Chapter 46

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Dean POV:

All I can do is keep the jacket hold against Seth's skin and continue to mumble encouraging words to him until we reach the hospital. I'm surprised that he is somehow still awake but also glad. If he is awake, I will never mistake his unconsciousness for death.

As we're reaching the hospital, I rest my hand on his face and make him know that I'm here for him. His eyes close at the touch, and he smiles weakly. "Don't even imagine in your dream to leave me alone, sweetheart," I murmur.

He stays silent, but he nods his head slightly. When Roman pulls the car up into the hospital, Seth becomes silent completely, but the precise movement of his chest shows he has just fallen unconscious. Still, it worries me.

"He's fallen unconscious," I whisper to his brother, taking in a sharp intake of breath. I get out of the car and scoop up him in my arms quickly, hurrying inside the building with Roman close behind me.

"I need a doctor!" Blinking back tears, I shout, making the staff look over at me in shock. "He's been stabbed. You've got to help."

A stretcher has immediately wheeled over to us, and the staff helps me place Seth down onto it. We follow them down a corridor, though we have stopped further down.

"You have to wait here. I'm afraid." The nurse says, gesturing to the seats. "You'll be allowed to see him as soon as he's stable."

"But-" I protest, but sigh and nod when Roman places a hand on my arm. I don't join Roman, however, when he sits down in one of the chairs. Instead, I pace back and forth, my mind thinking of the worst plausible scenarios.

I'm sorry, but we are unable to save him. The wound was just too deep, and he lost too much blood. I'm very sorry for your loss.

I shake my head, trying to clear my mind. Thinking negatively about it won't help at all. My sweetheart is going to be all right now, and he's in the hands of professionals. He'll be fine... Right? He has to be.

"Dean, I'm sorry." I haven't even noticed that Baron approach me with all our family close behind him. I have pulled into his arms, and I can't stop the tears from falling. We are utterly silent for a couple of minutes until I pull away, wiping my eyes.

Every time we hear a door open, we look up in hope, but each time it isn't a doctor or a nurse telling us the news that we want to hear Seth is going to be okay. After what seems to be hours, one of the nurses eventually exits the room that he has been brought to and walks over to where we are sitting. She glances at our family for a moment before looking at me.

"Is he all right?" I ask quietly, clearly looking in a worse state than others.

"We've stabilized him.." She starts and hesitates before continuing. "But his body is strangely weak. The knife wound would be serious for anyone, but he had multiple other injuries which were certainly not helping."

"We know of them," I say, breathing in deeply. "But will my sweetheart recover?"

The pause between her and me is a little too long for any of our likings. "..We hope so. We've done all we can for now. And we have to hope that he is strong enough to pull through this. We hope that if he manages to get past tonight, he'll be able to recover, as tonight will be the toughest for him. It's all down to him at the moment."

"Can I see him? Please?" I ask desperately. The nurse nods and walks over to open the door for us. I get out of my seat first and hurry after her while the others trail behind. I slow when I walk through the doorway, and I feel an awful pang of guilt when my eyes land on him in the bed.

"Oh, Seth," I murmur, rushing over to sit in the chair that is placed right by the bed. I slowly reach for one of his hands and hold it in both of mine. The staff exits the room silently, and our family stands by the doorway, none of them wanting to say a word.

His face hasn't gained any more color since the journey to the hospital, but I'm grateful that he looks much more peaceful, at least. Apart from the bruise around his eye and throat, he seems as though he is just sleeping. It is certainly easier to look at than when he is sweating and shaking uncontrollably in the car.

"Seth, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm sorry, sweetheart," I whisper, brushing his hair away from his face. "If I had any idea that this would have happened, I would have never brought you to the carnival."

"I failed doing what I had promised to do, and that was to protect you. I need you to pull through this, Seth. For your parents, for my parents and me. I have never thought that I'll care about someone this much, but I do care for you, Seth, a hell of a lot, and I want you. No, I need you to recover. You've been strong during all of this. You can't give up now." I lean down toward him and gently brush my lips against his forehead.

I look over at the door and nod at his mom, moving away and giving room for her. My eyes are closed when I hear the sobs come from her. Roman rests his hands on his mom's shoulders when she sits down in the chair I have previously been sitting in and held onto Seth's hands.

The way she looks so desperate to cling on, as though she is scared that if she lets go, she will lose him, bringing pain to each of our hearts. "Come to me, honey." She leans over to plant a kiss on his forehead before getting up and letting others see him.

Everyone takes a peek at him and moves on, but I find myself unable to turn for a moment, though I quickly come to my senses when Baron speaks up. "Dean, shall we go home?"

"Yeah.." I say, glancing at Seth one last time before walking out of the room and closing it behind me quietly. I don't want to leave him, but I have no choice because of the stupid hospital rules. I'm positive that I'm not going to be getting any sleep tonight.

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