Chapter 37

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Dean POV:

I've been lying on my side on the floor with Seth's jacket and crying while thinking about him. I don't put on his coat, although the air's cold out here. I bury my nose in the soft leather interior, the way I want to, the way I've loved to take him in my arms and not to let go of him, unabashed and unselfconscious.

It smells like him like it always does. And maybe it's gonna fade from my life like nothing until I can't even remember it anymore because the situation is getting riskier every day. I didn't hear any good news about him from the detectives, even if I want to. I don't know whether he's alive or not, but I hope he does.

I raise my head a little and hold the jacket close to my chest with both hands. If this is all I'm gonna get right now, I'll take it. Any part of him that I can get.

My breath hitches. "I miss you. Where are you, Seth? Which part on earth are you?" I whimper, the words muffle into the leather, imagining it like him.

I jump, startled, and blink my eyes when I feel someone's presence in my house. I'm not sure if they are a man or woman who is standing right over at me. They drag the jacket off me, but I grip it tight and shove them away.

With a frustrated sigh, I feel a blanket fall across me, and the figure sits in front of my face on their knees, grabbing my hand and rubbing it gently with their thumb. I open my eyes to see Renee staring at me. What?!

"What are you doing here?" I spit at her, sitting up quickly and dropping the jacket into my lap.

"I-I just care for you." She whispers, reaching her hand out to touch my arm. My eyes glance at her fingers unfocused, which are trailing over my arm and squeezing it gently. "You look exhausted."

I frown and shove her away, standing up with the jacket and draping it over my shoulder. "Thank you for your concern. You can go home now. I-I have to leave the house, wanting to visit the detectives." I just run upstairs without waiting for her response and get in my room.

I put the jacket in my closet and run into the bathroom, freshening up quickly. As I reach downstairs again, I notice Renee is still in my house. What does she want now?

I open my mouth to say something but stop when I hear the doorbell ringing. My eyes gleam in the pleasure of imagining it as Seth, so I run to the door and stop midway, noticing that it's a mail deliverer through the glass.

With a frustrated sigh, I open the door and raise an eyebrow at the man. "What do you want?"

"Sir, this is for you." The guy hands me a letter and gets a signature from me.

With confusion, I glance over at the letter and try to find whom it has posted. There's no evidence in it, so I sigh and tear at the edge, unwrapping the letter and bringing it to my view.

"I know you're searching for me everywhere, but I don't want it. I love you, but I have left you on purpose because I can't change myself for anyone. You try to prove that you're worth it, but I will never give anything to you. Staying with you for a lifelong is not only wasting my time but also yours! You can't achieve anything if I'm with you because all your focus is only on me. So I made a tough decision which was good for my husband's life! No, not anymore. I'm not worth a marriage life, but I want you to be happy, so please marry someone who's loving you and willing to give everything. I'm not worth for you and your life." - Seth

As soon as I read the atrocious letter, I've done. I can't believe my own eyes that are just reading the worst of my life. It means he's disappearing on his own, not wanting to live with me anymore.

I thought he was feeling something new for me at the carnival. Was that fake? I wouldn't try to pressure him into anything if he didn't like it. Then why did he make such a big decision without confronting me? Did I make a mistake by falling in love?

My thoughts are interrupted when she walks over to me and grabs a letter from me. She reads the letter to herself and looks at me, concerned. "I-I don't know what to say. He should have made such a decision on his own.."

I close my eyes frustratedly and recall the moments with him, not having the heart to fake his eyes, smile, and everything. A tear falls from my eyes, without I'm realizing it, and shows me weak in front of the blonde.

I blink my eyes open when I hear a car pulling into my driveway. Whom might it be? Either Baron or Roman. To proving my guess right, Roman enters my house and tries to know about his brother. "Dean, did you get anything about Seth?"

With a frustrating chuckle, I grab the letter from her and hand it to him. There's nothing to know or hear anymore because everything is over. As I'm staring at the floor helplessly, he places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently. "Don't believe what's in this."

He turns me around and points at the letter, trying to defend something. "Maybe the letter seems sentimental, but I'm sure it's not from my brother. He didn't make any decisions on his own, even if it was simple things, then how could he make such a stupid decision about his life? Never! He would always wish that you were not like our dad. Then how could he be our dad? Never!" His words are convenient because I'm witnessing everything.

I glance at him with tears well up in my eyes, "But, this letter has Seth's handwriting.."

He grabs my hand and hands the letter back to me. "Yeah. I know, but we have to verify this. I guess someone is trying to confuse us." He explains something to me and brings some sense into my mind. "Maybe the blackmailer would do this!"

"What? Blackmailer!" I look at him confused and wipe the tear away because many things are revealing now.

"Yeah... Someone was blackmailing Seth before your marriage to leave you, but he hid it from you, not wanting to worry you." His words cloud in the air because I can't believe what I'm listening to now. It means my sweetheart has been kidnapped because of me!

I haven't found the strength to stop my tears now because he's suffering because of me. I hope nothing awful will happen to him until I reach him. "Now I promise, Roman. If I find that son of a bitch, who has taken my Seth away from me, I'll personally kill them by myself." I say through gritted teeth.

I take my phone out and call the detectives to inform them about the situation. Once the call has ended, I turn around and notice that Renee is sitting on the couch blankly. Maybe she would worry about his cousin for the first time. Anyway, I have no time to guess about her because I have an urgent job to chase the blackmailer now.

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