Chapter 38

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Seth POV:

I let the tears flow more until the blindfold around my eyes soaking with wet. I don't know where I am. I don't know who has kidnapped me, and I also don't know for what reason that I'm suffering now. But I'm sure about one thing, that my husband is searching for me everywhere.

I want to go to him, but I have tied up next to the wall with a chain, shackles on my wrists and ankles. I don't know what to do, so I scream and cry, begging for him to save me, but it hasn't happened yet.

I turn my head slightly along with the footsteps that I'm listening to now walking toward me. I can't help it, so I start crying again. Tears start flowing down my face as my cheeks turn red from fear. I grip the shackles tight, and the sweat causing my hands to become sticky.

I jump slightly when I feel a hand placing on my shoulder and squeezing it. The other hand yanking the blindfold off my eyes, and I blink several times to get used to the light.

"My poor baby!" The voice belongs to the man says in a teasing tone. Whom might it be?

I adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness and stare at him, shockingly. My heart thumps in my chest heavily, making it hard to breathe. I feel nauseous, but I shake my head and try to stay strong. "D-Dolph!" The words muffle into the cloth that sticks to my mouth.

"Yeah. Dolph!" He smiles and takes the gag out of my mouth, putting it down. His hand reaches out to wipe my tears, but I look away.

With my eyes puffy and nose running slightly, I turn my head slowly and raise an eyebrow at him in shock before letting out a gasp. "Why are you kidnapping me? Let me go! I did nothing to you. Let me go, Dolph! I want to see Dean! He's searching for me everywhere! I want to go to him!" I'm crying more as I'm talking to him about my love.

"How could you forget everything easily?" He grabs me by my shoulders forcefully and stares into my eyes. "Well, there's a chance. Because the hurt one was I here, not you! You know what? Dean and I were close friends since we were 12, but he beat me up mercilessly for you in front of fuckers."

His grip on me is tighter as he yells at my face, "Did you know how many times I begged him to forgive me? But he didn't let me even talk to him because of you.."

I squirm in his grip because it hurts me. "What do you do if someone talks to your lover like you've done that day?" I spit at his face and try to take his hand off of me, but I can't.

With a smirk on his face, he slaps me hard and pulls my hair a little harsher. "Yeah. I knew, bitch, what I said was wrong. But do you know what a wrong person will do if he loses his control?" He leans in closer to me, so close that I can feel the warmth of his breath.

My heart is beating hard and continuing to call my husband to save me from this nightmare. As I notice a completely distinct look in his eyes, I look around in fear and lift my leg to kick him in the balls.

"Ouch!" He screams and slaps me even harder, letting my vision go blurry.

A few minutes later, he laughs and throws his arms in the air. "Can you guess where you're, baby?" He asks, sitting on the bicycle in a far-right corner, which I have known from somewhere. It's... It was my bicycle, which I'd used when I was a kid. Does it mean I'm.. in my house basement?! He lifts my face and smirks, "So tell me, Seth... Where are you?"

I look at him with wide eyes and slur silently, "How could you take me to the basement of my house?"

He walks over to me again and swirls his finger in my hair, playing with it. He leans closer to me this time and whispers in my ear, "I'll tell you everything if you let me taste you."

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