Chapter 45

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Dean POV:

My mind surges to its boiling point when I see Dolph trying to take advantage of Seth. I growl and clench my fist, throwing it up at his face. The crack echoes the basement, and he places his hand on his nose, leaning forward onto his knees. "You son of a bitch! I don't let you live in this world anymore.." I growl down at him before raising a fist.

He turns away and begins to raise an arm in defense, but I manage to throw a punch before he can. I punch his face aggressively, and he splutters on blood and coughs it up onto the floor. I growl and kick his stomach repeatedly. "How dare you to touch my Seth?"

"Dean! Leave him conscious. Go take care of Seth!" Baron pulls me away from him, wanting to control me. With a heavy growl, I kick his bloody and swollen mouth one more time before approaching my sweetheart.

"Seth!" I shake him gently, but he doesn't look up as I drop next to him, heavily, all at once. Seeing his unconscious state making me growl again because it's all happened because of me.

I pull him into my arms, but the chains tied up in him don't let me, so I look around for help and nod at Tyler. "Please, get my sweetheart out of this chain." I request him with my eyes still on Seth.

Once he gets free, I slip out of my jacket and wrap it around his ripped shirt wordlessly. As I'm doing so, I notice a tender skin on his back is probably getting scraped raw from the rough concrete wall behind him.

A tear well up in my eyes as I stare at him and all his features, taking them in. It seems like it's the first time that I've ever seen him. I take in every scrape and bruise; the small scar above his eyebrow is long, and the tiny cut on his cheek probably has gotten a little earlier.

I look up at Roman when he kneels in front of us with a bottle of water in his hand. He nods at me and sprays the water on his brother's face, hoping he will be all right. As he's approaching him, Fandango calls him for some help, so he nods at me and leaves his little brother without having a heart.

Seth blinks his eyes for a few moments as he gets back to consciousness. Tears flow down his cheeks as his eyes settle on me. "Dean!" He whimpers, leaning forward and throwing himself at me. "R-Renee imprisoned me here.."

"I know, sweetheart." I soothe his back and pull him away from me, looking into his eyes. "I'm here now. No one will hurt you ever again." I quickly wipe the tears away, shushing him as he sobs. I'm kissing the side of his neck and squeezing his arms. "It's okay," I whisper and lay my hand on his cheek. "It's gonna be okay."

At one moment, he can't breathe. He is too overwhelmed with emotions that are held on him, causing comfort and anxiety. "S-She left me with Dolph. If you were not on the right time, I would-" The words stop in his throat when I cover his mouth with my hand and shake my head.

My lips brush his ear, and I say in a soft voice, "Breath with me, come on, you can do it." My breathing becomes shallow and deep, attempting to get him to match with me. "You can do it, Seth. Come on. Breath of with me." I repeat before he picks up a small catch of breath, just enough to help me get a deep, shallow gasp.

"Good, good, keep going." I encourage and keep taking those long breaths. He's finally matching me, but the tears are not stopping, still coming down at a steady pace. But at least the breathing is okay.

A few minutes later, I take him toward our car, forgetting totally about Renee. As we're moving, she pushes me away unexpectedly and holds a struggling Seth against my car, using her spare hand to pull out a gun.

"I don't allow anyone to live with Dean other than me." She hisses. "There is no use struggling because you know that I'm stronger than you, and I have this. Don't even think that-" She gasps when the gun has shot out of her hand. And she glares at Fandango, who is pointing his gun at her.

"Get away from him." He demands at her, knowing well how to treat the criminals.

"I can admit defeat to this." She sighs and raises both of her hands in the air. "But I won't admit it without doing it on my way." Before we can react, she has swiftly taken a knife out of her jacket, pulling Seth in front of her and plunging the knife straight through him, just under his chest.

"Seth!" I scream, rushing over to him. She doesn't even bother trying to dodge the bullet which is planted in her chest. He's on the floor, blood pouring out of his body at an alarming rate. I fall to the ground beside him and pull him closer to me. "Baron, help! Come on, Seth, it'll be all right.."

His eyes blink up at me slowly, and he opens his mouth as though he's going to speak, but no words come out. "You're going to be all right, Seth." I turn my head around when I hear footsteps behind me.

"We have to take him to the hospital. We have to," Roman says as he places his hand on Seth's waist to prevent the blood that is coming out.

I nod and brush Seth's hair back from his sweaty forehead, trying to comfort him. I pick him up in my arms while his brother unlocks the car and motions us to get inside. "I'm sorry, Seth. I'm extremely sorry.." I whisper, placing him down onto the backseat and sitting down beside him.

His head has moved onto my lap, and he barely manages to keep his eyes open to look up into mine. "D-Dean!"

"You'll be okay." I keep stroking his hair gently.

"D-Dean... I-I.." He whimpers, breathing heavily. "I-I don't.. think... I w-will.."

"No, don't say that. You will be. You can't give up now." I lift his shirt gently, taking a handkerchief out of my pocket and pressing it as softly as I can against the wound, whispering sweet words whenever he flinches. I have to try and stop the bleeding as much as possible because the drive to the hospital is long, far too long for someone who has just got a knife plunge straight into their body.

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