Chapter 54

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Dean POV:

I blink more and realize what's happening, an amused smile cross on my face, enough for my dimples to just peeking out. I still can't believe what I'm hearing, so I stare at Seth and ask him once more, wanting to make sure that he means what he's saying. "What? Are you really serious, sweetheart?"

"I'm already answered your question," He clarifies. "From earlier."

Then it hits me, and it takes me a moment to understand, and warmth blooms in my chest in a way that I don't think I will feel constantly. The spirit of the knowledge that yes, this man, this wonderful man who's been through so damn in my life, deeming me worthy enough of his affection and care. It makes a smile bloom across my face, and I can't contain it.

I reach for his face, gently cradling his cheeks in my hands and running my thumbs over it. And he lets me; he really allows me! It's the most intimate the two of us have been in basically a year, and my heart feels like it can't beat any faster.

He continues to watch with that same uncomplicated sort of look, and I can't stand it anymore. I swipe a thumb over his lips, and they're soft and warm. "Yeah?" I ask, clarifying because I need to know, need to realize that this is okay, that I'm not misinterpreting what he means just because I'm blinded by what I want.

His smile widens just enough, and he nods. "Yes," He emphasizes once more, and I really can't take it anymore.

I lean forward and bring my lips to his, pressing forward in a chaste but rather intense kiss. It lasts for only a few seconds because I'm grinning so much that I can't even hold it. I pull back not too far and look at him in the eyes, wanting to know that he's ready. And what I see makes me hopeful.

I'm still holding his cheeks in my hands, and they move slowly to cradle his jaw, running over the texture of his beard. "Again?" I ask, hopeful.

He gives me a soft smile and nods gently. "Yeah," He mutters like he doesn't want to be any louder than necessary.

My teeth peek through my smile, and I press my lips against him instantly, pulling him up with me. While everyone is busy enjoying the party, I drag him out of the meeting hall and force him to our car, driving it to our house.

When we reach the destination, I pull him out by the driver's side door, unwilling to let go even long enough for him to get out of the other side of the car. I take him to our house and shove him in the door, slamming it behind us and pressing him up against it to kiss him right this time.

I tilt his head and bring him forward at an angle, though it doesn't seem like I have to do a lot of work since he adjusts to me. I lean forward into his space, and his eyes flutter closed when our slightly open mouths meet in a press of warm and wet, a shiver that I'm begging in such a long time running all the way down my back and settles warm in my stomach.

Small wet noises pass between us as our lips pull apart, only to meet again mere seconds later. The kisses are still moderately chaste in retrospect. But to me, it feels like my blood is slowly starting to boil.

I breathe through my nose as much as I can despite how it feels like I can't get enough air because now I'm started. I never want to stop kissing Seth. Thankfully, either he has the same sentiment or is all right with it since I continue to kiss him, tilting his head to press against him more.

I shift, turning closer into his space. As his hands fall away from my face, I slide my hand carefully under his legs and lift him onto the floor, carrying him upstairs to our room. It feels like a firebrand as I squeeze his thigh, just enough to elicit a gasp out of him.

I lay him on the bed and pull away from him, admiring him. He's panting like he's fall from the mountain instead of just kissing. But that's what I do to him. That's what I have always wanted to do to him.

Our eyes meet, and he swallows roughly at the heat that's pooling in my blue orbs, the black of my pupils starting to overtake the brightness of my irises. I reach down with my hand, the tips of my fingers carefully brushing against his cheek before reaching to cradle his jaw with a gentle grip.

With a movement that almost feels like slow motion, I lean forward, and just as our lips meet, his eyes flutter closed once again. Immediately, however, this kiss feels different. I take a long time to devour his lips completely.

We spend what feels like an eternity, yet no time at all like this, trading open-mouth kisses like it's the only thing they can manage to do anymore. We only part for long enough to grasp a few strained inhales of breath before we meet again and again. If I'm honest, I can probably do this forever.

We pull away from each other and maintain eye contact, trying to go to the next step. Without pressing him into anything, I lay atop him, and it feels wonderfully different. Kisses continue to pass between us, and I shift, my knee slotting in between his legs, pushing just enough to make a little keen whimper out of his mouth.

"D-Dean!" He opens his eyes to meet gazes with me.

My breath kind of get took away at the sight. Trying not to pressure Seth, I tug at his shirt and strip it off him before throwing it on the floor. As I'm about to press my lips on his, he's starting to shiver and caging my shoulders like his life is dependent on it.

I place my hand on his cheek and wait for him to open his eyes, looking at me. "Relax, sweetheart. I won't do anything if you don't want."

He nods and closes his eyes again, trying to stay calm. It means he's definitely trying to give me a chance in our life with trust in me. And I promise I will never break his hope for any reason at any time.

I huff out a laugh, and it's really amazing. My smile is fond as I gaze down at Seth, and I want... I want everything. I want to touch, to kiss, and to devour him. With a peck on his lips, my teeth graze the side of his neck and make their way to bite on the younger man's collarbone. My brain sort of details as my eyes trail down his heaving body and making a last long moment...

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