Chapter 18

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Dean POV:

The second we walk into the reception hall, Baron winks at me and throws me a grin because he knows what I'm going to do. Going along with it, I mouth to him, "Thank you." I mill around in the lobby with Seth for a bit until the hall opens up and starts letting the guests in.

Turning to me, my sweetheart whispers with a smile. "Guess I'll go sit with my family while you do your wedding party thing. See you soon?"

I nod, still a little dazed by the evening events. "Yeah, yeah, as soon as I can get away and join you, I will."

He grins at me, pulling me forward into a quick kiss. "I'll be waiting," He promises with a wink that sets my blood boiling once again.

As he turns to walk away, I find my eyes drawn to that amazing ass of his, something that makes me giddy. When he turns back to look at me, I shoot him a leering grin and blow him a kiss before disappearing from his sight.

Seth POV:

I slump back against the wall that I'm standing near, my heart racing a mile a minute as all the possibilities that are now open to me rushing through me. "You look pretty happy with yourself," Roman says and joins me.

I laugh, "I am. I'm happy with Dean, you know?"

He nods. "Yeah, I can see that in your eyes, and it makes me happy. Who would have thought that you finally found the one, huh?"

My eyes glitter as my voice softens in happiness, "Yeah, who would have thought?!" I lean over and hug my brother. "It's all because of you. Thanks, Roman!"

"You deserve all the happiness in the world, Seth!" He says and kisses my forehead. Throwing his arm around my shoulder, he guides me to the table where our family has waited for us.

A smile curls on my lips when my eyes catch my mom with Renee. I run over to them and jump excitedly until my cousin asks, "Seth, where you have been?"

"I was with Dean," I blush, deep in red, and lean my head against Roman, wrapping my arm around his back.

"You two are very cute, honey!" My mom exclaims and kisses me on the cheek. I smile and move forward, throwing my arms at her and giving her a big hug.

We get interrupted when the deejay come in, calling for our attention as the wedding party makes the entrance. I smile and turn back to Renee, noticing that she is glaring at me. I look at her confused until I realize that I've missed some part of our conversation. "Sorry, I was distracted by them. What did you say?"

Chuckling, she replies, "I'd be surprised you didn't notice earlier at the church. Dean was giving you googly eyes throughout the ceremony like he would jump at you any time!"

I look at her affronted, "Nah, he didn't give any googly eyes."

She holds up her hands placatingly. "Sure, whatever you say, man!"

As the wedding party begins, all take their seats to applause at the head of the room. The staff start serving dinner and pouring the champagne to both of their delights.

When I'm continuing the chat with my cousin, Dean comes to us and nudges me on the shoulder. I don't know what he wants now, but I provide a smile until he grabs my hand and pulls me up. I glance at him, confused, not knowing what is bothering him, until he asks, "Shall we dance?"

My eyes widen when I hear that because I don't expect this. "What?! No Dean, I can't dance!" I wince and pull my hand away from him. I don't want to dance with him, especially in front of the guests.

"I don't accept that today." He says and grabs my hand again, trying to force me. Why does he not understand? Doesn't he see our family surrounds us, or it's his cousin's wedding party?

"But-" Talking to him is not worth so I stop it and give him puppy eyes as I plead with him, but he ignores and takes my hand in his before leading me to the dance floor. He puts his hands on my waist, I give up and put mine on his shoulders, then we move along sideways in time with the music.

 He puts his hands on my waist, I give up and put mine on his shoulders, then we move along sideways in time with the music

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During the dance, he thinks about something and smiles at me, which makes me blush like a teenager. "Why do you smile at me so much?" I blurt out, not having the patience anymore.

"Well, why do you blush at me so much?" He asks right back and winks at me.

I blush even more and look at him in the eyes, losing myself in his ocean blues. I caress some stray hair out of his face and wrap my arms around his neck, still swaying slowly to the music. It's fantastic to hold him like this. I flutter my eyes when I realize that he's saying something to me.

"You're fantastic for me, sweetheart. Just like I'm calling you that you're the sweet of my heart. No one can give pleasure by just a simple smile other than you. You're the king of my heart, so I want you to be a part of my life." He says, looking into my eyes and kissing my forehead. His eyes try to say something more but scatter it with my smile.

"I didn't think that I would share my life with someone, but you changed everything. You're amazing, reliable, and you fill my life with unspeakable joy. Thank you so much for coming into my life." I spill my heart out to him and press a kiss on his cheek, leaning my head on his shoulder.

Suddenly he pulls away from me and gets down on one knee in front of me. I don't realize what is happening around me until the crowd screams with cheer and encourages him. I bring my hands up to my mouth in surprise and stare at him in utter shock while tears well up in my eyes. There is no way that this is happening now.

"Seth, I've been wanting to ask you at the right time. Since the day we've met, I feel beautiful naturally. I have dreamed to wake up every morning and see you asleep next to me with your hair all over the place." He says, making me laugh with happy tears. "I love smiling to myself whenever I see you because everything has become rosy since the moment you have caught up in my eyes."

"D-Dean!" I sniff, tears still running down my cheeks. I don't expect any of this, so I still glue in place, trying to process everything.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a red velvet box, opening it to reveal the most beautiful ring that I have ever seen. "As soon as I saw this ring, I knew this was the one for you. Because you're the one that I love with all my might, the one that I'm thinking every night, the one that helps me make things right, the one that I dream of when I sleep at night, and the one that I think of when I hug my pillow tight. So, Seth Rollins, will you marry me?" He asks, making me smile brightly.

"Yes, of course. I'll marry you." I nod as more tears run down my face.

He smiles and puts the ring on my finger before standing up. Wanting to express my happiness, I cup his face and pull him into a passionate kiss, curling my fingers into his messy hair. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, sweetheart." He whispers and returns the kiss more passionately than me. We pull away to catch our breath and lean against each other, staring into one another's eyes before a smile curl on our lips.

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