Chapter 58

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Seth POV:

I wake up early in the morning, just like before. It's been a long time that I've woken up before Dean. I look over and see him sleeping in a really uncomfortable position on the chair beside me while placing his hand on my stomach.

I smile and place my hand on his, squeezing it gently. Last night I was sick again, so he had taken care of me well and tried to comfort me by rubbing my stomach. Over the past three months, he did the same and wandered around the house to do all things on his own without bothering me.

I move onto my side slowly, staring at him and remembering the days I've shared with him. Laughter is escaping my lips when I look back at how we begin our life. I smile at all the ways we love and dare to dream of a pleasant future together and how we have promised this is forever. How did I get a wonderful love life with this man?

I mean, he's gorgeous with those icy blue eyes. Most of the people were like him and would love to call him their boyfriend, but I was the lucky guy who had got him. I didn't think I would have a wonderful life with this man in the beginning, but he changed everything, including the thought that I had about boys.

I snap out of my thoughts when he groans and wakes up from his sleep. "Hey, sweetheart, how are you feeling now?" He asks, getting up from the chair and sitting beside me.

"Fine." I sit up and lean back against the headboard. I place my hand on my stomach and press a small kiss on his cheek, feeling good as usual.

He cups my cheeks and leans forward, pressing a kiss on my forehead. "I'll be back." He informs me and gets up from the bed, going to the bathroom.

While his absence, I play with my fingers and try to keep myself occupied, but his phone buzzing on the bedside table and getting my attention. I let out a frustrated groan and take his phone, checking the caller's identity and noticing it's from his dad. I attend the call immediately and try to know what's going on because he doesn't call without any reason.

When Dean returns to the room, I inform him that his dad wants him to the office. He refuses to go, not wanting to leave me alone in the home, but I force him to get ready. Pushing my hair out of my face, I glance over at him struggle with the closet, rummaging and swearing underneath his breath. "Got so much fucking stuff in here."

I can't help but laugh, clearing my throat as I grab a pillow and hold it against my chest. I watch my husband getting ready quickly and moving back to me. "What?" I ask, a little confused, hoping he doesn't forget anything.

With a vast grin on his face, he pecks me on the lips and tries to cheer me up. "Bye, sweetheart. I'll be back soon, as much as possible. Don't make yourself into any stress."

With a gentle nod, I pull him down and mess up his slicked-back hair, letting them form their natural curls again. "Don't slick back your hair," I comment, giving him a lecturing look. "It makes you look like an encyclopedia salesperson."

He bursts out laughing and leans down, pressing a kiss on my stomach and rubbing it gently. He then places his mouth near my stomach and whispers, "Bye, baby. Dad is going to the office, so don't hurt your papa heavily because he can't take the pain."

I smile and slap his shoulder playfully. He kisses me one last time before going to the office. After he has left, I slip off the bed and go to the bathroom, getting freshen up quickly. Then I take slow steps toward downstairs and grab some fruits from the refrigerator before taking a seat in the living room.

As I'm enjoying the apple, I hear my phone buzz. Maybe it would be Dean. With a slight smile curling on my lips, I take my phone and look over at the caller's identity, swiping the screen to attend the call.

Dean POV:

I can't concentrate on the screen in front of me. I'm supposed to be with Seth now, but my dad torments me and forces me to come into the office to check the emails and forward them to Baron, who will then promote it further up to him. I find out I can't focus even if I try. I can't push my mind past my pregnant sweetheart because the images of him suffering lonely in the house clouding my brain and fogging my normal focused brain.

I drop my head into my hands and close my eyes, the reality of my situation sinking in. What happened to my dad? Why would my mom marry such a dumbass? Who would work freely when their other half was pregnant at home?

I still have my head bury in the palm of my hands; my blue eyes close, so I don't hear the way that the key turns in the lock of my door. I'm far too deep in my thoughts, my accusations rising right to the forefront of my mind. I'm only aware that there is someone, even in my room, with me when I hear a voice.

I lift my head, meeting the concerned gaze of my cousin. "Sorry. Didn't hear you; come in, Baron." I sit up and attempt to pull the weakest smile.

"I didn't get any emails from you yet." He points out. And I'm glad he has closed the door when he comes in. He slides into the chair across from me. "What's wrong?"

I groan and rub my temple with the back of my hand. I feel my cheeks heat up. The embarrassment of being caught in such a position is almost too much. Although I'm glad, it is Baron that has walked in and not other staff. I take in a deep breath, locking my gaze with him for a moment. "Everything is wrong. You knew how much I tried to clear the bad image about boys in Seth's mind, but I guessed it would collapse now."

His jaw is set tight, his eyes sternly looking over at me. "What?"

My gaze falters just slightly, my blue orbs quivering slightly. "Then how could it be? He's pregnant, but I'm staying here and letting him suffer in the home."

"So, is it your problem?" He asks quietly, understanding my situation. He pats his cheek for a few seconds before daring to look at me. "Hmm... You may go home. I'll take care of this."

My eyes widen when I hear that because it will be difficult for him to handle all these things. "Are you sure?" I ask, wanting to know how he will do everything exactly.

"Yeah. I'll ask for help from dad or Alexa." He answers and sees the look of surprise appear on my face. "Are you sitting here still? Get up and go home. Take care of my unborn niece or nephew well."

My lips twitch into an enormous smile, so I get up from the chair and pull him up along with me, bringing him in for a hug. "Thank you." I giggle, patting his back and reflecting my happiness. I'm really thankful for having him in my life as a cousin.

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