Chapter 48

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Dean POV:

When I hear someone calling me, I turn to look back at the door and find that there's no one behind me. Maybe it's my imagination. I dive back in and close the gap between us once more, kissing Seth deeper this time. It doesn't last long, however, before we are interrupted.

"I didn't mean to interrupt anything again.." I raise my head from him, and both pairs of our eyes glance over at Baron standing in the doorway, a satisfied grin on his face. I look like I only find the situation amusing, while Seth wants to hide under the bedsheets and never has to look at him again.

"Dean, the detectives will arrive here any minute. I don't really think they want to find you on top of a guy with a knife wound making out." My cousin says, smirking at me.

"I'm not even touching his stomach. He slid down so that I wasn't." I laugh, though I move so that I'm sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh God," Seth says, his voice muffled by his hands covering his face. "I don't want to be caught kissing my husband in front of anyone again."

"It seemed like it was going to be a bit more than 'kissing' from the way Dean was on top of you and was pinning one of your wrists to the bed," Baron says as he walks over inside, smirking at him. He sits on one of the chairs and starts to make the subject a little hotter.

"I told you already that he slid down the bed because of his stomach," I laugh, earning a jab to my ribs from my sweetheart.

"And you just couldn't help but pinned the hand which wasn't holding his stomach to the bed." He teases me again for what he has gotten evidence into.

"I was already holding his hand, so I guessed I-" I try to tell something, but the look he gives me doesn't bring another word to my mouth.

"Just wanted to pin him to the bed?" He smirks, crossing his legs and elbowing his cheek to watch us.

"Shut up," I laugh again, reaching over to shove him slightly. Seth's face is pure red from embarrassment.

"Anyway, I'm glad that you're awake, Seth." My cousin says as he looks at him. "Try to be comfortable with the detectives. I've warned them already, so they don't disturb you if you don't want to. And you don't need to answer any uncomfortable questions that are still hurting you. Okay." He says gently, making sure that I'm aware of anything.

"Thank you, Baron." Seth smiles and turns to look at me. His face turns a little serious, so I grab his hand and raise it to my lips to plant a kiss.

We jump slightly at a knock on the door and turn to find the detectives standing there with Roman. "Sorry for disturbing you guys. We have come to ask a few questions." Fandango says as he looks at Seth. "I'm Fandango, and this is my partner Tyler Breeze."

I and my cousin glance at each other for a split second before I smile at them politely. "Ask any questions you need."

Fandango nods and sits beside my sweetheart, making sure that he's all right. He then nods at his partner to take notes before turning his attention back to Seth. "What happened the day that you had taken?"

"Well, I was going out to the carnival with my husband and cousin.." Seth pauses for a moment. "When Dean went to buy a funnel cake for me, Dolph used chloroform and kidnapped me from there."

"But what about your other injuries?" Tyler asks after a pause, wanting to know what has happened.

"They would always slap me on my face and kicked me in the stomach hardly. The bruises on my neck happened while.." Seth breathes in deeply. "..While Dolph tried to rape me."

My fists clench with those words, though I unclench one soon after to hold his hand again comfortingly. Even though I already know what they have done to him, hearing him actually say those words makes me want to kill them all over.

The detectives smile in sympathy before Tyler continues saying, "We got what we wanted. Anyway, I'm glad that you're safe. We talked to the doctor before we were here, and they said that you were awake was one of the miracles."

"I swear to God, my sweetheart, is the proof that miracles exist," I comment, looking at the color slowly returning to Seth's face.

Fandango nods and peers over at the notes that his partner has made. "Thank you for your answers. If we require anything else from you, we will contact you."

"Of course," I nod and relax a little when he and his partner stand up from the chair.

As they turn to leave, Tyler glances down at our holding hands. "Still holding hands?" He grins.

"N-Not still.." Seth mumbles, a blush forming once again on his cheeks.

I smirk at how cute he looks again. Well, he is always beautiful, but his high tendency to blush makes him even prettier. I reach my other hand out to them to shake, nodding at them. After they have left, I start to joke around, and it brings him so much happiness. Maybe it can work out with him after all.

He bites his lip nervously and plays with his fingers, "Now tell me something. Did you eat breakfast?"

At that, I have to laugh because hell, he's in the hospital, but all he can worry about is me. I shake my head as I keep chuckling. "Nah, I sensed some foul smell from my mom's cooking, so I just escaped." I lie to him, not wanting him to worry about me anymore.

He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. "Ew, no!" 

We are laughing, and I lean down, so I can press my mouth to his for another kiss under which we remain smiling. As we have to travel on life's way with its many ups and downs, we have this smile on our faces forever.

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