Chapter 36

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Dean POV:

When I find Seth is missing at the carnival, I inform our family about the situation and let them do something about this. Even if I ripped the whole festival apart, I couldn't find where he was. I was sure something had happened while I was disappearing into the crowd.

I pace around violently and try to piece everything together that has happened earlier. Nothing to get into my mind, so the temper in me raising. And it's never a good thing. Even just being angry in general can get me into trouble a lot of the time, and I'm not just anger with anyone or even angry with anything. I'm annoyed with myself for not keeping the promise that I have with him in our marriage. That sucks!

It feels like I'm dying inside. I get hurt all over. It isn't just my body; it is my mind, my heart, my soul. It feels like every part of me ripping out of my body. I can't breathe, I can't hear, I can't endure. I'm numb inside, and whatever happens to me from this point forward doesn't matter.

I'm in a black void, a hole, sinking darkness that I'm not sure I will ever be able to get out of. All I can do is sit, worry and try to resist falling into the warm, dark sea that is sorrow.

I sit on the couch, contemplating, thinking, staring intently at my feet to focus on anything rather than the thoughts flooding into my mind. I freeze, my whole body stiffening up when I hear the door slam open with a bang.

Baron saunter with two guys inside, glancing at me. I'm not afraid of many things, particularly snakes or maybe the occasional clown. So it comes as a surprise to me that these guys invoke such fear out of me.

My cousin stops in his tracks, causing one of the guys to bump into him. "Sorry." The guy with blond hair apologizes, rubbing his forehead in pain, before following his gaze to me. They seem funny to me, but I get curious about their arrival.

I cock my head to the side, eyes narrowing. I let out a slight noise of confusion. "What?"

"Dean, they are the best detectives in Las Vegas, Fandango, and Tyler Breeze. I guess they can help us find Seth." He introduces them to me and explains their qualities, hoping they can find something.

"I want my Seth back, no matter what. I want him. That's it." I mutter under my breath, swirling in my thoughts. "I-I need to know who has taken him away from me. And you have to help me.. with that."

He reaches out and rests his hands firmly on my shoulders. "Dean, breath. Relax, buddy. You're gonna have a panic attack. Not a good look for you. And it does not help us either." My hands are lavishly sweating as I clasp them together.

"Don't worry, Ambrose. We'll find your husband soon. Do you wanna explain what has happened at the carnival?" Fandango suggests, trying not to sound loud.

Baron probably deciphers the pleading look in my eyes anyway, so I immediately say, "Yeah, of course." He stands in front of me, arms crossed, waiting. And somehow, just looking at him calming me down, but he's right, I will feel too much pressure at some point.

"Dean, just take your time," He says reassuringly like he's sensing the panic building again. "Remember to breathe."

I have no idea how I survive when he isn't here. I nod at him and take in a long inhale. I clear my throat and look down at the floor, reciting the worst moment to them, all the way through, keeping my voice calm and even. I don't start getting teary, at least, which I consider the best.

When I've done, he nods approvingly, but there's still something conflicted on his face. "Okay. Hmm.. who insisted on taking him there?" Tyler prompts gently, taking notes on everything.

"I am," Renee says, meeting my eyes significantly. At least she opens her mouth and tries to say something voluntarily now. She walks over to me and sits beside me, explaining everything that has happened to herself.

"Well, we need to know something more before starting the investigation," Fandango says, voice and eyes kind.

The conversation goes on for nearly thirty minutes, and Roman arrives here finally, trying to know everything. As seeing him, I feel guilty and embarrassed, so I walk out of the house and stare at my reflection in the swimming pool.

I close my eyes and try to regain control over my body before turning to look at him helplessly as he reaches out, squeezing my shoulder gently. "I know," He tells me gently. "It's not your fault, but you should have been careful. I-I.." I can understand what's going on in his mind even if he doesn't complete it.

He shakes his head in complete disappointment and leans back against the glass, crossing his arms over his chest and worrying about the situation. His brother means so much to him, so he doesn't take over about his disappearing as well.

A tear falls from my eye and drops it into the swimming pool below, mingling with it as the image of Seth gets into my mind. "Where are you, sweetheart?" I would not like to remember when the world took him away from me and played hide and seek with me. But does he know how much I miss him?

My heart bleeds when I think about him. My eyes tear when I miss him. I want him to come back to me. I couldn't bear the thought that I lost him. Tell me, God, where can I find him?

He's not just my husband; he's my friend. He's not just my friend; he's my love. He's not just my love; he's my heart. He's not just my heart; he's my life. He's not just my life; he's my everything. My heart is begging for him! Where is he?

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