Chapter 57

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Dean POV:

I wake up with the worst headache ever because of spending a long night with eyes wide open, wanting to take care of Seth. Usually, Saturdays are my favorite day of the week, but I feel this one will suck as soon as I wake up.

I raise one hand to rub my eyes as I open them slowly. The light coming from the window is stinging in my eyes like needles. A groan leaves my mouth to that. Exceptional start in the day!

As I finally manage to open my eyes without going blind, I groan again and look around the room, finding there's no sign of him. I hope he hasn't escaped to the kitchen to prepare for something.

Unhappily about my head, I crawl off the bed and make my way to the bathroom, wanting to brush my teeth. As I push the door to the bathroom open, I see him pass out on the floor.

I raise my eyebrows but can smell right away that he's been vomiting. I feel bad for him but try being as quiet as possible. In order to get him in a more comfortable position, I lift him off the floor and carry him back to the bedroom carefully, watching the younger man's face all the way.

On my way, he starts waking up slowly. "Sorry.." He mutters with a groan, following.

"Nothing to be sorry about," I say in a calm tone as I put him down on the bed and pull the blanket over him. "You should have got some rest. I'll make us breakfast." After pressing a sweet kiss to his temple, I make sure his head has turned to the side in case he has to vomit again while he is still sleeping.

I don't expect it, but I make sure. I get up and go to the bathroom again, opening the window so fresh air will hit the room. Then I flush the toilet. All the evidence has gone.

Now I take care of myself, brushing my teeth and putting on some fresh clothes, making sure that I'm ready for this day. I need to prepare healthy food for him and our unborn child because I have to.

Seth POV:

After finishing our breakfast, we get in our car and drive to the building where we are supposed to go once in two weeks regularly. No doubt I'm nervous. I try to stay calm, but I can't, so I turn to look at Dean, who's pulling around the corner, eventually.

"Don't get nervous. I'm with you." He grabs my hand and nods at me, trying to comfort me.

"Hmm.." I smile at him because I've nothing left other than a nod.

"Let's go inside." The dirty blond opens the door for me, and we step into the elevator. So we don't have to walk to the fourth floor.

We arrive and enter the andrologist's office. An older, dark-haired lady sits behind the reception desk that we have approached. "Good morning." The lady gives us a sweet smile. "How can I help you today?"

Luckily, he does the talking thing, so I don't snap at the situation. "Hello, we are here to see Doctor Regal. My name is Dean Ambrose, and he's my husband, Seth Rollins. I called for an appointment last week."

"That's right." She checks in her computer. "The doctor is still busy, but if you want to sit down in the waiting area, he will be with you in five to ten minutes."

He gives her a yes and accompanies me that we're sitting down in the waiting area. As usual, he isn't quiet for any second. "Are you excited, sweetheart? We're going to see our kid for the first time." A wide smile lay on his face.

"Yeah." I nod and hold his hand tightly, leaning against his shoulder.

He smiles and reaches his free hand out, pressing it on my belly. The bump under my shirt is still tiny, but I'm sure he's able to feel it, and goosebumps start laying down on his whole body.

With a vast grin on the blond's face, he takes my hand off my leg and places it on my belly. It is a new feeling. There is something inside of me that he has made, something he has created. I'm happy and excited as I feel about the baby, and I can feel my facial expression soften as my heart starts beating a little faster.

Our baby!

In there is our son or daughter. Something no one can take away from us. "Do you feel the little bump, Seth?" He asks gently.

I nod and raise my eyes to his face slowly. He gives me a softer smile now, a warmer one. One that can and does reach my heart and make my body ache. A smile that I've fallen in love with a year ago. I swallow hard. Handling all these positive feelings is hard on me, so I keep looking into his blue orbs and press a kiss on his lips.

A few minutes later, the doctor enters the room and gives us a friendly smile. He nods at him and pulls me along with him, wrapping his arm around my back slightly and leading me to the small treatment room.

My heart thumps faster as the doctor starts preparing me for an ultrasound. When my eyes land on the tiny miracle on the screen, I feel it's lying close to my heart. It's absolutely outstanding. I'll keep this ultrasound picture in a peculiar place once I reach home because we need to remember this specific moment every year.

 I'll keep this ultrasound picture in a peculiar place once I reach home because we need to remember this specific moment every year

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