Chapter 24

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Dean POV:

"Get up, asshole." What a way to be awakened. Exceptional. A heavyweight slams down on my body that I'm never used to. Whom might it be? Is it Baron? Nah, there is no chance for that because he's on his honeymoon now.

"The fuck?" I mumble, still half asleep. Slowly my dream fades away, and I have to open my eyes to start fighting the heavy body on top of me.


So today, he has planned to never leave me alone, for God's sake. I'm just trying to take a nap after I have woken up from my actual sleep a little earlier when he must have decided to smash me to death with his own body.

"Get off me." I try to pull free, but since I have slept on my belly, I'm not really in a position to use either my hands or legs to throw off my friend.

Eventually, he rolls off himself, and I can finally breathe again because he isn't exactly light and presses most of the air out of my lungs. I pull the pillow over my head and try to think about the reason for his presence. "Leave me alone," I mutter grumpily, but he has other plans.

He rips the pillow aside and tries to remember me something. "No. You have to get up, or you'll miss the party."

"Don't care about the party," I mumble, lying at my side and staring at the wall.

"What?!" He asks, sitting beside me and ruffling my dirty blond hair. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing has happened to me." I sigh, thinking about Seth for a while before confessing what's itching my mind. "Seth was hiding something from me, and I could see it in his eyes a day before."

He hums in response and elbows his head, trying to thinking something. "Are you sure?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows and having his attention on me.

"Yeah." I nod and manage to roll onto my back finally.

"Hmm... I'm getting to the point straightly because you won't hear if I elaborate, anyway." He says, putting in an extraordinary effort that is quite irritating me. "I heard from you already that Seth was his brother's pet. So he can't hide anything from him even if he tries to you. Just let him enter the chapter and believe him in this!"

"You're right." Without draining the time, I grab my phone from the bedside table and call Roman, informing him about what is going on. I feel relieved when he understands what I'm saying. So I throw the phone on the bed happily once the call has ended.

"Thanks, man." I pat AJ's back and hope everything is all right. I forgive him now, even if he has woken me up from my sleep because he helps me into my necessary thing.

"Well, you don't have anything to worry about now, do you?" He asks, getting up from the bed and crossing his arms over his chest.

My face gets dark for a second, but I remind myself that my friend is just trying to be nice, so I lighten up as well as possible. "So?"

"I thought you could get up now and join the party since we were friends." He's probably right, and his instincts don't tell me that I'm gonna do something incredibly foolish as I finally nod.

With a vast grin on my face, I get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom, wanting to freshen up. It's too fucking early for me to wake up at the weekend, but it's all right. Now I'm good and ready to face this day!

Seth POV:

I sit on the couch and elbow my head while spacing out, thinking about Dean and the unknown number. I still don't discuss the unknown number with anyone because I'm not in my mind sometimes, so I have made mistakes in my work that I'm not sure into, but none of them tries to argue with me even if they are my family or friends.

I sigh and try to ease the position but get startled when Roman snaps his fingers in front of my face, trying hard to get my attention. My heart thumps in my chest fast, so I stroke it gently and force a smile at him.

"Hey, are you here now?" He asks and sits beside me, wanting to have a conversation with me. If he's getting serious, I'm sure he can sense something about me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry Roman, just thinking." I try to convince him, playing with my fingers nervously. I remain quiet as I try to figure out what he's going to tell me.

He grabs my hand and forces it to keep in his palm, rubbing it gently. "Is there any problem between you and Dean?"

My eyes widen when I hear that because I haven't expected this type of question since I have a wonderful life with Dean. "Nah, we are really great. It's another-" The words stop in my throat when I understand what I'm going to spill from Roman already. I wet my lips nervously, scaring to admit about the unknown number.

He lifts my face and looks at me in the eyes. "I can understand that you and Dean are great, but something is bothering you. Just tell me, what's it?"

I get scared and look away, not knowing how to tell him the situation that I'm in. What would happen if I admitted that someone was blackmailing me for the past month? Can he help me with this, or he'll get into a problem because of me?

My thoughts are interrupted when he shoves me away suddenly. "Seth, you're doing it again." He tries to bring me back to reality and guesses what has happened. He lets out a dissatisfied growl and gives me an upset look. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I answer quickly, but then shake my head without realizing because I haven't hidden anything from him before. "I-I have to tell you something."

"What?" He leans over and pushes a strand of hair off my face.

The tear well up in my eyes when I hear a buzzing sound, but it's not mine; it's his. Yeah... Since last month, I got scared of every buzzing sound, thinking I had another threatening message from an unknown number. "Someone is blackmailing to leave Dean," I say, tears strolling down my cheeks.

"What?! Hmm.. calm down." He says and wipes the tears away from my face. "I can't believe what you're saying. Okay, since when?" He asks and holds my hand tightly, giving it a light squeeze.

"Past month.." We stare at each other for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. I don't know what expression his face holds, but I hope I can tell that he isn't angry at me. I take my phone out of my pocket and show the texts to him, which I have got from an unknown number.

He looks over the text for a while and growls, "Why did you not tell me already?"

"I was scared." I squeal, looking down, embarrassed.

He moves closer to me and tries to bring some sense into me. "You should have told me already, Seth. Anyway, did you even share this with Dean?" He asks hopefully.

"No," I mumble and decide to confess the reason before he asks why I haven't told him. "I-I don't want to stress him out." I continue, looking at him, worried.

He chuckles lightly and thinks about something. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it." He says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pressing a kiss on my temple.

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