Chapter 27

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Dean POV:

As I wake up from sleep, I notice that I'm lying alone in bed, and the blanket has been pulled up to my shoulders. I throw the blanket away and glance around, checking where Seth is. He's not here in the room, so he might be downstairs.

I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom to take a hot shower. While the water is running down my body, I feel cold all over because last night's moment has got into my mind. Why was my sweetheart get insecure even if we got married?

Whatever I've told him last night is true that I can wait until he's ready, but I don't know if I'm actually satisfied with what I will get in a relationship with him, eventually, there is nothing in the world that I will force him into it. And if I'm honest with myself, I don't like the idea of waiting for the right time, but I have to do it, anyway.

Patience is the only weapon that I have now. It has never really been my friend, but I have to wait for an extra-long for at least our honeymoon even if I don't enjoy it. I hope our trip to Hawaii will change everything better. I sigh and leave the shower, imagining leading this day to the next level.

As I walk into the kitchen, I see him preparing to scramble some egg beaters in the skillet and thinking about something. My eyes trail over his body, then his hair that has drawn up into a messy bun. He's very sexy!

While he is still brightly cooking, I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his middle, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Morning," I mumble and press a soft kiss on his shoulder, hoping everything will be okay.

He turns into my arms and smiles softly, showing a tiny gap between his front teeth that I think is absolutely adorable. "Good Morning," He wraps his arms around my neck and gives me a peck on the lips. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than ever." I hold him tightly against me and look down at the eggs, smirking at the layout of toast and fresh fruits. "Did you know cooking?"

"Yeah, I know. During weekends, I watched my mom's cooking and helped her with it." He says and moves away from me, focusing his mind on his skills. While he's finished each dish, I set up everything on the dining table.

The food tastes great, and I almost moan as I finish the breakfast. I put the plate aside and lean back on the chair, feeling great. After a few minutes, we are sitting on the couch in the living room and watching a movie.

"I don't think I've ever eaten much food in my life. I'm dying." I clutch my stomach and watch the grin on his face in the corner of my eye.

"I can rub your belly if you want." He says, shrugging his shoulders.

"That will be great." I take it as a joke, but he scoots closer and puts his hand on my belly to start rubbing it softly in small circles. "Thanks." I smile and close my eyes, just enjoying the soft touch.

My eyes blink open when I hear a loud knock at the door. I look up at Seth as he sighs and moves to get up. "Just ignore it, sweetheart." I don't want him to move away from me, so I pull him against me and lean over, kissing his lips gently and hoping he won't go away.

He can't deny me even if he wants to, but what if it's his brother! "Hey guys, just open the door. It's us!" Roman knocks on the door again and tries to get our attention. I turn to look at Seth, but he's already making his way to the door.

Seth POV:

When I open the door, I see Roman and Renee on the other side with enormous smiles on their face. I get excited as I see them because I haven't expected them here now. "Roman!" I giggle and throw myself at him, holding him tightly against me.

He pulls me away from him and presses a kiss on my forehead before pointing to Renee, who seems a bit worried. What happened to her? While snapping my fingers over at her face, I try to bring the smile back on her face, but it's no use, so I step aside and let them get into the house before discussing anything.

"Sorry guys for disturbing you this earlier, but she didn't let me stay at home until we have decided to come over." He says, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her inside. "She missed you, Seth."

"I'm happy about your arrival." I pull her into my arms and hug her, nodding at my husband before taking her to the kitchen.

Greeting the family and friends with food or drinks will be great for having a pleasant conversation. So I prepare a chocolate milkshake for Roman because he likes it a lot. With a huge grin, I pour the milk into the vessel and glance at her, noticing that she looks down at something and thinks loudly. "Is anything wrong?" I ask in a concerned tone.

"No. I just worried about something." She sighs, grabbing a knife from the counter and playing with it. "Your marriage has been unexpected, but I'm happy for you. There is one thing bothering me that I'll feel bored with if you're not there with me. Without you, our house is empty!"

"Don't worry. We'll come there tomorrow before our honeymoon trip to Hawaii." I shrug and give her a soft smile. As I'm about to walk over to take the mug from a cupboard, she grabs my hand and stares at me. "That means you guys have planned your honeymoon trip tomorrow?"

"Yeah... Dean surprised me last night by presenting this bracelet and plane tickets for our honeymoon. We have a flight tomorrow evening." I blush and show the bracelet, letting her take a look at it.

"It's beautiful! Well, you had fun last night." She teases me and tries to tickle me, but I shove her away and stand a little farther away from her. She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest without caring that she has a knife in her hand.

I move closer to her and grab the knife from her, putting it away from her reach. "You should be careful, or it would hurt you."

"It's not a problem. Just share your wedding night with me. Please.." She begs and gives me a pleading look.

"I.. hmm, I ruined his mood even if he ripped his heart and showed how much he loved me," I mumble and look down in embarrassment, not knowing how to reveal even more.

She places her hand on my shoulder and asks silently, "Is everything all right?"

I shake my head and bite my lip nervously as my eyes plaster on the floor. "We love each other with our whole heart, but I'm not ready to.." I trail off, shivering a little.

She grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. "I can understand. It's not a big deal if you're truly made for each other. But something is itching me about what if Dean leaves you for this?"

I look at her with wide eyes and try to reflect on what's in my heart. "That's not going to happen. Dean promised me that he would wait until the time was right. So leave this topic, and I don't want to talk about it." I say it clearly and move to grab a mug. I can't see myself without Dean, even if it's just a simple talk. I know he won't leave me for any reason, and I trust him.

When we enter the living room, I nod at her and make my way to two significant people in my life. I hand the milkshakes to them before sitting beside Dean and laying my head on his shoulder, holding his hand tightly while thinking about what Renee has said.

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