Chapter 50

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Seth POV:

The next several weeks go by far too quickly with enjoyable. We have visited the hospital every week and checked out my health condition. Even though the doctor said I was fine, Dean behaved like my parent and held me in his arms whenever he was at home.

Not only at the home but in the office also today. It's been the first time that I've returned to the office after a long time, wanting to help him, but he keeps me in his arms for a few moments and forces me to go back home. I won't like any of it. Even if I try to give him puppy eyes, he will never fall for it now.

Without having a heart, I'm returning home and spotting a kitty cat on my gate, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I get out of the car and step closer to look at the fur baby, noticing that she is bleeding nonstop.

"Oh!" I feel sorry for her, so I grab her and throw her in the backseat of the car, driving to the nearest animal hospital, just praying that she will somehow make it through the day. While seeing her condition, I get worried more, so I take my phone out of my pocket and call my brother, letting him know everything and pleading with him to come over.

"Is she gonna be all right?" I ask as I blink away tears from my eyes.

"Yes, thank God you showed up when you did. I didn't think she would've lasted much longer." The veterinarian tells the truth and makes me breathe a sigh of relief. Returning home earlier made me did a great job.

As I'm about to say something, Roman arrives here quickly and finds me right on the spot. He walks over to my side and places his hand on my shoulder, flashing a smile at me. He then nods at the veterinarian and knows what's going on.

"Great! We'll see you then, but.. can I keep the cat?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Ooh, I'm gonna have to make sure that she doesn't belong to anyone else first, and if she doesn't... of course." The veterinarian says, resting his hands on his hips.

I open my mouth to talk furthermore but get startled when my phone rings. Groaning, I take my phone out and notice that it's from my husband. I stare at the screen for a few moments until Roman pats my shoulder and nods at me.

"I'll bring her home to you when I visit tonight!" He says, soothing my back and shoving me a little. "Now go home. Dean will be waiting for you." He understands the situation well and convinces me to get up from my seat in the waiting room and head for the door.

After a lengthy car ride, I get out of the vehicle and notice that Dean is waiting for me at the doorway. Does this mean he leave the job quickly for me again? I groan and palm my face, trying not to argue that he has to take care of other things as well.

"Where have you been?! I was worried sick." He walks over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

I rub my forehead worriedly because I know I have to lie to him since he hates anything that isn't a human being. "I was... going to meet Roman on the way, so it had late. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He smiles and pulls me close to his body, leaning forward to kiss me, but stops when he notices fur on my suit. "Is that fur on you?"

I gulp, looking down at myself and then backing up at him, "Y-Yeah! It's a faux fur coat."

His eyes narrow as he gives me a doubtful look but nods, anyway. "Hmm.. okay. I prepared your favorite meal for you while you were getting late."

I laugh, holding his hand and leaning my head against his shoulder. "Thank you."

After we finish eating the food, he walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a beer, turning to shrug his shoulders at me. With a chuckle, he grabs my hand and drags me to the couch, sitting on it and sighing softly as he stretches his hands over his head. "Home sweet home," He jokes, patting the space beside him for me.

"Yeah." I laugh at his humor and sit next to him, drawing my attention to him.

"Want this?" He asks, out of courtesy, even though he undoubtedly knows my answer.

"No thanks," I say predictably, letting my mind wandering around to a kitty cat.

"Suit yourself," He replies, reaching for a remote and clicking on the television, and it's on a credible rerun of a baseball game. He doesn't click the volume up as he watches, opening the beer with the bottle opener.

I roll my eyes good-naturedly as I adjust slightly, glancing at him with a half-smile. He takes a sip, and my smile gets a little softer as he looks at me. Fuck, it's so good to be with him.

Unfortunately, about an hour and a half into our moment, the doorbell rings and gets our attention. "Who in the world is that?" He asks, throwing the bottle away.

I stun in place and think about who it might be until the cat gets into my mind. "Sorry, I completely forgot to tell you that I was expecting my brother," I say as I sluggishly get off the couch and run to the door before opening it. "Sorry for the wait."

Roman gives me a tiny smile. "No problem..." He leans forward and gives me a small hug, pressing a kiss on the side of my head. With a sigh, he pulls away from me and unzips his baggy coat which reveals the cat.

"Julia!" I scream, holding my hands over my pounding heart.

"Julia?" He mutters, raising an eyebrow at me before placing the cat down on the carpet.

"Yeah, Julia! Since it's my brother Roman's gift, so it has been like Romeo and Juliet, get it?" I say as I pick up my new fur baby.

"Uh-huh," He says, unable to hide his giddiness. "Thanks, buddy. I really do appreciate it!"

"No worries, it's the least I could do," I say as I rock the cat back and forth in my arms.

"Excuse me." My husband interrupts without knowing what's going on. How did I forget about him? He blinks his eyes rapidly and walks over to him, hugging him. "It's good to see you, man." He moves away from him and wraps his arm around his shoulders, guiding him to the couch. "Is everything going well?"

"Yeah." Roman appreciates and goes along with him, not knowing about my situation. "Except spending time in the animal hospital for Seth."

Dean freezes for a moment, "What?!"

"Huh? You weren't aware that he just adopted a cat?" Roman asks, widening his eyes.

"No! Seth.. please explain yourself." My husband says as he sits down on the couch to listen.

I put the cat down so she can run free without participating in our conversation. "I.. the cat almost died! So, I just couldn't part way with her, and I guessed you were gonna have to accept that, sorry." I say before inhaling and exhaling deeply.

He then stands back up, "Seth, I'm so proud of you for finally holding your ground, especially to me, so yeah, you can keep her."

I smile brightly before running up to lock lips with him, "Yay, thank you, Dean!"

"So, can you provide us with some food? I think this little one's getting a little hungry." My brother says, pointing at the cat biting one of his shoelaces.

"Yeah," I say, picking up the cat and taking her into the kitchen. Life is indeed strange, with a share of happiness. I didn't think inviting someone new to our family will bring this much happiness to me. It's amazing. Is it what Dean mention always?

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