Chapter 16

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Dean POV:

I lay on the bed on my stomach while busy talking to Seth. As I'm doing so, I notice Baron is glaring at me. I ignore him and continue my conversation on the phone because he's gawking at me for more than an hour now. And God knows for what! 

When he can't take it anymore, he gets up from the chair and stands in front of me, trying to talk to me for the third time in a day. "Dean! I want-" I cut him off by holding my phone in one hand and covering the speaker with another before saying, "Wait, Baron, just five more minutes!" I plead and turn my attention back to the phone.

He knows I won't try to hear what he's going to talk about until my sweetheart hangs up, so Baron jumps on me and takes the phone from my hand forcefully, telling Seth that he has some work with me. He throws the phone at my face and smirks at me once the call is over. 

"What do you want, Baron? I didn't disturb you when you were talking with your girlfriend. But why did you disturb me?" I pout and throw the pillow at him for killing my precious moment.

He catches the pillow and chuckles, "Damn, you're acting like being apart from Seth for a few minutes is killing you, but I'm the one who is going to be newlywed here. Anyway, we are going shopping in an hour, so be ready quick." He jabs me into my ribs.

I push him back and lean back against the headboard. "Shopping for what?"

"For what?! My marriage. Plus, I want to surprise Alexa." He grabs me by my arm and forces me to stand up.

"Please, Baron, I don't want to involve in this drama. She is your fiancée, not mine. So, leave me alone." I pull my hand away from him and grab my phone, wanting to dive back into my love again.

He grabs the phone from me unexpectedly and shoves it into his pocket. "If you're not coming with me, I'll ask permission to Seth for taking you out." He blackmails me, and I glare at him for doing everything on purpose.

"No! Don't do that, I'll come," I say in an irritated tone and get up from the bed. If Baron talks to my sweetheart, I won't have a chance to chat with him until I do what he has told me. I curse under my breath that he won't get any gift for his girlfriend for making my life the worst.

A few minutes later, I huff as I walk around the very grand, busy mall. My cousin's wedding is coming. It means that it is time to buy presents for the people we have loved. Normally, shopping is quite simple. We only need gifts for our family, but this is different. 

When Baron informed me that he wanted to surprise his girlfriend, I planned to surprise my boyfriend by proposing to him at my cousin's wedding. So it will be a double festival for our family. 

I aimlessly walk around the busy mall, glancing at window displays in hopes that something will spark my imagination until Baron comes back to me. "Dean, I need your help. I have zero clues what to get for my baby." He says and waits for me to respond.

"Okay." I nod, still glowing up in my thoughts. I don't know how to impress Seth. I know what I'm gonna do. I know what I'm wanna do, so why do I punk out? What if he doesn't get impressed? 

I get nothing to worry about, so there's no way he will never get impressed. Oh, shit! I don't wanna wrap a ring box, though. I have a million ways to propose in my head, but none of them seems right.

About two hours later, I'm happy with these finds for him. There is one last stop, however, and this is the biggest one. We step into Kay Jewelers and go to look for rings.

A sales lady greets us with a slight smile on her face. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. Can I help you?" 

"We're looking for the perfect ring for my love." Baron says, "Something flashy, but not too flashy." He's still thinking that I'm wandering around for him.

"Well, take a look through these and let me know if you see one you like," The woman says and motions to a display. Most of the rings are simple and perfect for what we are looking for.

I take one look and audibly gasp, "That one." I point to the one that has caught in my eyes. It is white gold with a center diamond that isn't too big but isn't short either. Smaller diamonds lined the ring. "It's perfect."

He looks at the one that I'm pointing to, "I agree, it looks good on Alexa

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He looks at the one that I'm pointing to, "I agree, it looks good on Alexa."

"Who told it was for Alexa?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "It screams Seth. It will be perfect for him."

"Perfect, what size is he?" The woman asks as she fishes out the ring.

"Size 12," I say because I know everything about my sweetheart. And I'm proud of saying it out loud.

"Great! I'll write up the order, and we'll get you set on a payment plan and the works." She walks off and leaves us alone.

I turn to look at him and hug him. "I couldn't have done it without you, Baron. Thanks for taking me here."

He chuckles, "Figures. Well, you're welcome. Now, get outta here cause now I gotta shop for my baby."

I laugh. "Okay, fair enough. Anyway, I owe you." The lady returns with paperwork for me, and once it is all sorted out, he takes the papers and slides them into the shopping bag he is carrying.

We walk around the mall some more in hopes that inspiration will strike us. By the end of the trip, we have more things for Seth and a few things for his girlfriend, but we are definitely sure about the experience trip rather than more things that will sit there collecting dust. 

As we are exiting the mall, my phone goes off. I initially won't notice the caller's identity and attend to the phone. "Dean... I'm-" I disconnect the call and hold the phone tightly in my hand when I hear the voice that I know to whom it belongs, and it makes me angry.

I get in the car with my cousin, trying not to lose my mind. My phone starts to ring again, but I don't answer it, instead slam my hand on the window irritatedly to let my anger out. "Hey, why are you not answering the call?" He asks when he sees me gritting my teeth in anger.  

"I don't want to answer it," I say harshly. Baron starts the car when someone's horn catches our attention, and I look through the window to watch the surroundings to calm my nerves.

"Who is calling you?" He asks while driving and trying to know what is going on.

"It's Dolph!" I say through gritted teeth because I still can't forget what has said that day. How could I?

He places his right hand on my thigh and gently squeezes it. "What happened between you two?" He asks with his eyes still on the road.

Wanting to chill my mind, I explain everything to him. During that time, I hold the handle tightly and squeeze it with full force until my knuckles turn white. Spilling my temper out to him makes me ease all my anger and leave me calm and comfortable.

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