Chapter 47

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Dean POV:

A small smile grows on my face when I exit my room early morning and step down the stairs to find Baron serving breakfast for my mother-in-law. My theory of not sleeping was true. The most I had done was doze rather than properly sleep, but seeing my love's mom felt so comfortable.

"Oh, good morning, Dean," He greets when he notices me standing on the stairs. "Want anything?"

"Nah," I whisper, running my fingers through my hair and making it messy.

He's a little surprised at my decline in food, so he glances at me curiously. "I'm guessing that you haven't slept very well."

"Yeah. We're heading over to the hospital again soon." I mutter, looking over at Roman when I feel his gaze on me.

"Hmm.. when do you think the detectives will be there to question us?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee slowly.

"I can imagine this afternoon or something. They might try and wait as long as possible, so they have a chance of Seth being conscious when they come. It makes sense for them to want to question him, too." I answer, and he agrees with my words. Hearing the truth from Seth would be more believable than hearing it from us, and I doubted he would tell the absolute truth about his cousin. That is if he actually wakes up.

A pang of guilt and sorrow goes through me at the thought of him never waking up, but I try to shift that thought away when Roman approaches me and places his hand on my shoulder, shaking gently. "Dean, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out for a bit, that's all." I give him a small smile and rub the back of my neck, trying to cover everything.

He nods in understanding and turns to Baron, asking him. "Shall we go?" After receiving a yes from both of us, he picks up the car keys from the coffee table and heads out of the house with us.

The journey to the hospital is silent, as we have lost in each of our thoughts. I knew if Seth had passed away overnight, we would have been informed that by the hospital. But I was still assuming, if that had happened, I would have gone to arrive at the hospital only to be told the heartbreaking news. I'm filled with completely unexpected joy, however, when we visit to find quite the opposite.

Though he's clearly weak and his eyes are only just about to open, he is still awake. I feel my heart beat faster when I see him slowly turn his head at his visitors. "D-Dean.." He smiles softly when he sees me standing in the doorway. His eyes move to look at the others standing behind me. "Roman... Baron!"

With an appreciative smile, we rush over to the bed and whisper in unison. "We're so glad to see you're awake, Seth." Instead of smiling, he flinches a little at our sudden approach, so Roman and Baron nod at me before leaving the room and taking care of other reports.

I walk over to the chair and sit beside him, staring into his eyes, which are boring through me. "Hey." My voice is shaky and rough as I feel the guilty overwhelm me again. "How are you feeling?" I ask softly.

In his bed, he wiggles to the side a little and motions for me to sit as he looks at me through his big, brown eyes. "Hey, Dean." He answers. His voice sounds rough itself as if he has been crying. It is just now that I notice the redness of his eyes too, as they start filling with tears.

"Hey, sweetheart, hey." Immediately, I sit down and hold his face in my hands as I wipe the tears away that are starting to run down his cheeks. "Seth, don't cry. Please. I'm sorry. So so sorry. It is all my fault."

"No, Dean. It's.." Before he can finish, I cut him off with a kiss. "It's not okay, Seth. I feel guilty. It's all happened because of me. I'm sorry." Carefully, I lean down and press soft kisses on his cheeks, which are still wet from the tears. "I'm sorry, Seth," I mumble in between the kisses. "I was scared of losing you." Still, I'm leaning down as I press our foreheads together carefully now and close my own eyes.

"I know." His voice is shaky, but he has thrown his arms around me and made sure that I don't stop touching him because he gets comfort from being close to me.

I take a deep breath as I look at him, trying to soothe the situation. "Did you know how much I missed you?" I ask, holding his hand in mine and making eye contact with him. "I missed every day seeing your pretty face. I missed every morning to see you woke up beside me. I missed the smell of the food that you had prepared for me. I missed the warmth of our love. I missed your sweet talk and tender touch. Totally I was missing everything about you."

He takes his time to admire me, but at least he has stopped crying. Instead, he is just holding onto my hand and looking at my sad face. "Dean, come here.." He gestures for me to lean down again so he can hug me and press a kiss on my temple. "I love you."

"Sorry, sweetheart. I had never thought you would get hurt because of me. I didn't expect any of this. When Renee attacked you, it felt like my entire world had just stopped. I thought I was going to lose you, and the fear I felt from that was incredible." The words that leave my mouth are accurate because I'm still feeling guilty for what has happened.

"You never thought any of that to happen. I don't blame you, so you also don't have to blame yourself." While he's speaking, I hide my face in the younger man's neck and wrap my arms around his waist.

He flinches and holds my shirt tighter, making me raise my head just enough to look him in the eyes. "Sorry. My stomach hurts a little because of the kick they have given to me." The look in my eyes changes because I'm not satisfied with his words. "Hey, stop looking at me like that. I'll be fine." He says, giving me a small smile.

I don't want him to worry about me anymore, so I try to lighten up his mood, even though I'm still feeling guilty. Forcing myself, I bring a small smile to my face and try to cheer him up.

"See.." He starts again, encouraging me gently. "I like this smile of yours so much more than that concerning look. Now tell me something... Is everyone okay? I don't want them to worry about me." He pouts, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently.

Now a pure smile curls on my lips because he is still concerned for our family even though he's in hospital. I nod and look at his concerning eyes, pressing a small kiss on them. "I like this character of yours, always caring about others. When did you learn to take care of yourself?"

"You're here to take care of me, then why do I need to care?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I grin and lean down to press my lips on him again. "I want to tell you something so badly, sweetheart." I pinch his cheek and draw small circles on it.

Despite his face still being pale from the damage on his body, a blush still manages to form on his cheeks, and I can't help but smirk. "What is it?" He asks impatiently.

"Even with a knife wound in your stomach, you still manage to be so fucking adorable." I grab his hand and kiss at the back of it before rubbing it gently.

His blush deepens, and he looks down on the bedsheets, a smile on his face. His eyes look up when my hands cup his cheeks, and he starts to breathe a little heavier when he looks into my icy blue eyes.

It is such a pretty sight that I can't resist moving my hand under his chin to lift his face and lean in for another kiss. He doesn't hesitate to return the kiss this time and slide down the bed a little to move his stomach away from me, resulting in me hovering over him. I jump and pull away for a moment when I hear a familiar voice calling me.


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