Chapter 6

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Dean POV:

I didn't see Seth for the past two days at his work. It makes me worry a lot. I didn't mean to scare him, but he reacted more. I know where his house is, but I can't go there now. If I go there, his parents will think I'm a stalker. I don't want that.

I know he avoids me, but I want to talk to him and know about his problem. I already tried to realize by calling Renee, but it was my bad. She was blabbing something and didn't give me a chance to talk.

Whatever happens, I won't leave this place until I talk to him right now. I have been waiting near his office for the past hour, but he doesn't come yet. I smile when I finally see him entering the cafe near his office.

I step out of the car to join the cafe with him. I enter the bistro and find him in one corner, waving a hand at him. "Hey, Seth." I guess he won't create a drama among these people, so it's the right place for us.

He looks up at me with wide eyes and manages to say, "Hmm.. hey." By the look in his eyes, I'm sure he doesn't expect me here.

"Do you like cafe food?" I ask and sit on the chair which is opposite him. He glances around nervously before looking at me in the eyes and mumbling, "Yeah.."

I won't get a chance to talk to him if he is nervous like this, then how can I make him love me? So I decide to have the conversation friendly. "I swear, I'm not going to hurt you. So don't worry. Just relax." I try to convince him and provide a slight smile when he seems to ease a little.

"Waiter!" I call as I look over the menu, which I have taken from the table.

A few moments later, a blonde-haired girl approaches us with a smile on her face and a clipboard in her hand. "Hey guys, what can I get you both?"

"Two of your finest breakfasts and two cups of coffee. Make it quick because we have an important meeting to attend." I say, and the waitress rolls her eyes and turns to her heel after taking our orders.

As soon as she's out of sight, he looks around and makes sure no one is overhearing our conversation. He leans forward and scolds me. "I told you already about my opinion. Then why are you disturbing me again?"

"Sorry, sweetheart!" I reply flatly. A smile tugs at my lips as I see him closer to me. Even if it's a coincidence, I like it, really like it.

"Dean, if you-" He stops when she comes back with a pair of foods and drinks. After she leaves, he continues his argument. "If you try to talk to me, it's a waste of time for you, and I won't change myself for anyone."

"I don't tell you to change yourself for me. You know what, I can't even be mad at you for ignoring me because I believe one day, you will accept my love." I spill the words that I have held in my heart. But he refuses and takes a sip of his coffee quietly.

Now and then, I stare at him and try to figure him out, but he ignores me and gobbles his food. I sigh and start to eat my food as I look at him in the corner of my eye, knowing what he is trying to do.

About ten minutes later, we finish eating and stare at each other for a brief moment. Seth blinks his eyes and gets up from the chair, not wanting to stay here anymore.

I also can't take this anymore, so I grab his hand to make him stop. "Sorry, but please.." I mumble and pull my hand away from him when I notice him shivering. I get surprised when he nods at me and sits back in the chair.

I look at him carefully for a few moments, wanting to know what's on his mind. I'm getting sick of figuring him out while he lowers his head and draws circles on the table. I bring courage to myself and place my hand on his, trying to get his attention. "Seth, please, have your eyes on me. I don't know the reason you're avoiding me, but I promise I won't hurt you at any time." 

He pulls his hand away and nods at me slowly, trying to give some respect to my words even if he doesn't want to. His eyes flutter gently every time as it wanders around before settling into my face again.

I have to tell him. There is no other possibility. "Well, if you insist on hearing it, I have a crush on you in the size of the empire state building." Now he's the one looking interested, and I have to laugh about the irony in our situation.

"If I fall for it, I will slip down once I reach its top." His voice is at least one octave higher than it usually is. "Hmm, let's explain one thing. How do you know you love me?"

"Seth, I'm not joking about loving you. I don't know why it's so hard for you to believe me. You look super cute, you're a gracious person, and you're mostly fair, like what else can I be asking for? Except for you like me back, of course." That came out a lot faster than I had thought it would. And obviously, he feels similar to that because he looks surprised.

His cheeks flush hard, and it makes me smile not only about myself anymore. "I want to go." His voice is a little quieter, but I can still hear him while he's getting up from the chair nervously.

I know something in his mind is bothering him, but he is not ready to spill it out. I need to give him some space until he's ready, so I have to leave this subject now. I grab his hand again before he is moving. "Fine, I won't talk anymore that you don't want. So please, sit down."

I know the look in his eyes tells me that he doesn't believe me, but he nods and sits back on the chair, anyway. I sigh and hold my hand out, hoping this will work out. "Shall we become friends?" Friends can achieve anything even lovers can't do. If I become his friend somehow, it's a simple way for me to enter his heart.

He seems to think about the words before he dares to look up and face me once again. Now his decision only figures out where we will be soon.

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