Chapter 29

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Dean POV:

As we get ready to leave for our house, Renee comes over and helps Seth dress up his wound, making sure he's all right. Whatever she has done, I won't believe her because I don't want to. Why should I?

I narrow my eyes at her now and then, trying to know her intention, but my sweetheart distracts me by informing me that I should take her out and present her with something to bring a smile back on her face. I try to refuse him, but he gives me a pleading look and forces me to hang out with her. I don't know what she has done while I'm not with him, but I'm sure something has happened.

With a fake smile, I get in the car with her and drive it to a nearby shopping mall, hoping no drama will be occurring. I keep my mouth shut the whole time and focus all my attention on the road, not wanting to have a conversation with her.

"I really can't believe that you've married Seth!" She blurts out. She hadn't got into this topic the whole time until now. And I'm not surprised as well because I have expected it already.

"I asked myself if you would pick up this topic ever again. I'm still questioning myself if you're more upset about the fact it's Seth or that I'm married." I'm looking out of the window, not trying to make eye contact with her.

"I think it's the bundle of both. I've never thought about you as a husband, but I think I can manage that thought better if you don't be my cousin's husband. It's a freak show!" She throws her arms in the air and shrugs her shoulders.

"Who are you telling that? I know what a freak show looks like. But we're happy. That's it!" I look over at her but then turn my face away again. "Just be within your limit."

"I really don't understand your obsession with him. He's so.. so.." She shakes her head dramatically. "He's so not me."

Even if I have to concentrate on the road, I shoot Renee a quick look again and glare at her. What did she say? "Why should he be like you?" I ask and can see how she rolls her eyes.

She is chewing on her lower lip and shaking her head slightly. "You wouldn't understand it!"

"I've understood you well than anyone." I annoy a little and turn away, concentrating on the road again. "You've compared yourself with Seth, even if you do not deserve to stand in his shadow, at least. And you're jealous!"

Silence falls for a moment as I pull the car up to the parking lot. "I'm... I'm not jealous!" She answers a second and gets into the shopping mall, wandering around carelessly. Whatever she has told, I know about her well.

Seth POV:

When Dean returns home, I get up from the bed and walk over to him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek. I want to clarify with him what Renee has told, but I don't know how he will react, so I calm down and try to soothe the situation without spilling what's on my mind. "You wanna shower?"

"Yeah, I'll be quick about it." He says, grabbing a towel from the bed and running into the bathroom.

I nod and sit on the bed again, looking at one of the magazines  I've put away an hour ago. I turn to look at Dean as he leaves the bathroom soon after, with only a towel around his waist.

As I allow him to open our bag and take a look inside, he grabs a pair of boxers and a shirt that is sitting on top of the pile. Both he puts on before turning around to find his jeans, which he starts putting on.

As I start speaking to him, he raises his face to me and notices now that I'm watching him. "Looks good on you." I give him a small smile, hoping he won't take me wrong. And I swore I kept all my attention on the magazine while he got dressed.

"What? Shirt or boxers?" He grins, which makes me blush hard, and turns my attention back to the magazine. He raises an eyebrow at me. "You know you're allowed to look, right?"

I glance at him shyly. "Sure." Even from the three-meter distance, he can see how hard that I'm blushing.

"I mean it, Seth. You can look; you can even stare. Don't hold back. It's nothing to be shy about. I mean, it's not like I'm naked." My husband says, walking closer until he is standing in front of me, who is sitting, and my face is at the height of his chest.

As I slowly raise my eyes again to look at him, I'm still red and my eyes a little bigger than usual. I swallow hard as he leans down and puts one hand to my chin to turn my face at him. "Don't be afraid to look at what's yours." With a kiss, he pulls back and pulls on his jeans for good.

I'm still blushing, but I nod gently. "You're blushing?" He asks, and it makes me blush even more, and he grins at me. "You're adorable."

I don't smile back, though. "Hey, you okay?" He asks since I'm all smiles and giggles minutes ago.

For a brief moment, I think about what's bothering me much before looking back at him and hesitating. My voice is low as I speak. "Is.. is sex important to you?"

For a moment, he looks at me and tries to read my expression. "Well.." He starts. "It's important in a relationship, and it will be a lie to say that I don't want to sleep with you, but I want to because you want it, Seth. Not because you feel you have to, okay? I won't like that."

I nod slowly, and he reaches out to take my hand just in the exact moment as I start staring down at the floor. "Hey, look at me." He tilts my head and makes me look up at him again. "We'll get there. Someday I know we will."

A deep sigh leaves my mouth, "I guess we will, and it's not even like I don't want to, but I'm just kinda insecure, I guess."

"About what?" He raises his voice slightly, making sure that I'm not scared of him. There's nothing to be insecure about. We trust each other, and the lovemaking will be great because we love each other, and being that close will be fantastic. You'll like it, and as I have said, it's not like I'm trying to pressure you into it. We're taking our time, and once we feel like it's right, we'll.. do it."

"What if... I never feel ready for it?" I ask, biting my lip nervously.

"Then I'll never sleep with you." And at that, he cups my cheeks and stares into my eyes. "Listen, Seth, it's never going to be a reason to leave you. Never!"

A brief smile settles on my lips, and I love the idea that he has suggested. Soon, we grab our remaining bags and step down the stairs, making our way to the living room. With a gentle smile, we say goodbye to our family and leave the house, delighted.

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