Chapter 51

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Dean POV:

I wake up early with the alarm and shut it quickly before Seth is being forced to pull away from his dreamland. With a heavy sigh, I squirm slightly and lean back on the bed, hands resting behind my head as my eyes slipping close again.

Even though I'm trying, I can't sleep again, so I blink my eyes open and scan him. My hand reaches out suddenly and lands on his neck. "I love you." I smile, kissing him on his forehead and pulling him down to my chest.

He goes smoothly, allowing himself to rearrange against my body. We stay like that for a few minutes, and I feel myself relax the longer that I lay with him. Then, I place a hand on his head and start petting, running my fingers through his hair.

My eyes glue to the ceiling as I take in the warmth of him and recall our conversation at last night's dinner. Suddenly, the idea of giving surprise to him crosses my mind and makes me consider it. With a smirk on my face, I slip off the bed carefully and prepare some things for him, hoping he will enjoy and consider taking the next step in our life.

An hour later, I return to the bed again and wait for him to wake up. I get excited as he blinks his eyes open and wakes up at my face. "Good morning, sweetheart," I whisper, leaning down to press a kiss on his lips.

"Morning," He mumbles, sitting up on the bed and leaning against the headboard. His hands rub the sleep out of his eyes before settling on me perfectly. With a small smile, he presses a kiss on my cheek and steps off the bed.

As he's making his way to the bathroom, I grab his hand and pull him into my lap, trying to inject my idea into his mind. Softly, I press a kiss on his forehead and look down into those brown eyes, hoping everything will be all right. "I have a surprise for you which you don't have to take, but I'll really enjoy sharing this with you."

He presses his lips to a line and raises both of his eyebrows, waiting for me to give him an answer about what the surprise is.

"Yesterday at dinner, I told you I wouldn't pressure you into anything you didn't wanna do, and you kinda told me you were insecure about something which you totally didn't have to be. So I insist on taking a bath together if you're comfortable with it. I swear I'm not expecting anything sexual out of this, and if you rather take a hot shower on your own, that is totally cool with me too; I.. want to be close to you, and I guess it will be the next step of our life." I try to explain to him, hoping he will never take me wrong.

He looks up at me, all hesitant once more. "I-I can't."

"I promise." I continue, "I will not touch you or look at you in any inappropriate ways. Damn, you wanna put your clothes on if that makes you feel comfortable." At that, his insecurity breaks a little, and he chuckles over my words.

"Stop it." He grins at me. "Okay. We can take a bath. I love you."

"Great!" A smile spread all over my face, and I kiss him quickly before planting him down on the bed. "I gotta prepare just a little tiny thing, and I'll let in the water. I'll call you in a second." With that, I run into the bathroom and turn on the hot water, taking a lighter so I can ignite the candles that I've put up here earlier.

It is a ton of work, but I manage to be quick about it, and by the time I've done it, the bathtub is filled with hot water, too. I poke my head out the door. "You can come!"

A second later, I hear his feet on the floor as he comes closer to the bathroom. He takes in everything in the room before looking at me again. A grin settles on his lips as he closes the door behind him and puts his arms around my neck. "It's amazing. You've done many things for me. Thank you."

I grin proudly. "Happy to hear it." I lean down to meet his mouth with my own as I grab him by the waist and pull him a little closer. Our bodies are now touching, and my hands are running over Seth's waist, pulling him tight against my body as I keep kissing him with all the love and emotions that are floating through my body.

It works. Seth is melting into my touch, pushing his hands into my hair and holding onto me. We keep kissing and touching just a little until he can't bear it anymore. We break the kiss in order to catch our breath and softly rub the tip of our noses against one another.

With a vast grin on my face, I strip off my clothes and turn to wink at him. His eyes go wide as he looks away, not having the guts to face the situation. He tries to leave the room, but I grab his wrist and pull him close to my body, pressing a big kiss on his lips.

"You know I'm not forcing you into anything, so just get in the tub along with me." I try to convince him, dragging him to the tub.

With his tank top and shorts, he climbs into the tub and giggles, dropping his body in the warm water. "Dean! Oh my God.."

Following him, I drop into the warm water as well and lean my back against the corner of the tub. Spreading my legs, I pull him in between them, so the younger man's back is pressed against my chest as I sling my arms around his body.

Being this close to each other feels very good, and the hot water does well for our bodies. I run my hand over Seth's belly and start rubbing it softly, making him close his eyes and trying to adjust to the sensation.

"If you keep rubbing my belly, I'll sleep once again in a few minutes." He says without any romantic. Does he know what it will be like, romantic? Doubt!

"Great. Hopefully, you'll like my constant cuddling after you enjoy breakfast in bed." I suggest another idea which I have planned for him already.

"Food in bed always sounds good." He leans his head back in my neck more, and I lean down to meet for a kiss. I hope we will share something better sooner rather than later.

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