Chapter 25

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Seth POV:

With an appreciating smile, I hum a song under my breath and stare out the window, enjoying my life. Since last week, I had no torture from the unknown number, so I felt some weight lift off my shoulders. Maybe they would back off when Roman interfered in it. Whatever it is, I feel relieved now.

"Dean, where are we going?" I ask from the passenger seat of the car that he and I sit in. Outside the window, fall-colored trees rush by while he drives down the roads of somewhere.

"Don't worry about it. You'll find out when we get there." He replies to me for the third time since we get in the car.

I sigh and drop my head against the headrest. "You know I don't like surprises," I groan, giving him a pouting face.

He chuckles and pats my shoulder. "You like surprises, but you're just too impatient for them."

I pick my head up to shoot my boyfriend a glare, "Whatever, same difference."

He looks over at me, an amused smile playing on his lips. "Will you relax? We're almost there."

"Almost where?" I try, but he ignores me and instead turns up the volume of the radio. I sigh again and cross my arms over my chest, my head turning so that I can watch the world pass by.

After about ten or so minutes, he finally turns into what looks like our destination. "We're here. After that, we want to go for a walk." He says as he parks and shut the car off.

"Fine, but where exactly do we want to walk?" I ask impatiently. We get out and start walking; he keeps silent and instead takes my hand in his as we walk. I want to pull away, a teasing punishment for not giving me the answers I have demanded, but I can't find it on my own if I let go of him.

Finally, a Little White Chapel comes into view that I read aloud. "Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were married here! What?! You're kidding." I scream and look at him in shock, earning a smirk from him.

I turn to look at the chapel again and find my family and friends welcoming us in front of it

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I turn to look at the chapel again and find my family and friends welcoming us in front of it. "What is happening here? Dean, why did you not tell me about Baron and Alexa arriving? And-" The words stop in my throat when I glance at him again, hoping he can say something.

He grabs my hand and presses a small kiss on the back of it. "Hold on, sweetheart. Why are you asking so many questions at a time? Roman told me everything!"

My eyes widen when I hear that, so I look at him, shocked, before turning to glance at Roman, who is giving me a small smile. My attention goes back to Dean when he cups my face and makes me look at him in the eyes, "I'm not like your dad. I know you get terrified of unwanted things sometimes, but it won't matter if I'm with you."

There are so many words that stick in my mouth, but he ignores them and continues saying, "You don't want me to be stressed by saying what's on your mind, but I have the right to, and you should know about it. I was thinking about how to prove my right to you and made a decision finally to marry you."

I haven't expected any of this from him, so I throw myself at him with tears in my eyes, not knowing whether it's from happiness or worries. I know I should be happy at this moment, but I get nervous because I'm still shocked by all this.

He pulls me away from him and wipes my tears away. "We don't have enough time to hold each other because we have to get ready for the wedding. The priest is waiting for us! If we want to hug, we'll do it in our bedroom after our marriage ends." He winks and presses a kiss on my cheek.

With that, I slap on his shoulder playfully and smile at him. Then we enter the chapel and look around at everything that is decorated. The tables have dark red cloths, the flowers are baby blues, and a red carpet has rolled out leading to the alter.

"Wow, everything looks amazing." I look around, committing everything into memory. 

"Good. Glad you love it." He smiles and wraps his arm around my back, guiding me to my friends and handing me to them.

Sasha, Bayley, Renee, and Charlotte are busy helping me get ready while Baron, AJ, and Jericho help Dean. "You look amazing," Bayley says as she straightens my hair.

"Thanks," I smile at her in the mirror while playing with my fingers.

Sasha straightens out my collar and asks, "Are you nervous about anything?"

"A little. I want everything to go all right." I give her a nervous smile and encourage myself, trying not to get tensed too much because it will spoil my wonderful moment.

"Hey, relax. Everything will be fine," Charlotte assures me and hugs me.

We pull away from each other when we hear a knock at the door, and Roman sticks his head in. "It's time."

I nod and walk over to him, giving him a tight hug. "Why did you not tell me already?"

He pulls me away from the hug and says, "It's not only a surprise for you, but it's also a surprise for me. He didn't inform any of us about this marriage plan until he told you. He just called us earlier and informed us to come over, so we did. Anyway, I'm happy for you, Seth." He gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead.

The wedding starts, and everyone is smiling in their seats. Dean walks out with Baron, Roman, AJ, and Jericho to the alter. He waits with a smile on his face as I walk out with my friends and relatives. He smiles at me and grabs my hand, squeezing it gently.

The priest begins the ceremony, and I can't contain my happiness. It is time for the vows, and I grow a little nervous. Why on earth that I get suddenly afraid?

He looks deep into my eyes and smiles softly, "Seth, you made my life beautiful. My love for you is uncontrollable. My feelings for you are unstoppable. You are my strength, and without you, I'm weak. Before you came into my life, I'd never been more protected than anything or anyone. When you showed up, I knew you had sent to me for changing my life totally. And thanks for that. I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He kisses the back of my hand softly.

I smile and take a deep breath. "Dean, you have also changed my life. I was scared of falling in love because I didn't want to get hurt. After meeting you and we started hanging out, I knew you were the one. I can't go a day without thinking about you. Without you, I'm not complete. With you, my heart finds its beat. My heart has filled with joy because of your love. You are always here to cheer me up. Your smile makes me shy. And sometimes I wonder where you have been all this while, but I'm glad that I have managed to get you in my life... I love you, and I'll always be by your side."

We smile at each other and exchange the ring on our fingers. The crowd cheer and wishes us to have a life that has filled with joy. With the same excitement, we stare into each other's eyes and press our lips together to complete our wedding. Now the board outside was right that Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were married here!

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