Chapter 59

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Dean POV:

When I return home, I find Seth is not there. I'm getting tensed about his absence. Where would he go without informing me? While ruffling my hair furiously, I take my phone out and call him to know where he is. I feel relieved when he tells me that he's with Alexa in the shopping mall.

I sit on the couch and watch television with a cup of coffee in my hand since I'm still tired and sore. The coffee is helping not only to waking my mind but also my body so I won't be too tired to take care of Seth.

A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell ringing, so I put the cup down on the coffee table and push myself off the couch in order to get to the door. As I open it with the happy feeling in my chest, Seth smiles at my face and leans up into a kiss that I've returned willingly. "Hey, come in." A soft smile settles on my face as he gets inside.

He carries a couple of shopping bags in his hands, and I raise my eyebrows at them, but he ignores me. Instead of explaining, he puts them aside for a moment, taking off his jacket and shoes before picking the bags up again and following me to the living room.

"I want coffee." He whispers, giving me puppy eyes.

"All right, I'll be right back." I leave to get to the kitchen and prepare a cup of coffee for him. A little sugar and one-third milk, that's how he likes it. I carry the cup over and put it next to my own as I drop back on the couch he's sitting on already.

I grin and nudge his shoulder, wanting to know what's in the bags. "What you bought on the bags?"

"I-I.. no! Alexa bought-" He stutters, having something on his mind.

I can see the embarrassing look on his face, so I place my hand on his thigh and cheer him up, "Show me."

He takes one of the bags and starts digging in it. "Okay, this is for you.." He hands it to me, then starts digging around again in the bag but eventually pulls out a black long sleeve shirt that's probably a little hefty. "Alexa told me that it would be helpful for me to take care of these months."

I'm lost in the thought of him in that black shirt with a baby bump and can't react right away, so he waves his hand in front of my face. "Hello? Are you still here?"

"Eh, ya, sorry." I take a deep breath and stretch out for my cup so I can take a big sip of the coffee. "I think it's good. I'm sure you look pretty in it." A wicked smile forms on my lips, and he starts giggling, cheeks flushing red.

"Great. I'm glad you like it." He stretches out for his cup of coffee to take a sip and warm his hands on it. "The coffee is great, thanks." He leans over to press a kiss on my cheek.

The grin on my lips forms into a proud smile. "I know what's good for my sweetheart." Laughing about my choice of words, I wrap my arm around his shoulders to pull him to my chest.

"Dean, careful. Let me put away the coffee." He says, trying to make me understand the reason behind it.

"Oh," I say, a slow beat of my heart like an ache in my chest. With a chuckle, I roll my eyes but let him put the cup back on the coffee table before he leans back into my embrace and nestles his whole body against me.

Softly he drops a couple of kisses to my throat because that's the part he can reach best from this position, and it gives me goosebumps. "I love you, Dean. It's always so comfy with you."

My hand starts rubbing his back softly as he rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes for a minute, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you too." I turn my head a little, so I press a soft kiss into his hair with a smile on my lips.

We are quiet for a while, just enjoying the closeness and warmth of the other against our side, and he's close to falling asleep, but I don't forget about the other bags that he has carried inside. Sure, he's shown me some dresses, but there's to be more since there are at least three bags. "What's in the other bags?" I ask curiously, fatigue visible in my voice.

"Hmm?" He opens his eyes and raises his head from my shoulder in order to look into my eyes.

"What's in the other bags that you have carried in?" I ask again, getting curious about his silence.

"Oh." He blushes a little as he shakes his head. "It's nothing. It does not belong to us, so I'll give it back to the store tomorrow."

"I want to see it because I know it belongs to us." Softly I push him away from my body so I can lean over the end of the couch and grab the bags, placing them on my lap.

"No, Dean, really. It's just a dumb mistake to buy those; it's not that important." He tries to talk me out of looking in the bags, but I have already picked one and looked inside.

The smile on my face doesn't vanish, but it changes. Reaching in and pulling out the soft bluish fabric, I unfold it and hold a tiny bodysuit in my hands. I muster it but don't say a word. Instead, I reach in the bag again to pull out another bodysuit in light green and a light t-shirt that has a cat on its front playing with a ball of wool.

There are a couple of more things in the bag, but I don't take them out. I turn my head toward him and raised my eyebrows. "You bought baby clothes?"

He blushes hard and looks everywhere before glancing back at me and nodding. "I'm sorry for buying this without you. When I saw those in the store, I couldn't control myself, so I just bought them. But yeah, it doesn't matter. I'll bring them back to the store tomorrow."

Finally, a soft smile settles back on my lips as I shake my head. One hand I'm using now is to grab his chin and direct him in a way that makes it possible for me to press a soft kiss on his lips. "Don't return them," I whisper right against his mouth before I open my eyes and clear my throat. "I like them. It's really nice."

I lean in for another kiss before putting the stuff that I still hold in one hand back into the bag. "You're the one who's carrying out our baby, so just tell me something, sweetheart?" The soft smile transforms into a wide grin as I look back at him.

He grins ever as he rolls his eyes and pats his tiny bump softly. "Yeah, sure. Baby is growing in here. You're going to be a dad for a kid within few months." Raising his eyes from his belly, he looks back at me and grins on my face.

"Aw, that's great." I lean down in his direction and press light kisses on his stomach. "Little Seth is growing in there." A little careful, I push my hand under his shirt to rub his belly. After a second, I turn my head in a way that makes it possible for me to look into those chocolate brown eyes. "I can feel it start to kick around already. Gonna be the hell of a kid, I can tell."

He rolls his eyes again but leans down enough so I can meet him in the middle of his way for a kiss.

"Well, our baby is gonna be pretty if it has your eyes, lips, and nose." I reach out so I can softly touch his face. "It'll be the most beautiful baby on this planet." A blush creeps on his cheeks that makes me smile even more. I can't wait to hold our baby in my hands because I need to.

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