Chapter 14

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Dean POV:

Even though I want to come here, I don't want to arrive here with Seth. Because he means so much to me! If I want to clear my mind and think about the next thing, I need a drink, so I can't do anything now. And I promise I will ask him for sorry for this later.

The music isn't too loud, so my mind doesn't bug me much. I look to my right to stare at Seth as he looks around the bar, taking a glimpse of everything. His eyes must have almost fallen out of his head as his eyes land on the strippers.

He quickly averts his eyes and mutters something under his breath while clinging further into me. It brings a small smile to my face, but when the meeting reappears in my mind, I get angry and drink the beer like water.

Jericho laughs and nudges my shoulder as he calls for another round of shots to the table. "So, how's your first meeting?" He asks and takes a sip of his beer. They didn't know what happened in the meeting because I didn't respond to them still now.

"The meeting didn't go well!" The words let out of my mouth are mixed with frustration and anger. "I'm not worth for business just like everybody thinks." I grit my teeth and clench my fist, taking another shot to drink.

AJ places his hand on mine and tries to comfort me. "Listen, dude. You don't have to say that. Nobody wins at their first step, even your dad as well. And you know well about it." It has sense, but recalling the teasing of others in the meeting makes it even worse.

A few minutes later, a girl with curly blonde hair, wearing light blue jeans and some cross top, entering the bar with a tall, muscular guy. I take another sip and look at Seth, who is still looking down uncomfortably and drawing circles with his foot on the floor.

"Jericho, did you see that blonde piece of sexy?" Dolph asks, not taking his eyes off of her.

"Yeah, I did. But you don't see that blonde has a boyfriend?" Jericho asks in return, making everyone laugh.

I hum a song and feel a little relaxed when the speaker in the bar plays my favorite song. "Hey, Seth! I love this song! Come on, let's dance!" I whisper to him rather excitedly.

He looks around nervously and holds my hand even tighter. "No, Dean, I can't. Please.." While seeing him this uncomfortable, I feel sorry for him and try to comfort him by wrapping my arms around him and letting him curl up against my side. "It's okay, sweetheart." I coo in his ear and press a small kiss on it.

Watching us, quite interested and amused, Dolph starts to tease me. "I knew why Dean didn't perform well in the meeting. If he was always flirting with Seth the entire time, then how could he concentrate on other things!" It makes Seth flush his cheeks, so he hides his face in my chest.

"You know what, Seth, you're cute when you blush." He winks at him and takes another sip of his beer, checking him out.

My blood boils when he flirts with my sweetheart in front of me. He knows well that Seth is my boyfriend, my everything, and my love of the life, but how dare he be. He might be drunken. But it doesn't mean he can do anything.

He takes another shot and stares at my boyfriend. "You're very sexy, Seth. If I met you before him, I'm sure I will make you my bitch." With that, I swat everything on the table in a swift motion and jump at him before taking him down to the floor and punching him wildly. How dare he is!

He yelps and attempts to protect himself as I pummel at his face and neck. AJ grabs me from behind and tries to calm me, but I push him aside. Seth watches in shock and unable to move when pools of blood start to cover both my hands and Dolph's head.

"Don't you fucking think about Seth at all? If you get in my eyes the next time, I'll kill you!" I scowl at the barely conscious man and kick him in the stomach one last time. His arms fall to his sides, but I show no signs of stopping, so AJ and Jericho pick me up and throw me to the other side.

As Seth takes in what is happening, he shudders and approaches me slowly, holding my hand tightly. He seems sorry for what has happened, even if it's not his mistake.

I don't want to let him stay a minute in here after that. I drag him outside and let him get in the car. Once we have settled, I cup his cheeks and stare into his eyes. "Are you okay?"

He doesn't respond instead, throwing himself into my arms, sobbing and clutching a little. By the shivering in his body, I can guess that he's scared about the whole situation, so I wrap my arms around him and hold him tightly against my chest. "I'm here for you," I mumble and press a kiss on his temple.

We pull away from each other and stare into each other's eyes for what is like a million hours. There's a smile curl on Seth's lips, redness gone from his eyes, leaving me to stare at his chocolate brown eyes that I've ever seen.

"You should kiss me." For a second, he's not sure if he actually says it out loud when I take his hand and press my lips to his knuckles. He might be blushing, or he's getting comfort. Both. Probably both.

I move away and stare into his eyes, wanting to clear all the worries out of his heart. I lean forward and kiss his nose first, then his forehead, and then his lips. He smiles and hums, then returning the kiss.

"I'm tired." He mumbles, still catching up in his own thoughts. "What time is it?" He glances around, but I shake my head. "No, I mean... I don't have some great fucking reason. Wanted to sleep to clear my mind."

"It's okay. I understand." I press my lips back to his and run my thumb over the back of his hand. 

The noise around us seems to fade, as he isn't sure what to say, and the environment certainly isn't helping. So he brings my hand over and softly kisses my knuckles in return. With a satisfied smile, I start the car and drive it to his house shortly.

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