Chapter 33

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One week later...

Seth POV:

The chill of the floor tiles is enough to wake me up from my unpleasant slumber on the bathroom floor. A soft grunt leaves my lips as I wipe the pure exhaustion from my eyes, hoisting my tired body up into a sitting position.

The bathroom floor has been my bed for most of the past week. My anxiety kicks me in full swing as things start to change in my life. I deserved this because I fell in love after I'd witnessed my mom's life.

Dean tried to talk to me by dialing my phone or coming to my house, but I ignored him. Why do I have to listen to his lies anymore? There's no need for that. Sometimes his cousin and family tried to approach me, but I begged them not to involve in this; because I didn't have the heart to disrespect them.

Over the course of my life, the nightmares would start. I'd dream of a terrible outcome my mind could think of. I sigh and pick up myself slowly, glancing at my face in the mirror. I look like shit and feel like absolute hell. With a frustrated sigh, I leave the bathroom and walk over to my bed, laying on it.

I stare at the ceiling fan above my head and think about my life. The sound of the wings is the motion of its swing and the circling things represent the images of past and future. It creates by its way, a room of loneliness has vibrated by its humbleness, it talks to our inner self, and things get cut off.

After a few minutes, someone enters the room and switches off the fan, but I don't mind seeing who it is. I stare at the air go round and round, and my thoughts wheel me around spiling the decision out from the whirling three-legged mount, a roaming wanderer lifeless, yet breathless life into the dull room with volumes of wind...

"Seth!" With that, my eyes turn to look at Roman, who is sitting beside me with a worried look and glancing at me. He tucks a strand of hair off my face and lets out a frustrated sigh. "Once you have to talk to Dean, it will be okay, bud. I knew what he did was wrong, but... Please, try to give him another chance. It's gonna be okay."

"N-No! That's not going to happen." I wail, pulling my sore body up and throwing at him. "Life is just like a mirror, Roman. Once it has broken, there's no chance in hell to reconnect it now."

He sighs and lifts my face, making me look at him. "Yeah. That's why I'm trying not to let your life be a mirror. You think everything is over, but it's not. There's a beautiful bond with you two, and it will never fade away even if you guys try to."

As I'm about to refuse the whole thing, my phone rings and gets our attention. My eyes glance over the caller's identity and stare at it with fire in my eyes. I want to grab the phone and break it into million pieces, just like my heart now, but he will worry if I do any of the stupid things now.

Catching my mind's voice, he smirks and grabs my phone from the bedside table, looking over it. "Your husband is calling you. Just talk to him, scold him, or even try to beat him if he's near you, but don't imagine leaving him. Please.." He holds his phone out toward me a few moments before dropping it near me.

With a frustrated sigh, he gets up from the bed and presses a small kiss on my cheek. "Well, I'm going to take mom for a medical checkup. I hope everything will be all right once we return home." He grabs me by my shoulders and squeezes it gently, nodding at me.

I watch him leave the room and think about his words, not knowing what to do. I lean against the headboard and play with my fingers, trying to make a firm decision. Nothing gets into my mind, so I walk over to the window and notice the sky is getting darker to pour rain.

A moment the wild swallows like a flight of withered gust-caught leaves to toss in the wind rack up the muttering sky, the hurrying centers of the storm unite. With the roar of trees sweep and sway, the pelted waters do their actual work.

As my phone buzz this time, I return to the bed and grab it, staring at the screen. It seems to blur in my vision, but I can tell what's in it. How might it happen like this? Never! I rub my eyes a little clear and read the text once again. 

"Sweetheart, I'm standing outside your house." - Dean

I walk over to the window again and push the curtains clear, noticing that he's standing in the rain just as he's informed. I stare at him and try not to fall for his trick again. When the thunder strikes heavily, I jump and hold the window tightly. 

A tear forms in my eyes again when my eyes land on my wedding ring. It is the promise that our hearts gladly make, a promise to be tender, to help, to give and take. It is a promise to be kind and understanding, to be thoughtful and considerate, fair and undemanding. It is a promise to share our life, a love-filled promise meant to be, to keep loving forever. Maybe he forgot his vow, but I should have kept the promise!

Dean POV: 

I'm standing alone in the rain while people are covering their heads and rushing past me. I shake uncontrollably against my clothes, which are sticking to my body right now. My soak hair is getting into my face, but I don't care. All I care about is going inside Seth's house and trying to convince him. It's an important task now. 

I have survived already, a painful week without him, which I don't expect and I can't do anymore. Whatever has happened today, I will convince him and take him to our home, where he belongs. 

A few minutes later, he opens the door and walks over to me with an umbrella. With an excited sigh, I open my arms and move to hug him, but he stops midway and holds his hand out. "Stay there. Go home and take a rest before getting sick." He mumbles, looking away from me. 

"I won't go anywhere until you give me a chance to explain myself." I blurt out, trying to make eye contact with him. 

He shakes his head and turns around to go away but stops when the thunder strikes again. "Get in the house." He mumbles, getting inside his house and holding the door open for me. 

I sigh and step inside the house, shutting the door behind me. I look at him, go to the coffee table and place the umbrella in it before returning to me with a towel and throwing it at me. I drape the towel across my shoulder and stare at him, hoping he will listen to my words.

"Sweetheart, I swore it was just a dance. I didn't even imagine in my dream to cheat on you, then how could I? Just believe me.." I beg him, feeling not worth now. My heart thumps in my chest fast as I notice the tears filled in his eyes immediately.

"How could I believe you?" He asks and looks at me, heartbroken. Before I respond to something, he continues saying, "You told me that day you would love me and never hurt me, but now.." He sobs heavily and covers his face with his hands.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. I can't see you crying because it's ripping my heart. I'll fight for you if that's what you want, Seth. I love you." I reach out and put my hands over his hands. 

He locks his eyes on our hands. "You don't have to fight, I just... Please, tell me the next time something like this happens. Or just don't let it happen again. Get over your ego, or don't be with me, Dean. Don't play games with me, please. I can't take it.." He whimpers a little and wipes his tears away.

I nod. "I won't ever let something like this happen again, Seth. As I've said, I love you. I'll do anything for you." A small smile creeps on his face. "You mind if I kiss you now?" I appeal, still a little unsure about the whole situation.

He though nods, and we both lean over to press our lips together. We break apart as we hear the door open, following by Roman's voice, "Finally, the two lovebirds are together." He winks at us and waves a hand at us before heading upstairs with his mom, not wanting to disturb us.

" He winks at us and waves a hand at us before heading upstairs with his mom, not wanting to disturb us

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