Chapter 42

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Dean POV:

After spending some time with my friends and gaining some information about Dolph, I return to my home and find a small package lying at the door. What's inside of this? Who threw this at my door? I take the parcel in confusion and glance over, recognizing it has no address to refer to.

I bite my lip nervously and get inside the house, still gluing my eyes to the package. There is something about this, and I can feel it in my nerves. Taking a deep breath, I sit on the couch and tear the package open, finding a small box inside with a letter. I place the box aside and open the letter first, taking a peek and reading it.

"I told you already not to search for me, but you didn't hear any of my words, and it hurt me. Please, Dean... I beg you, please, try to forget me. I'm not worth it for you and your love. I'm a twink who's still ruining your life even if I go away. I can't fulfill my duties as a good husband because of my insecurities, even if I return to you. So please try to move on just like me. It's what is good for both of our lives. If you love me wholeheartedly, please marry someone and live a glorious life. A little request, don't even dream to name your kid as mine because I don't want any of my part in your life. I don't deserve to hold you anymore, so I return you a gift which is for your new life partner!" - Seth

Curiously, I grab the box and open it, revealing a ring that I have put on Seth's finger on the day of our wedding. I stare at the ring with tears in my eyes and hold it in my hand, clenching it tightly and recalling how happy he's when I have put this ring on his finger.

I knew he wouldn't forget our best moment and throw this ring, like nothing. It's all that kidnapper's mind games! Maybe I don't know who has kidnapped him, but I know one thing, if I find who has taken him away from me, I'll make their life a living hell.

I slip the ring and letter in my pocket with a heavy growl and rush toward the detective's office while informing Baron. When I reach there within ten minutes, I lean against my car and rub my pocket, which has held my sweetheart's wedding ring, until my cousin approaches me and encourages me to see what's next.

Taking a deep breath, I get inside and hand the letter to Tyler, explaining what has happened earlier today. While he's going to test the letter, I chat with Fandango about further details. "Do we reach the kidnapper already?"

"Yeah, almost." He says, rolling on his chair and placing his hands on the desk. "We found something!" He tries to say something, playing with his fingers.

My gaze beams at him in surprise and hopes it's the last step that I have to cross already. "What?"

"We investigated Dolph's neighbors for some evidence and found a woman with blonde hair visited his house a day before your Seth got kidnapped." He reveals and checks over some papers on the desk before getting a photo and handing it to me. "Last night, Dolph went to his house at midnight. And that had caught on the camera which we had fixed on his house."

I glare at his image on the paper and clench it tightly, imagining it like him. As I'm doing so, Tyler returns to the room and sits on the chair, describing the letter. "You're right, Ambrose. This handwritten also matched with the previous one."

I grit my teeth and try to calm my nerves, but I can't, so I close my eyes and hold my head in one hand, taking everything in my mind. "Dean, don't worry. Everything gonna is all right. Go home and take some rest. I'll take care of this." Baron places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently, trying to comfort me.

I nod and leave the office without saying a word because many things are collapsing in my mind. As I drive the car to my house, I think about what Fandango has said earlier and probe to make a point.

Blonde-haired woman...

The person who has kidnapped my sweetheart is related to me and loves me. Now I have another clue that she has blonde hair. Whom might it be? With heavy confusion, I stop the car in front of my house and find its opening. I'm sure I haven't unlocked the door while going outside.

I step out of the car furiously and make my way inside, finding that Renee is cooking in the kitchen. I don't know what she is doing here. Wait... How could she enter my house? I take a step forward but stop when my eyes settle on her hair. Still confusing, I walk backward without disturbing her and trying to visualize something.

The detectives' words are roaming in my mind and trying to bring some sense. Finally, my mind took me back to Seth's phone that I had found in her room. Is she the one that I'm chasing now?

Wanting to clarify my doubt, I walk over to the table and open the drawer, getting cue cards from it. While planning on something, I sit on the couch and mutter to myself under my breath, anxiously flipping through the cue cards, so engrossed in my extremely critical task that I don't notice Renee until she's right behind me.

"When did you arrive home? I don't realize that you're here." She says, probably embarrassing and letting out a high-pitched shriek of surprise. It makes all my precious cue cards almost fly from my flailing hands, but I barely manage to hold on to them.

I turn to stare at her and give her a small smile. "It's okay. Hmm.. how did you get inside while I was locked in the house?"

"I knew where you hid the spare key." She smiles, her face flushed. "And sorry for invading your house without permission." She says hollowly, feeling mortified deeply.

"No problem. You have a right to." I say, grinning as I quickly piece it together, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes.

"Yeah.." She reaches out to grab my stack of cards, and I automatically yank them away, holding them close to my chest protectively. "Oh, seriously?" She smirks and throws herself over at me, trying to play with me.

I growl and push her away from me a little harshly, not realizing what I have done now. Trying to cover the situation, I hold my stomach and give her a pleasing look. "Ahh! I'm starving."

She glances at me lovingly, crossing her arms over her chest and winking at me. "I know you are. Just wait. I'll be back." She says, turning back to go to the kitchen. As she's going away, my eyes glue to her hair and think about all the evidence I have got.

My hands are sweating profusely right onto my cue cards now. The ink is literally starting to bleed. I swallow hard, looking down at the smudged words on my cards. And maybe it's not about what's written on these dumb note cards, not about the most impeccably arranged and roughly sounding sentences my brain can conjure, but what's written inside the chambers of my heart.

I look up, and my lips quirk a little into a slight smile. "Okay. I think I know what I'm gonna do."

When she returns to me, I frown and lie on the couch, pretending that I'm falling for her because of Seth's absence. If my guess is correct, she is a culprit, and I know how to reveal this entire mind game. I place my hand on my chest's pocket, which is holding Seth's ring, and promise to it that I will return the ring to its owner.

"You told me that you were hungry, but you didn't arrive at the dining table." She says, quirking an eyebrow at me. "Do you only eat the food that Seth is cooking?"

"Nah.. I'll eat anything if anyone feeds me. And that maybe you as well!" I wink at her, eyes warm and fond. If it's really my last chance, I'm gonna make sure that I don't regret anything.

"I got it." She smiles, going back to the kitchen and returning with food. Her face lit the entire room as she feeds me, believing that I give her a chance in my life. And I can see it in her eyes.

After eating the food, I nod at her and watch her leave the room without saying anything. I glare at her in absolute disgust, knowing that I'm going on the right track. "If I catch you with evidence, I will smash your head." I drop my hands, gripping my cards so tightly that I'm practically crushing them.

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