Chapter 49

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Two weeks later...

Dean POV:

Baron and I have been running around the house like crazy, making sure everything is perfect. Our parents glance at us curiously and smile to themselves, knowing well about what we are doing. Since Seth's injury, they would spend most of the time in my house and comfort me in all ways.

Anyway, today is the day he will leave the hospital, so I let him stay with his mom and arrange everything because I only know what my sweetheart likes. Since it will be his first day out of the hospital, I have allowed my mom to cook, and she has promised that she'll make healthy and delicious food.

Roman has taken the car keys and borrowed my car to pick up his brother while I'm cleaning and preparing my bedroom for Seth with Baron. We put new sheets on the bed, opening the window for fresh air, and cleaning the floor from my dirty clothes.

After that, we help to set the table and finish cooking lunch with my mom. Now they are waiting for Seth and his family while I'm standing in front of the mirror. "Hey Baron, come here real quick." I bite my lip nervously as he enters the room.

He isn't as nervous as I am, but he is excited for me. "What's up?" He asks as he walks over to me."What shirt should I wear? The blue one or the red one?" I ask expectantly, but he raises his eyebrows and gives me a weird look.

"Dean, Seth is your husband already. No need to impress him with all this. So wear whatever you want." He says casually, without understanding what I'm talking about.

I shake my head, "Nah, I want to look fantastic for my sweetheart when he returns home after a long time."

He chuckles but finally grabs the darkish blue one. "Put this one on, then. It looked a lot better on you than the red one when you wore it the last time."

"Thanks," I murmur, glancing at the shirt and making sure that he's right.

Fifteen minutes later, I make my way back downstairs along with him. I wore black jeans and a blue button-down. The sleeves I'd pushed up to my elbows, and I even slicked back my hair and shaved, which revealed my handsome face.

"Oh Dean, you look adorable." My mom smiles at me.

"Thanks, mom." I blush and wave it off. I'm about to say some more, but the bell rings, and I sprint toward the door, pulling it open with a big smile on my face.

Before Seth or his family can enter the house, I step outside and pull my sweetheart in my arms. I try being careful so I will never hurt the two-toned man, but I'm so eager to have him finally back with me, I can barely hold back. "Finally," I whisper as I press a kiss to his temple.

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me into a tight hug. I flinch away just a little because I'm scared of hurting him some more, but he pulls me closer and leans his head to my neck so he can smile right in my face. "It's fine. Nothing hurts anymore."

I smile and lean down, pressing our lips together. I don't seem to mind that I kiss Seth in front of our family. It is the best feeling, having him back here with me, kissing him, and holding him in my arms. I feel more than happy in this moment and remain pressing our mouths together just a little longer until I hear Baron groan in my back. "Come on, guys, keep it in the bedroom."

With a light blush on his cheeks, Seth pulls back, and I chuckle lightly. "Asshole," I murmur as I pass my cousin, slapping on his shoulder.

My mom greets her son-in-law and hugs him before letting him go and taking a shower. As he's disappearing into our bedroom, I follow behind him and help him pick up something to wear, clarifying that he can take care of himself.

While he's getting a shower, I run downstairs and chat with Roman, asking what the doctor has told about him. A few minutes later, I can't help, so I get up and escape to my room.

As I open the door, I see Seth standing in front of the mirror and putting a shirt on. I lean against the doorway and cross my arms over my chest, admiring his beauty. There's nothing in the world compare to his beauty! I stay stunned, watching him stand with his tight black jeans and a hot white shirt. His hair is open this time, lying upon his shoulders. It looks soft, and I wish to touch it.

It takes me a while to find my normal breathing rhythm again. "You look great," I mumble and walk over to Seth, placing my hands on his hips to pull him closer and leaning down to press my lips on him.

For a while, we embrace each other's arms, kissing and touching a little. But in the end, Seth breaks the kiss and smiles up at me. "Everyone is waiting for us downstairs."

"Yeah." I have a soft smile on my face. I lean in for a quick kiss again before we break apart.

Once we reach downstairs, I drag him to the dining table and take a seat at it. "You guys sit down, and I'll do the service," I say and earn a smirk from Baron. I vanish into the kitchen and warm up a pot with soup in it to get a small bowl ready for everyone.

When I return to the dining table, everyone is chatting, and I put down the bowls so they can eat. During the whole lunch, I notice everyone is talking about Seth and expressing their happiness about his return, but he looks a little quiet.

After finishing lunch, they break apart and do their usual thing, letting us alone. Still, Seth is keeping the same quietness and living in a dream world. I place my hand on his and rub his knuckles gently, trying to get his attention. "Are you okay, sweetheart? You seem a little quiet." I observe his reaction and try to understand his mind.

"No, I'm good." He replies, getting up from the chair.

I reach out to tug the hem of his shirt and pull him back until he settles on my lap. I love to hold him like this, but it's not a point now. I can feel him shivering in my arms, clearly getting disturbed about something.

"Dean, I need some rest." He lies without making eye contact with me.

"I know something's on your mind. What is it?" I ask, resting my head on his back and wrapping my arms around his waist. I squeeze into a warm hug while he breathes in. "Just tell me."

"When Renee stabbed me with a knife, I remembered our happy moments and thought that was my last breath. You knew how it would be. I didn't think I had a happy life again.." He says, turning around to look at me in the eyes. "When we had lunch with all our family, I couldn't control the feelings that were bearing me. The love they had shown to me was incredible. I-" The words stop in his throat when I press my lips on his.

It's becoming my little way of telling him not to be tensed or emotional. I lean my head against his forehead and stare into his eyes, making him remember that I'm with him. I will always remind him that he's never alone.

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