancing with Mandy, who challenged me about my nature. Seth knew about this somehow as I went for a run this morning and.." I obviously have a hard time trying to figure out what really has happened.

"Take your time, Dean." He encourages me, trying to know what has exactly happened.

I try again. "My sweetheart was almost crying, told me to fuck off and leave him alone. I didn't even know why he just told me he didn't want to see me again. Found out someone had told him about Mandy and the dance. He thought I cheated on him." Now I'm close to tears, so I start rubbing my nose and worrying a little.

"Who told him?" He keeps his voice soft and drops his hand back down on my thigh, trying to spend some comfort by softly rubbing my skin through my sweatpants.

"I-I don't know. I'm so goddamn angry. Seth hadn't believed me when I told him it was only a dance. Someone told him a lie. I swore it was just a dance. Please believe me, Baron, I promise.." I cut off by a sob that leaves my mouth. I'm not one for crying, but I'm so hurt now.

"It's okay, Dean. I knew you didn't mean to. Come here." He pulls me against his chest, and I try to hide my face in it.

"I didn't want to make things worse I just... I didn't cheat on him." I start sobbing more and try explaining, but I can barely breathe, so he holds me close and rubs my back.

"I believe you. It's okay, Dean. I know how much you love him, so don't worry, we'll get him to believe you. I promise he'll come back to you." He tries comforting me further and lets me cry. He holds me until I'm too exhausted to keep mourning, cheeks red and eyes a little puffy.

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