Chapter 21

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Dean POV:

When I get out of the restroom, the waitress, who winks at me earlier, comes over to me and blushes a little. Without her approaching, I can guess what's gonna be happening in her body language, and I've expected it already. I should have dumped her without creating drama because Seth will scare if any of that happens. And I do not have enough age to advise her.

"Hey!! I'm Lacey. Um, why don't we hang out and have some fun when you have free time?" She asks, curling against my side. "I think we both need that."

"Maybe you need, but I don't want that." I shove her away and adjust my jacket, making sure it's not getting dirty by her. "And I have someone to have fun with!" I smirk at her and turn to move away but get disturbed when she grabs me by my jacket.

This time she has a note in her hand, and I know what it has to be. She presses a kiss on the note till her lips mark on it and glances at it one more time before staring back at me. She grabs my hand and places a note on my palm, forcing it to stay there. "It will be useful for you." She says with a small smile and leaves the place.

"Whore!" I mutter under my breath and throw the note in the trashcan before making my way to Seth. I can't make fun of it or complain to their manager because he will know definitely if I do any of that. And if he sees this note, he will worry and disturb his mind about this stupid thing. It's too difficult to bring the smile back on his face once it gets disappeared.

When I return to the table, I notice he is thinking about something. Did I miss something? I stare at him for a few moments and snap my fingers at his face. "Come to earth, sweetheart!"

He jumps slightly and stares back at me in shock like I'm someone he doesn't know or he doesn't expect me now. He looks around for a few minutes before grabbing his phone from the table and slipping it into his pocket.

"What's wrong, Seth?" I ask, trying to know the reason behind his actions.

"Nothing," He says quickly and grabs the glass, chunking the water. While he does so, I can see the worry on his face. He places the glass back on the water and wipes his mouth, stuttering. "I-I just worried that you took too much time to come back." He turns his attention to the boardwalk and stares at it.

I follow his gaze, getting more interested in whatever has his attention. Looking out, I can only see the typical scene of families and couples walking along the boardwalk. Nothing is exciting out there.

I glance at him and tap my shoe against his under the table, and immediately his head snaps around, fixing his pretty brown eyes on me. "I'm sorry." I mouth at him, my face conveying the sentiment behind the words.

His face seems to relax a bit and watch me. When he notices my eyes darting to his lips, he turns his face away to hide the blush creeping up, and I also can't hold back the laugh forming in my throat.

When we have done eating, the waitress returns with our receipt and hands it to him. He takes out his wallet from his pocket to pay for it, but I grab his hand and shake my head at him, not letting him pay.

"Seth, I have brought you here, so I'm paying." I convince him and take the wallet from my pocket, paying the money.

Once we leave the restaurant in silence, I get in the car with him and turn to look at him. As he's leaning his head on the window and thinking about something again, I place my hand on his thigh, which makes him jump slightly. "Something keeps telling me that you have something on your mind. What's wrong?" I ask softly, hoping he won't get terrified.

"Nothing." He leans his head on my shoulder, grabbing my arm securely. His eyes plaster on the surroundings as he mutters under his breath, "D-Dean, will you always be mine?"

"Of course, sweetheart," I whisper and kiss his temple, stroking his hair gently. I don't know what is bothering his mind still, but I'm sure whatever it is, I will be with him always. With a heavy sigh, I start the car and ride it to his house.

Seth POV:

After Dean dropping me in my house, I run to my room and start to work with the papers that are important to the office, wanting to distract my mind from the unknown number. I've been staring at the same page for what feels like hours. And there's a headache forming at my temples, making my mood even worse.

I blow out a frustrated breath and massage the tips of my fingers against my temple. I turn to look at the door when I hear it creak open by someone. "Hey, may I come in?" Renee asks, leaning against the doorway with a worried face.

"Yeah. Of course." I smile and pull my briefcase out from under the desk. I shove all the papers in haphazardly, not caring that half of them get crumpled in my haste.

I stare at her pouty face as she looks out the window, thinking about something. What has happened to her? I didn't see her like this before. What made her worry this much?

"Hey, what happened?" I ask, making sure that I'm not forcing her because I don't want to.

With a little sob, she throws herself over at me and clings to me tightly. "It's shouldn't have happened! S-She.. she is really a sweet girl.." She whimpers while describing some girl that I don't know.

I pull her away from me and wipe her tears away. "Calm down. Who's she? And what happened to that girl?"

With a strangled breath, she breaks down again and sits on the floor. "I got a new friend in this city, and she's great. She didn't even hurt a fly for her purpose, but.." She whimpers and thinks about something, maybe her friend. "But that stupid killed her!"

"What?!" My eyes widen when I hear that, so I sit beside her on the floor, wanting to know about it clearly. "Why did she get killed?"

"My friend had a boyfriend, and she loved him with her whole heart even she was ready to leave her family behind for him, but something was happening on the other side." She sobs and wipes the excess tears away before grabbing my hand for support. "There was this guy from out of nowhere who appeared and kept tormenting her boyfriend to leave her, but he refused. So earlier today, that idiot killed her in front of her boyfriend's eyes, wanting to prove that he wouldn't let her alive with anyone other than him."

With that, she looks at me, who looks strangely as if I'm on the brink of tears. In fact, one slides down my cheek. I don't even bother to wipe it away because it resembles my exact situation.

I can take the pain whatever the unknown person gives, but what if they try to haunt Dean just like this stranger? Silent tears have rolled down my cheeks, and I don't even attempt to hide them from her. She has several times about asking what has exactly upset me, but she may think it is probably the same thing that is worrying her.

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