Chapter 17

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Baron's Wedding...

Dean POV:

As I attempt to roll over in asleep, I get stopped by someone's arm, gripping me tighter around my bicep. Lifting my head, I squint at the alarm clock, hoping I still have some time to lie here before I have to get moving for the long day ahead.

As I'm able to focus on the numbers, I get suddenly began to push, following by yelling in alarm, "Dean, get up! If you don't get dressed and out of here right now, we will be late for the ceremony!" My mom yells, walking over to the closet and finding an outfit for me.

"Oh, shit! I fucking forgot to set my alarm last night." I groan and rub my hands all over my face before glancing at her.

"I told you already not to drink too much." She growls and crosses her arms over her chest. "Anyway, there is no time for arguing now. Just get ready fast." She advises me and leaves the room to take care of other arrangements.

Sitting up against the headboard, I sigh and take my phone from the bedside table, sending a message quickly to Seth. Rubbing my hands over my face again, I force myself to get up and frantically run around the room, grabbing clothes as I run into the bathroom, rushing to take the quickest shower on record.

If my parents blame me for the late, I'll blame Baron for it because he's the one who has given me a bachelor party last night. I tried to stop within two beers, but I couldn't when I saw tons of beer in front of me. Who would blame me, huh?

I quickly dressed, rambling downstairs and grabbing some juice and donuts off the counter, shoving one in my mouth as I think about what I want to do for my cousin in his ceremony because today is his day.

Hearing him rushing down the stairs, I turn around, only to meet with a tie in front of my face. "Nah, it doesn't look good on me." I try to grab the tie from his hand to throw it away because I won't like to wear ties.

"This is my day, so you need to wear it for me." He says and laughs at me when I give up. He helps me to wear the tie and pinches my cheek. "If Seth sees you like this, he will definitely fall onto your lap because you look very handsome now."

I blush and shove him away. "Today is your marriage, not mine. Anyway, congrats, man." I hug him and pull away when our parents have informed us that it's time to leave. Today is about him, so being there for him is what I'm gonna do.

The car ride is a little noisy, but I adjust to it. When we reach the church, I take a deep breath before exiting the car, and we immediately jumping on by Alexa's family as they yell at us for being late and pull us along with them.

As I enter the church, I notice Seth and his family are already in the midway of the seat. Sharing a quick moment with my cousin, I head down to Seth and take a seat beside him. "Sorry for the late!" I grab his hand in mine and squeeze it gently, earning a small smile at him.

"Don't need to apologize." He says and leans his head against my shoulder. We chat randomly and continue partying ourselves until I need to disappear for Baron. I excuse myself and join my cousin, who throws an arm across my shoulders and keeps me with him.

As we walk down the aisle, we both acknowledge various friends and family as we make our way to stand at the front, but the only eyes I'm interested in are glued to my own as I take my place by my cousin's side. I send my sweetheart a tentative smile and am pleased when he sends one back. For a moment, both of our faces are lighting up.

With a slight blush, I turn to the minister, who is giving us some last-minute instructions. Together, we turn to watch as the rest of the wedding party makes our way down and smile with the rest of those gathered as Baron's bride glide down on her father's arm. Moving forward, my aunt Brie kisses her on the cheek and nods at her.

As the pair begin to exchange their vows, I imagine what it will be like to be standing up there doing this with Seth. I chuckle to myself as I realize any wedding that involves him and me can never be this traditional because we have our way, always.

Looking over at him once again, I can't help but dream about my proposal later. Watching him move up the aisle with an innocent smile is doing unmentionable things to my body and my self-control. When he approaches my mom and stays at her side, it takes everything in me not to run up there and jump him.

As I turn my attention to the ceremony, I roll my eyes at the trite, traditional vows, telling myself that if Seth and I get that far, I've made damn sure that we do it on my way. Catching up in a sudden fantasy of us eloping at one of the small churches, I completely miss the end of the vows, only focusing back in when I put the ring to his finger.

As my eyes search out his own again, I notice he is staring at me with something on his mind. I try to read his expressions and find that he's wondering if he can be as happy as them. I nod at him and throw him a wink, smiling when his face flushes.

Grinning, I turn back to the front of the church as the minister pronounce the couple as married, and they share a simple kiss, making the crowd ooh and ahh. I let out a giggle as I throw him a look.

As the pair head down the aisle to applause, I jump to my feet and run to him, instantly hitting his side as we began the exit. My hand naturally draws to his back as I gently steer him out.

Outside, the family is waiting to pelt the couple with rice before they make their exit to go get some pictures. The family has milled around talking for a bit before they begin to head over to the reception.

As we are wandering around, I hear Dolph's voice from out of nowhere. We stop in place and turn around to see him standing there with his head down. "Hey, can I have a minute before you leave?" He asks nervously.

When he looks up at us, I feel how Seth is shivering in my arms, so I hold him against my chest and glare at my once so-called friend. "What do you want, Dolph?" I ask sternly and glare at him.

"Sorry, guys! That day, I was drunk, and I didn't mean-" He tries to explain something that I'm not ready to listen so I hold my hand out to stop him. I can't lose my love for him and his stupid talks!

Without saying anything, I give him a warning with my eyes before grabbing Seth's hand and taking him to the side of the building where I've seen a bench earlier. Sitting down, I grip his hand tightly as I turn, staring at him intently.

Struggling to say something, he finds himself battling for breath as his anxiety overwhelms him. "It's all because of me!"

Luckily, I immediately notice the panic attack and spring into action, grasping his hand as I pull him back so his back is against my chest, urging him to breathe. "Shh, don't talk like this. I'm here for you."

Not wanting him to worry about anything, I press my lips at his throat and around his ear as I whisper to him, "You're the only one that I want in my life. I'll do anything for you, sweetheart. Even I will go to the end of the world to prove it to you." My hands reach down to tangle with his own and squeeze a little.

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