Chapter 10

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Seth POV:

I'm waiting on the playground for Roman to complete his practice. I want to talk to him about the party. And I could do it in the house last night, but I had no guts at that time. Wanting to hide it from him is not my choice, anyway. 

I could interrupt his playing and started the conversation earlier, but I didn't want to. Because he loves to play football as not only a practice but also with a passion. So he has planned to join this year's football tournament to develop his career.

I believe he will give his best and win the tournament if he joins. I'm not telling this because he is my brother, but also he is working hard day and night without caring anything to prove his talent to the world. 

"Hey, Seth!" I look up when his girlfriend Charlotte calls me, letting me know her presence. She is used to dating him since high school, so there is a powerful bond between them. She is always supportive of him and to be with him in every difficulty to share his feelings, so I like her very much.

I get up from the bench excitedly and give her a small hug. "Hey." I don't need to worry about the timing anymore because she's here to give me company now.

"It's good to see you here." She says and sits on the bench, pulling me with her. "But I'm curious about your waiting. Hmm... what happened?" She asks, looking at me, slightly interested. The reason for doubting in me is, usually, she has waited for him on the ground.

"N-Nothing. I just came here to see you." I lie to her because I don't want to spill anything until I get clarity from my brother. My disturbing mind will settle down and make me feel comfortable once I spill my heart out to him. 

She takes a towel from her bag and drapes it over her shoulder before grinning at me. "Well, I believed you. Just tell me, what it is?" She elbows her head and taps a finger against her cheek.  

"Hmm.. nothing." I blurt out and stand up from the bench as I see him walking toward us. My body shivers violently, as I know it's time to spill out everything. 

Following me, she also gets up and places her hand on my shoulder. "Is there any problem?" She asks in a concerned tone. She starts to worry about me for my sudden uncomfortableness.

"Who has a problem?" He joins us and gets the towel from her to wipe the sweat off his body. He looks at me before turning his attention back to her casually.

"I think your buddy has a problem!" She says and points at me, hoping he can sort out everything. She always judges me like him by just a glance, that's why I like her a lot. I assume I don't have any problem sharing about Dean in front of her because she has the right to know about it.

"My heart is itching since last night and questioning me about something that has happened at the party," I whisper to him and hope he will get a hint of what I'm talking about. He figures out me clearly, even if I don't give a brief explanation.

He thinks about my words and throws the towel away before looking into my eyes. "What happened?"

"He.. he kissed me." I look down in embarrassment. I didn't expect that many things would happen at the party and made my life upside down. 

"Who?!" Her voice mixed with surprise and confusion. She looks at me, then glances back at him, trying to read our expressions. Even if she tries, she can't reach the goal because she doesn't know what is happening. 

He remains silent and tells her that he will inform her later, from the very beginning. He then turns his attention back to me and asks, "Did you kiss him back?"

"I... I kissed him back.." I admit and look down with difficulty, hoping nothing will change. I need assurance that no one can interfere with my life and spoil the beauty in it. 

"Oh, my God! My baby brother has all grown up!" He gushes and tickles my ribs, playing with me. He is powerful, so my strength isn't enough to push him away. He stops tickling at a certain point and pats my back, wrapping his arms around me. "All I want is for you to be happy."

It makes me feel better about this whole thing. So I throw all the worries away from my heart and sit on the bench, feeling super excited. This life is also good!

A few minutes later, my phone vibrates in my hand and alerts me about the text. I unlock the device and stare at the text, reading it. 

"Sweetheart, I'm waiting for you in the park near your house. Please, come over." - Dean

I bite my lip nervously as I look over the text curiously. I don't know why Dean wants me to meet him now. Is anything important? Or it's a part of the love game?

Dean POV:

After I text Seth, I have been waiting for him in the park. I'm not sure about his arrival, but I have to wait for a little. If he's not here within ten minutes, I will invade his house another minute. Because I need to talk to him about something important. 

A few minutes later, he gets into my sight by arriving as I have told. I run to him and hug him, kissing his forehead. "Sweetheart, I need to tell you something." I grab his hand and drag him to the bench where I have sat earlier.

"About what?" He asks once we relax on the bench. His eyes look at me with concern, hoping for nothing serious. 

I hold his hand in mine and rub his knuckles, looking into his eyes. "My dad wants me to take the responsibility of our company because of Baron's marriage."

"That's good." He hugs me excitedly. And I'm happy for him supporting me in this, but he doesn't realize that I know nothing about business.

I keep rubbing his knuckles gently before asking him what's on my mind, "Why don't you accompany me?" I'm positive that if he is there with me, I will do anything and learn the business quickly, wanting to impress him.

"What do you mean?" He asks confusedly and pulls his hand away from me.

"Why don't you join our company?" I cup his face and gently stroke his bottom lip with my thumb, trying to convince him.

"Dean, I don't know what to say." He refuses to look at me in the eyes. I know he needs some time to think before answering it.

"Take your time, sweetheart. I'll wait." I smile and kiss him on the lips. I believe he will tell me what I want to hear from him after he thinks about it.

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