Chapter 5

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One week later...

Seth POV:

I didn't want to go to the office because, since last week, Dean was always there before me and disturbed me. He has told me that he loves me and wants me to love him back. How could a love bloom at first sight? Never! It's just a trap that I don't want to fall into.

I groan and scrub my face with a hand, thinking about those worst last week. Whenever I went to my desk to do some work, Dean had shown up with some random flowers or surprise gifts in his hands. I didn't know what to do about it. No one had ever given me flowers or gifts before, and it was all new to me.

I was getting sick when my coworkers started to ask me whether he was my boyfriend. I tried to talk about this to Renee, hoping she would make him stay away from me, but I didn't know how to approach her. What if she thought I was complaining about her friend to her?

I don't know what to do, and I don't want any feelings for him because I don't want my life to turn like my mom's. When I was a kid, my dad left us and married another woman because he thought my mom was ugly for giving birth to two kids. But mom didn't give up on us, just like him. She worked hard and faced many difficulties to grow us at this stage.

If I allow someone to enter my life, they will also shatter my heart into a million pieces like my dad has done to my mom, and I never be able to put myself back together. I don't want that horrible life for me. I don't want anyone to hold me in their arms until they have another path to ride on.

Roman POV:

I feel my brother is hiding something from me. I noticed last night that he didn't eat much again. And now he is simply sitting on the couch and thinking about something instead of going to the office. Usually, he wouldn't accept taking a day off even if I forced him.

I didn't see him like this before. I'm sure something is bothering him, and I need to know about it. "Seth, is there any problem in your office?" I ask, taking a seat beside him on the couch. I try to make eye contact with him, but he doesn't let me see it.

"Hmm.. no." He says and looks away from me. His body shivers a little, even if the room contains a warm temperature. Did anyone scare him in his work? 

Maybe. The nervousness in the younger man's body proved that it could be. I gently pull his face toward me and make him look at me in the eyes. "Listen to me, bud. You know you can share anything with me."

"..Dean," He whispers and chews his lip nervously. 

"Who is Dean?" I ask curiously because I haven't heard any guy's name from his mouth. I get a little surprised when I hear that and look at him, slightly interested. Seeing him play with his fingers brings a small smile to my face.

"I bumped into him the other day. He started talking to me and always disturbing me at work. I don't know what to do." He lets out a soft sigh. "He has confessed to me that he loves me since the moment we have met."

I grab his hand and rub his knuckles softly. "Well, bud, it's good. Don't worry about it. I think you have to give him a chance to prove himself."

"No, what if he also does the same thing as our dad!" He looks at me with scared eyes and pulls his hand away from me. He tries to leave, not wanting to continue this topic, but I don't let him.

"Seth, buddy, all guys are not like that. I know the thought of being around or even trusting other guys is hard, but one day, you have to meet the right person you've meant to be with." I wrap my arms around him and try to give him some comfort. 

"What if I don't want to get married? It's not a-" He argues, and I cut him off, "It's different for everyone, but Seth, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world. It's hard to explain, but you will know when you find the right person, or in your case, the guy." I look into his eyes again to know whether he takes my words or not.

"Promise me! You're gonna try to give him a chance. I'll be right there for you if you need me. Try to talk to him and make a friendship with him, buddy. I'm telling you, things will get a lot easier when you have a friend other than your zone." I hold my hand out and hope he will try to talk to him at least.

"I promise, I'll try." He mumbles and places his hand on mine, "For real this time." When he provides a slight smile, I pull him against my chest and press a small kiss on his forehead. If this Dean guy lit a candle in my brother's life, I would be thrilled. After that, no one becomes the happiest person than me.

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