Chapter 3

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Dean POV:

"Dean... Dean! You might wanna close that mouth unless flies will get inside or even worse to make people think you're a mindless pervert, including that guy in the corner whom you're fantasizing about right now." AJ tells me whilst closing my mouth with his fingers.

"I don't care what people think about me. I want to talk to him. I'm going." I move toward Seth without waiting for AJ, but he pulls me back by my arm. Now I felt wrong for taking him here with me. 

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold on a second! You can't just go barge into him like that. He seems... well, introverted. You'll come out as a creep, and you'll freak him out if you do it. Besides, he might not even be into guys." He says, patting my chest with an intentional frown on his face.

"I don't care whatever he is... I want him. I couldn't stop staring at him since the moment he bumped into me. I feel like something is pulling me toward him." I reply a bit restlessly and look over to the table where Seth is. 

I smirk when I notice a blonde-haired girl, whom I've met that day at the airport, chattering in that group. I spotted the girls already, but I didn't recognize that it was her. I think deeply and try to remember her name. If I find the blonde's name correctly, then I have my way to face this situation without any embarrassing moments. Her name is..

Huh, R-Renee!

Suddenly I get an idea about how to approach the two-toned beauty. "Well, come on, I have an idea." I grab AJ's hand before going toward the younger man with my eyes are still locking onto him, and a warm feeling lurks in my stomach.

Seth POV:

Everything is going pretty well until Bayley nudges my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Uh Seth, the guy there has been staring at you like million hours.." I feel sick again because she starts her game. 

"Shut up, just eat," I say and continue my chatting with Sasha because I don't have the mood to play with this stupid game. It's their habit to tease me always whenever we hang out. They consider love can change me overall, so they try to hook me up with someone on every incident, but I will dump them and quit the chapter quickly.

I'm irritated when she nudges my shoulder again and murmurs in my ear. "I didn't lie to you this time. Just look at the guy. He is hot. Oh, no... He is coming here now." She pats my thigh as her gaze settling on someone. 

"Huh?" I lift my head to see whom she is looking for. The man whom I'd bumped into earlier, staring at me with a smirk on his lips. Why is the guy gawking at me? Did I look funny to him for sneering at me?

He snaps his fingers over my face and gets me out of my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "Hey." He approaches us with some other guy who has long brown hair that past his shoulders. He looks over at my friends before turning his concern back and gives me a soft smile.

Dean POV:

"Hey Dean, what a pleasant surprise!" Renee smiles and gets up from the chair to hug me. I return the hug as I look at Seth and pull away from her. I'm here to impress him, not her, so I have to do something and make his gaze settle on me the whole time. Once my figure glue to his heart, I'm damn sure he can't forget about me.

I sigh and sit next to her, nodding at AJ, who is taking a seat beside a pink-haired girl that I don't know. She then introduces everyone to us and creates a bridge among us. We start to talk to each other friendly, except for Seth. It makes me frustrated, so I glance at her, not knowing what to do.

She says something to me continuously since I have joined the table, but I don't pay any attention to Renee other than pleading with her, with my eyes, to create a bridge between us. My eyes shift to focus on Seth and wonder how adorable he is when she doesn't get my gesture.

He looks at me with those innocent, beautiful brown eyes and gives me a fake smile. From the uncomfortable look on his face, I can guess that he realizes my intention. I can't stop myself from wondering about him because he is so fucking cute whenever he smiles, even if it's fake. 

I like him already and want him all to be mine. I'm sure my parents will like him and greet him to be the next welcoming member of our family as my husband. I can't wait to go on that incredible day in the future!

Seth POV:

Dean is flirting with me since he has come here, but I can't do anything because he is Renee's friend. If I create a drama here, it not only hurts him but also hurts her. I don't know what to do, so I keep my eyes on the plate most of the time. 

Accidentally, I turn my gaze and get an uncomfortable feeling when he winks at me. I can't take this anymore. "Hey guys, shall we leave now?" I ask in a soft tone and try not to show my insecurity to anyone. 

I wipe my mouth with the napkin before getting up and looking down at my cousin when she grabs my hand. She looks at me confused and whines like a child, "Why?" 

"I feel sick. I want to go home." I answer as I look at him. I shiver when he smirks and winks at me again. Why on earth is this happening to me?

I look away quickly and force her to stand up before nodding at my friends to leave. They don't ask me questions, just taking their things to move because they know me very well after my family. 

"Well, a total creep.." I mutter under my breath and try to leave the place as soon as possible. I hope it's the last time I have seen him because I don't want to catch in his sight ever again.

Dean POV:

I follow Seth with AJ as he makes his way out of the restaurant with his friends. I wave a hand at him when he glances at me once more before stepping into the car. I feel a little worried when he ignores me without waving back.

Instead of him, Renee waves her hand and smiles at me. I look at him and hope he will glance back at me once, but he doesn't. He starts the car and leaves the place, not wanting to let the moment a little longer. 

"You scared him," AJ says as we make our way to my car. I smile and glance at the surrounding, letting the air chill my mind. I open the door to step into the car and wait for him to enter.

As he gets in the passenger seat, I adjust the front mirror before peeking at him and saying, "I didn't mean to scare him. I tried to make him love me."

"Right, right.." He shakes his head and turns on the radio while I'm starting the car. I know Seth is terrified of me, but soon, his scare will be replaced by my love.

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