Chapter 4

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Dean POV:

Seth's smile and his cuteness are the things that repeat in my mind since I have seen him. I try so hard to focus on something, but I can't. I know I like him already. No, I love him. I want him to be mine.

I want to introduce him to my family as my soulmate, but I know I can't do that now. Because, before that, I need to approach him and make him love me as I do. I want to feel the genuine pleasure of love with him because he can only provide that to me.

"Come to earth, man!" Jericho says while snapping his fingers in front of my face, forcing me to shake away from my thoughts.

"Sorry, man," I say, still catching up on my thoughts. I don't want to divert my mind from my sweetheart because it gives me a fantastic pleasure that no one can afford me. I grit my teeth and look up at Dolph when he places his hand on mine and asks, "Are you seeing anyone right now?"

Damn Dolph for being able to sense things so well.. even he drank four bottles of beer already. "No, not really." I finally answer and take a big gulp from my beer. "You know I've been too busy to date anyway," I say when I notice the unconvinced look on their face.

Jericho sighs and gives me an amused look. "Dude, you know we don't have any secrets, so just tell us." He says, drinking his beer and looking at me expectantly.

I take another gulp of my beer and order another round of shots to the table. "I think I'm in love," I say frankly and smile to myself as I think about Seth again. I guess this is the effect of love. I didn't expect I would love someone and dream about them in my life, but now it looked like magic to me.

"What?!" My friends ask in unison suddenly. I didn't know why they gave me a shocked expression when I told them that I was in love. Maybe it's their jealousy that I have found a soulmate before them. 

"Yeah, I'm in love." I can't control the blush when I repeat it, so I take a sip of beer to hide the blush, but they see it already. 

"Which lucky girl makes our Deano blush like a teenage girl?" Jericho asks in a teasing tone. I kick him in the legs under the table, but he doesn't stop teasing me. It's his habit to mock everyone until they punch a square in his face. But I'm not going to do that now. Why do I?

I shrug as my liquor intake gives me a bit of courage as I find myself giving voice to a thought that I've just become aware of. "What if it isn't a lucky girl?"

They look at each other confusedly before daring to ask me until confirming their doubts. But AJ smirks and pats my shoulder, giving me a realizing look. "I know who is this, right?"

I open my mouth to say something, but Dolph interrupts me and places his hand on my chest. "Let me guess," He says, praying to me to let the game a little interest. I also feel bored, so I let them chat about it even if they know nothing about my sweetheart.

He clears his throat before hesitantly asking, "Is it, Randy? I know you honestly respect and admire him. Or maybe it's AJ. I always wonder how you two are extremely close since you have nothing in common!" 

I try to interrupt in between because it's going somewhere to hell, but Jericho doesn't let me. He tries to guess this time, and I hope it's not bad. "Please don't tell it's Dolph or me! I surely don't need that image in my head! Oh God, it's Callihan, isn't he? You know he's happily married, and you've done nothing to jeopardize that..." He trails off miserably.

"Fuck, where the hell are you getting any of this?" I shout, standing up and pacing rapidly as my hands pawing at the back of my neck nervously, my tongue shooting around and out as it often does when I'm upset. "Randy's almost like a father figure to me, and AJ is, well, AJ. I mean, come on! And do you honestly think I've seen that way with either of you? And I can't believe you've even dared to suggest that I've looked at Callihan in that way, fucking Sami! He's my brother!"

They shrunk away from my anger, knowing they had crossed a line that they wouldn't be able to step back from. Still, my friends are trying to smooth things over. "We're sorry, Dean. We're just thinking out loud. We just assumed it was someone we knew!" 

Jericho stands up and steps toward me, his hands out in front of me as he tries to show he has meant no harm. Instantly, my anger dies down as I hear the hurt in his voice. I try to calm my nerves and sit back in the chair, throwing my hands in the air. "Listen, can we just forget about this?"

Nodding, everyone turns around to head toward their chairs, their shoulders slump over in defeat. The image doesn't sit right with me, not used to seeing them wound down. "Hey," I say quietly and get their attention.

"Well, you guys don't know about Seth except for AJ." The smile curls on my lips again when I repeat my lover's name. I sigh and lean back on the chair, trying to chill my mind all over again. 

Dolph places his hand on mine and asks, "Hmm... Where did you meet that guy? And how you're sure that it's love?!"

"Earlier today, I and AJ went to a restaurant. There I saw the cutest guy in the world. When I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. I think this is love at first sight." I lean forward and elbow my head on the table, gleaming at them. "I want him to be mine," I say, a bit of an edge to my voice.

"After what you have said, we are interested to see your boy." Jericho smiles and nods at me. I look at Dolph, and he also nods at me willingly. Now everything is sorted out. And that's what I've expected from them. 

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