Chapter 15

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Dean POV:

Out of every possibility of how our relationship will go lately, I have decided to take Seth out and give him all the happiness of this world in one day. I know he won't fall for it, but I'm sure he will enjoy it at least. Watching him with a smile all over his face brings a unique pleasure to my heart.

I stop the car in front of his house and blare the car horn to get his attention. I smile and lean back against the seat when he waves a hand at me through his window before getting ready. Well! As a wonderful boyfriend, I have to give him some time to get dressed, at least because he doesn't know about my arrival, anyway.

I drum the dashboard, quite interested while waiting for him. I turn to look to my right when I feel someone's presence beside me. It's not someone; it's his cousin. "Hey, Renee. What are you doing here?" I flash a smile at the blonde, who blushes in return.

"I should be the one to ask this question to you. What are you doing here in front of my house, anyway?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

My eyebrows pull together in confusion, not piecing together. When it hits me, I grin at the girl. "Well, I'm waiting for my sweetheart in front of his house, wanting to hang out with him."

"Hmm... Do you have any vacancy for me?" She asks, and I don't miss the innuendo hinting in her voice.

"No, not at all," I say, not even acknowledging her previous comment. I turn around when I feel the warmth of Seth's presence around me. I wave a hand at him before turning to look at her. "Just get out. We have to hang out without any intruders between us." She gives me a small smile and nods her head finally. 

When she gets out, he smiles at her and gets in the car in a quick motion. "Where are we going?" He asks, putting his seatbelt on and glancing at me.

"You'll see." With that, I start the car and take off for my intended destination. After a bit of driving and a bit of battling traffic, I shut the car off outside the theater. "Here we are," I say and get out.

He follows suit and joins my side. "The movies?" He asks, a bit surprised.

I shrug, "Yeah." I get out of the car and run to his side, offering a hand to him. When he takes my hand and slips out of the car, I place a loving kiss on his lips. 

He smiles and leans against my side, wrapping his hand around my back. "I love that we're sharing stuff like this. Making me feel closer to you." I grin and lightly kiss his forehead. 

Once we decide on a movie, splurging on the concession stand works and finding our seats. We enjoy the movie wrap-up with each other. The reclining, cushioned seats allow us to better snuggle, the armrest in the middle coming up and allowing us to get even closer. Though tempting, we both refrain from being a stereotypical couple at the theater and actually watch the movie instead of making out.

We emerge from the building into the bright, chilly afternoon air. "What's next?" He asks as we settle into the car once again.

The dashboard clock read 3.30. "Perfect. Now, we get lunch. And there is one more lovely couple who will join us." I drive off and wink at him. We arrive at the restaurant in no time, and that is also my plan to have a double date with my cousin. 

We pull the car into a parking lot and are ready to enjoy our moment. When we meet back up with the other two, we all make our way inside. We have escorted to a table, and Baron and his girlfriend are on one side, leaving us to sit opposite them. 

Seth nods politely to Alexa, who at that time decides to get his attention. He smiles warmly at her, who returns it. It starts well enough with her asking him questions about our love life is going. He responds enthusiastically soon as they are having a deep conversation while the waitress gets our orders.

I'm half-listening to their conversation because I'm too preoccupied with my cousin. "So Dean, when you plan to propose to him?" It comes from her, making me snatch my attention from him to Seth, who is apparently staring at me.

"Now also, I'm ready if he wants to." I wink at him in front of them and press a kiss on his cheek. "What, sweetheart? Are you ready now?"

The annoyed look he shoots at making me chuckle. "Shut up." He tries not to smile but can't help it. He is just cute.

Wanting to entertain the moment a little longer, I frown and throw my hands in the air. "To be honest, Seth is getting scared of me sometimes, like I'm a monster or something, then how can I think about the next step, huh? What if he freaks out just imagining the ring as handcuffs or something when I kneel in front of him?"

He can't believe what I have just said. When they aren't looking, he hits me under the table. It doesn't seem to affect me, however. Because all I do is chuckle and shoot him a wink. 

Everything goes pretty well as I have imagined, so I'm glad for all of it. When we have our fill, it is about 4.30, and we all are ready to fall into a food coma. It's one of the best moments in my life because we have a touchy feeling with one another and are comfortable with everything.

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