Chapter 30

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Dean POV:

I groan as I stare at the computer screen. I've been trying to focus on doing work, but I can't. Without Seth near me, I can't do anything properly because my mind is wandering around where he is. I knew I was the only one that gave him a day off to take a complete rest, but...

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling the first sting of yet another annoying headache coming on. I've snatched away from my thoughts when I hear a sharp knocking on my office door. My blue eyes lift to the door. "Yeah. Come in."

The white door creaks open, and from around the corner of the heavy door, I see Baron's head pop in. "Uh, you're alone. It's good. We've got a good time to discuss Johnson's Enterprise." He steps inside and takes a seat opposite me.

As Baron's about to rambling something, my phone rings and gets my attention. I sigh and take my phone out, looking over the caller's identity. A smile curls on my lips as I find Seth's name on it. I swipe the screen quickly and attend the call, "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hey." His voice carries down the line, and I can tell he is smiling and that in turn makes me smile. "How's everything going at the office?"

"Yeah, it's going pretty good," I answer with a quick sigh. "We seem to have checked out the files a lot, but I've been trying to do it, really."

"Why?" He asks, and I can tell that his forehead is creased now.

"Without you, I can't do anything," I respond, stroking my temple. "My mind is stuck with you!" I sigh lightly, glancing up at the screen, the words on the screen starting to look a brief blur. "Shall I come over there?"

"No!" He laughs, trying to convince me. "You shouldn't have come here now until finishing the job. And my father-in-law gave that office to you with the trust, so I didn't like to break it."

"Okay." I frown, even though I know he can't see me. "Love you," I say before I hear the phone go dead. I move the phone away from my ear and place it next to me on the desk. My mind gets curious as I find a notification there. I swipe the screen and look over at the text.

"Bar tonight. The boys are coming. Bring Seth if he wants." - AJ

What a nice guy, really. I text him back without caring that Baron is still staring at me since he has invaded my room. The phone is also making everything worse because it is hard to work and takes me hours.

Once I put the phone away this time, he drops the subject of the office and asks curiously. "So, what's the plan for today?"

I grin, holding my hands together on the table and telling the truth. "The boys asked me to come to the bar tonight, so I guessed I would be there. You wanna come?"

He shakes his head helplessly, "Nah. It's Thursday. I gotta go home quickly with Alexa's favorite Chinese food, or she'll kick me out of bed tonight. And I have to face the floor again."

"Again?!" I laugh and elbow my head, getting into the topic curiously.

"Yeah, again. You know I have a forgetting habit." He frowns and leans back against the chair, reflecting his worst moment to me. "Before our marriage, I promised her that I would buy her favorite Chinese food every Thursday, and I forgot it on our honeymoon, so she punished me by letting me stayed out on the balcony on a frosty night."

I chuckle loudly without caring that we're in the office, so he pouts and leaves my room with an embarrassing look. Then I grab my phone from the table and inform Seth about tonight's plan, feeling relieved once he takes it casually.

At the bar...

The bar isn't as packed as I have thought it will be, but it's not a matter while I have time to focus on my boys. AJ is here at my side, just as always. Mandy has come along with Dana, who keeps snuggling against her boyfriend, Jericho. It is aggravating, and I make a note in the back of my head not to come along if these girls are in the same room even if I don't really care about them, so whatever.

We are talking about our lives, joking around, drinking, and having a couple of snacks. A usual night out with my friends, which I have liked. I would have liked it even more if I would be with Seth now. I sigh and open the lid of the beer, taking a sip.

"How's your marriage life?" AJ asks, patting my shoulder gently.

A hot feeling spread across my face, and it's not because of the alcohol I have drunk already. I shrug my shoulders. "It's good. It's superb."

"Dean!" I close my eyes and try to calm myself when I hear Dolph calling me. Who would invite him here? I turn around with fire in my eyes and glare at him, clenching my fists. My friends also turn along with me, but I'm sure they're the reason for his arrival.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your mood. I just came here to wish you for your marriage." He says quietly and takes a step back, making sure that he's not near me. "..And tell Seth that I ask sorry for what I have told him after losing my mind. If I didn't drink too much that day, I also had a chance to attend my best friend's wedding. Hmm... There's no use to talk about it now, and I know it's all my fault!" He lets out a frustrated sigh and turns to leave silently.

After hearing his truthful words, I don't have the heart to ditch him away, so I reach out for his hand and pull him to a stop. "Where are you going without joining the party?" I ask, as usual, trying to befriend him again.

"Dean!" He stuns in place and stares at me, confused, but I grin and pull him into a hug. "Thanks, dude." He pats my shoulder gently and joins the table with us.

Everything is going well, so I enjoy it and dream about my sweetheart now. I'm sure if he's here with me, he will be happy, just like me. The idea of falling into his arms once I've reached the house is good enough to keep me smiling.

"What are you smiling about, asshole?" Dolph, who else? The others don't stop talking, and neither look at me, so they haven't noticed our conversation yet.

"Just happy, that's all." I take a sip of my beer.

"That's good." He grins like a maniac, and by now, the others start looking at me.

"So, do you like girls now?" Mandy asks while flipping her hair dramatically. She is new in our friend circle because of Dana, so she probably doesn't mean to be rude by asking.

"Nah. I liked them once, but now I was not. My mind is always wondering about my sweetheart, so there's no space for others anymore." I shrug my shoulders. The others at the table keep looking at me, but I don't know what they're expecting from me now. "What?" I ask a little harshly, and it makes them grin.

"Dean, I guess Mandy is testing you whether you're a man. She doubts if you can still attract girls." He says, taking a sip of his beer. With a simple talk, he makes me think about why I let him join the table.

"What a stupid topic! Of course, he can't." She rolls her eyes and smirks at me.

"I don't care what you have got in mind. Just shut the fuck up and drink your beer or whatever." I get a little angry, but my friends won't leave it alone.

"If you dance with me a little, I'll believe that you're a man until then I'm not." I start disliking her a lot, but I feel like I have to prove myself. I'd not let them dumped me. I'm a man, after all.

"Get over here." My voice is a deep growl as I push back the chair a little, and my friends start cheering as she gets up with a wide grin on her lips.

"Hey, Antonio," I speak up to the guy that has owned the bar. "Mind turning on the music for a moment?" He doesn't mind and put on something absolutely horrible to me, but whatever. I want to prove that I'm a man, even if my heart only belongs to Seth.

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