Chapter 55

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Seth POV:

All the waiting, stolen glances, and the heated looks and foreplay culminate to one climax that Dean is certainly short circuits my brain. At first, it's a drumming beat and then a heavier wave, crashing into me hard enough to make tears spill out of my eyes.

I can't believe that this has happened finally. I vaguely recognize Dean's panting and swearing in my ear, and I clutch him tighter to me, never wanting him to let go of me. My heart swells, and more tears leak out of my eyes, and I feel so fucking stupid, but at the same time, so fucking right.

Finally, when my breathing gets a little less harsh, I'm not squeezing him to be quite so hard. I sag, a mixture of relief and exhaustion washing over me in equal measure.

When he pulls away from me, I look into his eyes just as he stares at me, and there's such potent emotion in those bright blue eyes. "Thank you." He idly runs his hands up and down my back, not moving much other than this. "This is the best birthday gift I ever have in my life."

Little tufts of his hair are sticking straight up, and I smile, running a hand over his messy locks and smoothing them down. I stare into Dean's eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

He pulls me away from him and looks at me with concern. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I lean forward without any thought and kiss him right in the center of his forehead. "It's amazing," I say, finally breaking the silence of our afterglow.

He huffs out a chuckle, his hands resting on my hips. "Wanna do it again?" He asks, his voice gruff and almost rocky.

He smiles and glances at me, giving me a peck on the lips. "Mmm, next time. Now I'm tired." He says, reaching to brush his sweaty hair off his face. "Shall we sleep now?"

"Yeah" With a quick movement, he pats my cheek and swings his legs around, standing up from the bed. He turns and leans over to kiss me quickly on the top of my head. "Be right back," He promises, trailing into the bathroom immediately.

While he's gone, I move enough, so I'm sitting correctly at the head of the bed and run my hands over my face, sighing deeply into them and trying to bring myself back to the present. I feel sticky and sweaty, so I whine slightly.

While I'm contemplating another shower, he returns from the bathroom, a wet washcloth in his hand. Without words, he approaches the bed and crawls onto it, reaching over and wiping me off.

"I can do it," I protest weakly, even though I can feel the soreness in my body already.

"Least I can do," He grunts and helps me. Once he has done, he tosses the towel away without a care and lays back on the bed, his hands resting behind his head as he heaves a great sigh, his eyes slipping closed.

I stare at him for a few moments until he reaches suddenly, his hand landing on my neck. "Come here," He murmurs, one eye wide opening as he pulls me down to him, kissing me on my forehead before pulling me down to his chest.

I go smoothly, allowing myself to arrange against his body. We stay here for a few minutes, and I feel myself relax the longer that I lay here. Then he gently places a hand on my head and starts petting, running his fingers through my hair.

I sigh, snuggling up further into his chest, my eyes slipping closed. A thought, unbidden, runs through my mind just as I fall into sleep. Just as I've promised, I give myself to him as a gift for his birthday!

Dean POV:

I wake up with a satisfied smile on my face the following morning and expect to roll over, wanting to see Seth lying next to me, especially after last night's rigorous activities. "Good morning, sweet-" I begin to say until I look at the bed is empty.

I let out a small sigh and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, pulling the sweatpants on. The lovely smell of fresh coffee and waffles floats into the room. I crack a smile as I walk over to the door. "Making breakfast. What a sweetheart!"

With a bright smile spread across my face, I walk down the stairs and make my way to the kitchen. As I peer around the corner, he is removing the newest batch from the waffle maker. I walk over to him while he pours in more waffle mix.

As he closes the waffle maker, I wrap my muscular arms around the younger man's waist. "Hey," He says with a chuckle.

I lean down and kiss his shoulder, letting my hands roam over his chest. "Last night, Seth... Mmm, do you know how perfect you are?" I say groggily into his deep, tan skin.

"Yes, I know. You only told me every 2 minutes last night." He says as he turns around, still in my embrace.

"It's because you are. You make me the happiest person on this planet." I lean down and place a light kiss on his nose.

He brings his hands up to my cheeks and kisses me deeply, then running his hands up through my hair. The smell of burning waffles breaks us apart. "Ah, shit!" He says as he turns around to find four perfect but burned waffles. "Goddamn it." He mumbles under his breath as he throws out the singed breakfast.

I run my hand up and down his back, nuzzling into his hair. "It's okay, Seth. You've got an entire pile of them done, anyway."

I peck his cheek and grab a plate. I start piling waffles on my plate, drowning them with syrup, and sitting on our kitchen island. I pick up my knife and fork, digging in immediately. With my mouth full, I look up and say, "These are really good, Seth."

I rub my foot up his calf and nod as he smiles shyly at me. "Thanks, Dean."

With my plate clear quickly, I get up and run my fingers through the blond patch in his hair. "You do a damn good job. Thank you for making breakfast." I smile back as I put my dishes in the sink and grab two mugs out of the cabinet.

"It's the least that I can do for you." He says as he gets up and places his dishes in the sink as well.

I pour a mug of coffee for him how he likes it, black. "Thanks." He says as he takes his cup, kissing me on the cheek and walking over to the backdoor of our home.

I stroll over to stand next to him and take a sip of my coffee. "I love this type of weather. So peaceful and fun.."

"Yeah, it is nice, isn't it?" He leans his head into my shoulder and sighs happily.

"I never know I can be this happy... Ever.." I think to myself while enjoying the silence between us. This silence is something that we treasure always. A sort of peace between the both of us. We stay here, hand in hand, his head on my chest, and listen to my heartbeat. The only audible sound right now is our breathing and the occasional sip of coffee.

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