Chapter 56

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Two months later...

Seth POV:

I groan as I open my eyes. My head is pounding, and I feel sick to my stomach. I hear soft snores, and I look down to see Dean sleeping next to me. With a small smile, I ruffle his hair gently and stare at his sleeping form.

I feel comfortable when he holds me close to his body, his face buried in my hair while his arms wrapping around my waist, almost clinging to my chest. One of his legs rests between my legs, and I can't deny the fact that I can get used to it nowadays.

Since his birthday, everything between us is distinct and outstanding. We further understand each other and help with all our needs. Even he makes me forget what my dad has done to my mom because of his love.

I move to get up, but he pulls me against him and snuggles closer to my body, so I elect to prolong this moment in his arms and bed for a little longer. I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes, trying to drift off again.

A couple of hours later, I wake up again, but this time, I'm greeted by two deep blue, sparkling eyes tenderly looking over at me. It makes me feel a lot of different things. I feel my cheeks blush as my eyes plaster on him, but my stomach makes it a lot different.

"Morning, sweetheart." He chuckles when he notices the redness and slight change in my face that is immediately concerned him. "Are you all right?" He asks, sitting down next to me and pulling me against him.

I'm feeling good at the genuine concern shown by him. "Yeah," I mumble, placing my hand on my stomach and rubbing it gently.

"What happened to your stomach?" He asks, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear and placing his hand on mine.

"I don't know, but it growls since I wake up," I whisper, looking up at him and explaining my condition. I hope he'll help me with this by doing whatever.

"I guess you're hungry. Don't worry. I'll get something for you." He presses a small kiss on my forehead before getting up from the bed and leaving the room.

After a few minutes of waiting, I can never be able to sit here lonely, so I step off the bed and walk down the stairs. As I move on, I feel my stomach lurch violently. I barely make my way down the hall before the first round of vomit hits the marble floor.

A sob leaves my throat as I drop to my hands and knees. Another round of vomit forces its way out of my mouth as I try to get up. I throw up a third time and wince a little as I slowly lower myself down into a puddle of vomit. I feel my body go weak, and my head gets numb. I can't see anything clearly, and everything goes blur as I collapse on the floor.

Dean POV:

After addressing Seth at lightning speed, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I have no idea how he manages to wake up earlier this morning, and it makes me feel better. The fact is, though, we are still early.

"5 minutes!" I call into the living room, where I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs.

I pull the waffles out of the freezer and toss them into the toaster oven, then set the plates and syrup. While they are toasting, I hear a heavy thud from the living room, so I run over and notice that Seth has passed out in a puddle of his vomit.

"Seth!" I yell and rush toward him, taking him in my arms gently. "Sweetheart, wake up!" I joggle him and to be gentle in helping him get cleaned up and nestled him safely back into our bed.

I don't know what is happened to him, so I take my phone out and call our family doctor, requesting her to come over and checking him because he's exhausted to walk. I sit beside him and stroke his hair gently, hoping he's all right.

A few minutes later, the doctor arrives at our house and checks his health condition. While doing so, a smile curls on her lips as she glances at me before looking down at the barely conscious man. She gets up from the bed and holds her hand out to me, "Congratulations!"

I take her hand confusedly as I look at him, and he has the same expression on his face. I glance back at her with a questioning look and rub the back of my neck. "For what?"

"You're going to be a dad!" My heart thumps in my chest heavier when I hear her words. With a vast grin on my face, I move to hug her but stop when I realize what I'm going to do. "Sorry," I apologize to her and turn to Seth, pulling him against me and hugging him tightly.

When I pull away from him, I see the happy tears in his eyes. "Don't.." I wipe the tears away from his cheeks and kiss his forehead tenderly. "You don't have to cry for anything. I'm with you. I won't leave you and our kid like your dad. I'm with you always because you're my everything." I press tiny kisses on his cheeks and hold him closer to me.

I turn to look at the doctor when she clears her throat to get our attention and informs me that she is going to leave. I nod at her before turning my gaze back to him and trail my fingers over his face before pinching his cheek gently.

"Ow.." He whines, rubbing his cheek and slapping my chest playfully.

"Sweetheart," I move my head forward slowly, cataloging his expression, and when he starts moving closer, too, I close the remaining distance between us, pushing our lips together. Fuck, I'll never get tired of this, never get over the way his lips feel against my own, soft, warm, slightly chapped, and utterly, perfectly Seth.

We pull away from each other to catch our breath, and I gently wrap my arms around him and take my phone out to inform this good news to our family. When I call Baron to share this news, all I hear is laughter. He admitted he made a bet with Roman about how long it would take Seth to get pregnant. He is justly proud that he wins.

As I hear his words, I raise my eyebrow while keeping stroke my sweetheart's hair, "Really?"

He laughs at the phone and reflects his happiness. "Dean, I know you. When I saw you made out with Seth on the hospital bed, I thought it was safe to bet that I would have a nephew or niece this year. It would be a miracle for me if he was not pregnant after that."

I bite my tongue to hold back a laugh and shake my head, "Figures."

He giggles, "Well if it was anything, I would win. Roman told that it would take some years for his brother to let you made him pregnant."

I mutter, "Oh, he doubted me. I'll-" I pause, looking at Seth's suddenly very sick face. I hang up the phone immediately and move to approach him, "Uh, are you all right?"

He nods, "Yeah, yeah. I gotta-" He's up in a second, rushing into the bathroom and puking his guts out.

I wrinkle my nose and follow him tentatively. I take his hair, forming it into a makeshift bun and holding it against the back of his head. "I'm right here with you." Gently, I rub the younger man's back in large, calming circles. For the next eight months, I'm going to be witnessed on an impressive journey.

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