Chapter 8

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Seth POV:

I have another ten minutes to get ready before Dean comes here to pick me up for the party. I hadn't gone to parties before, even in my school or college days, so I didn't know how it looked like. But I accepted his offer, however, knowing things were different. 

"Seth, are you ready?" My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Renee's voice from her room. Yeah... I decided to take her with me because she attended many parties in her high school. And I feel comfortable if she is with me. 

"Nah, I just.." I don't know what to reply, so I race up the stairs to my room. Chewing my nails a moment, I stare at the closet until my eyes settle into something. I let out a sigh and finish getting dressed, then a tight pair of dress pants and a black button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to my elbows.

As I pull my hair into a low bun, I hear a sharp beep of a car horn catch my attention. I was sure it would be him. I grab my phone from the nightstand and slip it into my pocket before leaving the room.

I go downstairs and see her waiting for me eagerly. By the look on her face, I find excitement bubble up in her chest about the party. No one can fade this smile away from her face. I nod at her and let her go front, wanting to close the door behind us.

It is growing dark outside. The moon is visible in the sky, and the lights of hundreds of houses lit up the path. I admire the scenery until he blares the horn once again to get my attention. 

I wet my lips quickly and glance at him, walking toward his car and finding she has occupied the passenger seat. "Hey." I flash a small smile at him and crawl into the back.

He nods slowly and taps on the dashboard rhythmically. "Well, my sweetheart is here. Let's get going then." He glances at me through the rear-view mirror before starting the car.

I lean my head on the headrest behind me and watch him from the side. He has a smile on his face as he gazes out of the car. His head turns sideways and peers at me cautiously. He bites his tongue and looks away, holding back a smile.

An hour later, and we are still driving. Dean swears we aren't far away now, but he's been saying this repeatedly for twenty minutes. If I knew already that we needed to travel for two hours, I wouldn't accept to come with him at night.

"God knows how much longer we'll be driving." She speaks suddenly and gives a soft smile to him when he glares at her. That was why I didn't let my mind wander noisily. Who would argue with him if he got serious?

After several more minutes of driving in silence, the car takes a sharp turn and pulls to a stop. "Finally!" He sighs, opening the door and stepping outside. 

I look up at a vast building that is in front of me as I tiptoe outside. I glance around the surrounding until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and find it is Dean who is winking at me.

I move away and look around, blushing a little. I don't know what is happened to me because I'm acting weird sometimes since Dean has come into my life. We enter the building where he leads us. Inside, there are many people, and I can't even count them.

The music is rocking, and everyone is dancing, but only one person is standing out for me, and that is Sasha. I'm surprised when I see her because I haven't expected her here. I walk to her and hug her tightly, expressing my happiness. "Hey, how did you come here?"

"AJ invited me." She doesn't dare to look up into my eyes. But I guess she is blushing and doesn't want to show it. I can understand something is going on between her and AJ.

Dean POV:

I don't do parties unless there is a guarantee that I've been getting blackout drunk and wake up in some random position. But today I don't expect any of that because this party has organized by my family. And it would be in full swing in no time.

I lean against the wall and watch Seth enjoying the party with his friend and cousin. As time goes on, I get irritated because he doesn't even bother to look at me since he has come here. I can't wait anymore. If I stay here quietly, then I have to wait until my death. 

I have to focus extra hard on my tasks and keep him with me the whole time. I sigh and make my way to him, poking at his side. "Seth," I grumble and fight back the grin on my face as I watch him bounce around. It is impossible for me to look at him and not fall slightly more in love with him every time. 

When I grab his hand, the lights go off, but I can still tell what color his eyes are. He didn't know that I invited him here to show my parents their future son-in-law.

I have a smirk on my lips, but he looks terrified because I'm grabbing his hand. On the other hand, the lights went off. When the lights go on, he gets overwhelmed and a little annoyed.

I take him with me and introduce him as a friend to my family and friends. They all are thrilled when they finally meet him because I've already told them that he is my boyfriend.

After I introduce him to my family, he is surprised and easily mingled with them. I'm happy when he chats with my family freely. Now he loves my family, but soon I will make him love me. I smile to myself when I think about it.

"Seth, hey, come on! We're getting a photo!" I exclaim excitedly. I have a few drinks in, and although I can handle my liquor rather well. I drag him over to where everyone is getting ready for the photo and find Baron to stand next to. 

I begrudgingly place my arms around him and Seth before smiling for the photo. "Now a fun one!" Renee exclaims from somewhere up the front. I'm never good with these, and I never know what to do.

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