Chapter 44

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Seth POV:

I freeze, my whole body stiffening up. I feel my chest tightening about what they are going to do. I'm scared. I'm petrified of them with close. Even though I'm shivering, I stare at Renee with confusion as she walks over to me with a cake.

With a lovely smile, she kneels in front of me and takes a gag from my mouth, bringing the cake closer to my mouth. "Eat, Seth. It's for you. Do you know how much happy I am?" She exclaims, giggling a little.

I knock the cake out of her hand and growl lightly. "I don't want anything from you. And your happiness will never last long. If Dean knows that you've kidnapped me, he will snap your head off. He won't forgive you for your sins." The words flow from my mouth like a river, without caring about my situation.

She gets up from the floor angrily and kicks me hard in the stomach, making me hard to breathe. She then grabs me by my hair and tilts my head up, looking into my eyes. "I didn't try to put a pin on you since day one because I thought you were my cousin. But you don't have any good heart like me!"

I gasp at the sudden pain that is still enduring in my stomach. I can't take this anymore because I'm too weak already. My knees are giving out and making me glue to the floor, but she pulls me up again and laughs at me for my worst situation.

The hand on my hair grips further hard and brings me back to consciousness. "You need to hear something more important. Your husband! Nah! My future husband has called me on a dinner date tonight." She says excitedly, trying to get on my nerves.

"No, he wouldn't," I say firmly because I don't believe what she has said. My Dean will never betray me in his dreams because he doesn't know any of this.

"I know you won't believe me, but it's not my problem; it's your problem. I have no time to spend with you even if I wish because I have planned to buy a brand new red dress on the date, which my boyfriend has requested to put on. So I'll see you later." She grins and waves a hand at me.

As she's about to leave, Dolph grabs her hand and stops her from further moving. He stares at her for a few moments before approaching her. "Well, you got what you wanted, but I didn't get anything.." His eyes glance at me before looking back at her and continuing his talk. "You know what I mean."

She smirks at me before glancing back at him and nodding at him. "Go take him." She pulls her hand away from him and moves on her way but stops when something hits on her mind. "Be careful! His sound should never reach outside because Roman and his mom will come back home at any time." With that, she hands me to him and leaves the basement with a slight smile on her face.

"Finally.." He walks toward me with a smirk on his face. He tugs his shirt up on the way and pulls it over his head, throwing it on the floor. His actions make my heart skip a beat, so I squirm in the chains and try to get rid of them. "Nah, you can't do anything except watch me over. And you hear what your cousin has told, so don't make any noises."

He reaches his hand out and strokes the side of my face, trying to feel my skin. "I can see why Dean has gotten so attach to you." His eyes wander over my body and check me out shamelessly. "You're gorgeous!" He bites his lip and moves closer to me.

"Don't.." I step back with fear in my eyes, but he grabs me by my hair and pulls me against him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

My whole body shudders as I see the apparent lust in his eyes which has glued to me. He moves his face closer to my neck and tries to nuzzle it, making me feel nauseous all over, so I try to push him off me, but he places his hand on my cheek and stares at my lips.

"Don't.." I plead and move my head away when he tries to kiss me. And it results in his lips press on my ear. I glance at him with wide eyes and shove him away with my full strength, looking around for help. When I find nothing to escape, I beg him to leave me as I move backward because I can't go anywhere with the chains tied on me.

"You're making everything worse, Seth. You wanna imagine me as your Dean for a few minutes; then it will be easy for you." He winks at me and pushes me hard against the wall in one quick motion. "Sweetheart," He smirks and kisses down on my neck suddenly, which makes me gasp out of shock.

"You're feeling this, aren't you?" He asks quietly, grinning. "Don't worry. The best will come soon."

He pulls me away from the wall and pushes me down onto the cold, dirty floor. While ignoring my protests, he climbs on top of me and buries his face in my neck, taking in the warmth of me. His fingers hover over my belt and try to undo it, wanting to taste me.

With that, I find the courage, somehow, to smash my knee into his stomach and attempt to move away from him quickly, but he grips my leg tightly and keeps me lie on the floor. "Please, let me go." I cry, begging him to leave me alone.

He grits his teeth and growls loudly, almost in the basement is echoing his voice. "You bitch!" He slaps my face hard and rips my shirt off, which, as a result, I feel the darkness creeping up on me.

I try to stay conscious even though I'm getting hurt in the worst possible way. As I'm going unconscious, I try to keep the ripped shirt on my body and struggle with him until a familiar voice echoes in my head. "D-Dean!" A small smile curls on my lips as I drift off into the dark world.

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