Chapter 26

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Dean POV:

After our marriage is over, my dad organizes a party at night for our guests. Seth and I walk around, newly married and happy as can be. We grab a knife and cut it into our cake. I hold up a piece to him, who looks at me suspiciously. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna smash it on your face. You're wearing white."

Cameras flash as I hold up a piece of cake to him, who slowly leans in and opens his mouth. I smear the cake on his face, and everyone laughs. "Sorry, sweetheart." I laugh and pull him in for a messy kiss.

Everyone has fun drinking and dancing the night away. The girls take a million pictures with us and have a blast. In the middle, I try to convince my parents and drag Seth with me to our new house, wanting to reveal all the surprises I have for him. I knew I could wait until the party was over, but I didn't wait to. It's our special day, and we have to celebrate this on our way.

When we reach our house, I grab his hand and hold him in place before he gets inside and explores everything on his own. I cover his eyes with my hands and lead him toward the bedroom where we are going to enjoy the entire night and provide leave for sleep.

Once I remove my hands from his eyes, he gets surprised as he sees the flowers and balloons everywhere in our bedroom. "This is beautiful!" He smiles and moves forward to grab a balloon, playing with it.

I place my hand on his and stroke it gently. "I got something for you." I bust out without hesitance.

Immediately, he raises his eyes on my face and lifts one eyebrow while holding a soft smile on his face. He seems excited but holds back, which is obvious, but I'm sure that will change in a minute. "Really?" He asks, having no patience. "What is it?"

With a chuckle, I reach the table and fumble out an envelope and a box wrapped in bright red paper. "Here," I mumble and give those to Seth. "Take a look yourself."

"Does it matter which one I open first?" He asks curiously.

"Well, no, but still, I recommend the box." I point the box toward him and tap it smoothly.

He nods and slowly starts to unwrap it as he looks at me. A bracelet is what he has pulled out of the box and takes a look at, wrapping it around his wrist immediately. It looks good against his tanned skin, and I smile at how well it fits him.

"You like it?" I glue my eyes on his face, which is still busy staring at the bracelet before he lifts his head and starts smiling at me widely

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"You like it?" I glue my eyes on his face, which is still busy staring at the bracelet before he lifts his head and starts smiling at me widely.

"I love it." He nods and runs his fingers over the 'DS' tag on the bracelet. After a few moments, he takes his eyes off the bracelet and grabs the envelope.

I keep eyeing him as he opens it and takes out the two flight tickets for our honeymoon trip to Hawaii. Slowly he raises his head in absolute disbelieve on his face. "Dean.." He starts.

I stop him by pressing my finger on his lips and stare at his beautiful brown eyes. My eyes flicker to his lips as I move closer to him. Still, no one is speaking, and we look at each other for a moment.

Seth POV:

Today is the best day ever! With a small smile, I run my fingers over the rose petals that are scattered on the bed. It looks beautiful with heart-shaped, and I don't know how to sleep on the bed without ruining this.

I turn to look at Dean when he reaches out to push some of my dark locks back. A smile curls on my lips as he runs his fingers through my hair and leans forward to press a small kiss on my eyes. My brown orbs flutter against his lips as he moves away slightly.

I shudder and stare at him in shock when his hand lands on my lower back, wandering down to a place where no one has ever touched me. I close my eyes and swallow hard as the older male squeezes my butt between his fingers and palm while he's moving to kiss me on the lips.

"Dean-" That is all I get out before his lips are on my own. His hands circle my waist, pulling me closer to him. As his hand grips the hem of my shirt, I get nervous and shake violently, not wanting him to touch me in an unnecessary way.

He draws me close to him and stares at me with such passion that I'm sure I'm feeling stars behind my eyelids. "Just trust me, sweetheart. I love you." Eventually, though, the blond stops talking, but he doesn't stop holding me like this.

Blue eyes meet brown orbs, and my mouth stands slightly open. "My beautiful Seth." His voice is even rougher than usual, making me feel so hot in a place where all my blood is rushing. "So innocent. Hm.." He seems to be thinking. "The things I want to do to you.."

There is a new pleasure in his eyes, something I have not seen so far. With one quick motion, he pulls the shirt over my head and throws it aside. My body is shivering even more, but he tries to comfort me by pressing his lips on mine again.

We fall onto the bed, still kissing. My eyes are closed when Dean's mouth starts exploring my jawline with wet kisses. "You're so fucking beautiful. I've been waiting for this moment, and I don't think I'm going to let you leave this bed in the next few days. I have many ideas for you."

My heart is beating quicker at his words. I don't know what to do. I can understand his love for me, but I can't give him what he has expected from me now. How to stop this from happening without hurting his heart?

My thoughts have halted when I feel him moving toward my pants, and that's when it suddenly hit me. I can't breathe as everything seems to get smaller and smaller. I don't even realize that I'm shaking violently now and shoving him away until I open my eyes. I sit on the bed with my heart heavy in my chest and stutter, "I-I can't.." If I didn't find a way to face this situation, I'd be sure I was close to some kind of stroke.

He is no longer above me but beside me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry," I mutter, getting out of the bed, pacing. "I'm sorry. I just... I thought I could, but my insecurity didn't let me breathe.."

"Hey, it's okay." He says, grabbing my arms to keep them from flailing. "We don't have to do anything that you're not ready for. We can cuddle and watch a movie or something. It's okay."

"I'm sorry for ruining your mood," I whisper again, burying my face in my hands. "I really tried to calm but-"

"Stop." He removes my hands from my face and presses his lips on mine, keeping me shut in my mouth. He then pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. "I can never understand how you feel, but I want you to know that I'll be here, no matter what." He picks up my shirt and hands it to me. "The rest can wait."

I sigh and throw myself over at him, clutching him. "I trust you. I know you won't hurt me, but.. the insecurity is still there." I move away from him and stare into his eyes, giving him a peck on the lips. "I'm sorry." With a deep breath, I slip the shirt over my head and lean against his side, trying to get relaxed.

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