Chapter 60

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Roman POV:

The knock on my door comes completely unexpected. I step out of the shower, needing it after my morning workout. I go to the door in just a pair of basketball shorts that I've slipped on. My towel is still in my hand, currently being used to finish drying my hair.

I don't think about peeking out the window to see who it is. Instead, I open the door, getting surprised effectively by seeing Seth standing on the other side of it with his husband.

"Hey, it's surprising. What are you guys doing here?" I ask finally because he has a baby in his stomach, so I don't think wandering around is convenient for his safety. And truth be told, I'm thrilled about his appearance.

"Just wanted to see you, is all," He says, honest to goodness, pouting at the thought that maybe he's not welcome in this space.

It shouldn't be so goddamn cute, considering he's an adult, not a child, but he somehow always seems to make the impossible possible. "Come here," I sigh and pull him into a hug. It feels different, new; he's heftier and more solid in my arms. And I love to keep my brother trap here forever.

"I needed that," He says when he pulls away, looking almost ashamed to be admitting it.

I invite them inside, but Dean ignores and explains his plight of needing to attend a meeting with Baron. I hug him and pat his shoulder, letting him know I understand. After sending him off, I wrap my arm around Seth's shoulders and guide him inside.

"Where's mom?" He asks curiously, looking around the house for her.

"She's gone out with Charlotte. If you inform you're coming over already, she will stay at the door for you." I say softly, trying my hardest to be soothing and comforting. "Don't worry, bud. She'll be here in an hour."

"Can we sit outside?" He asks as I take him to the couch. He really doesn't want to trap between the walls because he needs fresh air now.

"I don't think it's a great idea besides your husband will hate this." I try to convince him, but he doesn't listen to any of my words. He's slightly changed because of his pregnancy, and he's too stubborn sometimes.

"No, he loves me, so he doesn't say anything about it." He explains, his puppy eyes begging me to agree.

"Fine, but if I get in trouble, you're explaining to your husband," I warn him playfully and wrap my arm around his shoulders, squeezing it gently.

"No problem." He agrees. "All right, so just go outside."

Dean POV:

It's been almost evening when I return to Seth's house and pick him up. He doesn't have the heart to leave his house but gets ready, anyway. Nothing goes on in my mind except the thought of finishing out the night by making our way back to our home, the idea of sleep the only thing that keeps me motivated.

We get in our car after getting treated well by his family and drive off to our destination. He leans his head back and rests it against the headrest, and begins to doze off. He jolts awake when he feels the car shut off and groans, his only desire to be in bed asleep.

We enter our home and quickly set to changing and prepping for bed, and before long, we are bundled up in our bed and fast asleep. It is about 3 am when I feel him waking me up and begging for a chemical-laden product. Yet, he has a carving.

With a rough groan, I slip off the bed and put a hoodie on before leaving the house. "And playing the role of dutiful husband... Dean Ambrose," I mumble, ignoring the stares as I stumble into the grocery store.

"What's it tonight, Dean?" Liv, the night clerk, asks gently, and I spin around. What does it say when I'm on a first-name basis with the woman who only works from 11 pm to 4 am shift at the local market?

"It means I'm here a hell of a lot more than I've realized." I think to myself, still staring at her. It takes me a second to realize that she is still speaking to me. "Oh! Sorry!" I shake my head. "Country time lemonade."

I hate the thought of my sweetheart putting all of those chemicals into our unborn child. Sometimes he does his best on his own to keep him on as clean a diet as he can manage, but cravings are cravings.

"Aisle Q1." She chirps. "I know you don't like it, but it doesn't do any good to argue."

"If you only know," I mumble, walking toward the aisle. I have to be so protective when it comes to Seth and our baby. Really, I do because it seems like a miracle, and we expect our new arrival with an immense sigh. Everything is going great.

"Just think it'll all be worth it." She says, scanning the bright yellow canister. "Boy or girl?"

"Oh, we're waiting for them to come," I admit. "Life has so few delightful surprises. My sweetheart wants to wait."

"I like that philosophy." She pushes the canister and changes toward me. "See you next time!"

I stare at the canister, still finding it hard to believe that I will actually give this to my pregnant husband. If he wants chemical-filled lemonade, then who am I to deny him?

As soon as I get home, I start mixing the drink in a glass pitcher that someone has given us for a wedding present. I cringe as the water takes on an unearthly shade of neon yellow. Yet, if I don't actually think about what's in the drink, it doesn't seem quite so bad. I bring the glass of lemonade into the bedroom, stifling a groan.

He sleeps soundly, sprawling out over most of the bed.

I roll my eyes, setting the glass on the bedside table. Look like I have to move to the couch. As I'm moving the blankets, I can't resist resting my hand on Seth's belly. With the baby squirming madly beneath my palm, I let out a contented sigh.

"Night, baby," I whisper, tucking him in. I lean over and press a kiss on his forehead. "Night, sweetheart. Love you both." I grab a spare pillow and blanket, preparing myself to sleep on the couch. Only the best for him...

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