Chapter 39

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Dean POV:

The television playing in the background and the voices ringing in my ear as I lay on the bed. Tears slowly roll down my cheeks, striking the comforter and no doubt tinting it. I think about how much trouble Seth is in because of me, and it just makes me cry more.

My pants are sticking to the mattress. And my hair lay across my forehead and eyes, sticking to my face from the tears. I hear the door creak open and realize that I haven't closed it. I can't even bring myself to look up at the people who make their way inside.

I'm just laying there, almost lifeless, as they drop something on the ground with a thud. The people let out a collective displeased hum. And all I can do is stare; I can't even gather the strength to look up at them. I don't know who they are, and I don't care. The darkness has finally taken complete control of me.

I blink my eyes rapidly when I feel a figure sit down on the bed beside me, brushing the hair from my eyes, allowing me to see again. I realize it is a man who's from Seth's bloodline. A small smile curls on my lips as he shows an apple pie over my face and plants it on the bedside table. I don't know he has bought this on purpose or not, but it takes me to one of the pleasant moments in my life.

He came down to breakfast at my house a week later after my marriage and found Seth and I were making moon eyes at each other. He smirked because he was pretty sure that my ankle had hooked around Seth's leg under the table and my sweetheart feeding me waffles off of his fork while I grinned mischievously around every mouthful.

"Really, guys? Right in front of my damn bacon?" The older man grumbled, sitting down across from us.

"Sorry." We muttered at the same time, pulling apart hastily.

We turned and caught each other's eyes again with matching amused smiles, and he just shook his head fondly and couldn't help smiling too, trying to hide it behind his coffee cup. We might be idiots, but we were his idiots, damn it.

When we had done eating, we just sat in silence for a few minutes, like we were readjusting to the way this felt, the way the air settled around us. The warm, soft magnetic energy that was always calling to us taking root deeper and constant.

"This is good, right? Everything's perfect," Seth said, eyes flitting from me to his brother and back, looking a little anxious.

I just shrugged. "Yeah, it's just perfect. It's like an apple pie."

He looked across at me strangely, but his brother just nodded and mumbled, "Yeah, exactly."

I chuckle lightly as the moment reflects in my eyes, but fresh tears flow immediately. Letting out a deep breath, I open my eyes and sit up straight, glancing at Roman, who stares at me worriedly. I nod at him and slip off the bed, walking over to the closet.

As I'm about to disappear into the bathroom with fresh clothes, I hear my phone ring. With a vast imagination of getting a better answer, I grab my phone from the bedside table and look over at the caller's identity, finding it's from Tyler.

I feel a little relieved when he mentions he finds out something. I hope his finding will take me closer to my sweetheart. With a lively sigh, I freshen up quickly and go to the detective's office with Roman.

We sit on the chair quietly and chat with Fandango about the kidnapping until Tyler appears with some report. He sits opposite us and hands us the record, explaining the things. "Dean, just as you'd doubted, this letter was not written by Seth. It was someone other than Dolph because his handwriting was also not matched with the letter."

I glance at Roman before looking back at him, trying to clarify what's on my mind. "Is it mean someone behind Dolph?" I have to know who has involved in this crime because they are made a crucial mistake by kidnapping my sweetheart.

"Yeah. There's a 100% chance for it. After investigating all your family, we guess the kidnapper must be well known to you. Maybe it's your friend, enemy, crush, or office-" He gives me some clue, hoping it will be helpful for me, but Fandango interrupts while tapping the pen on the table. "Nah, it must be someone who has a crush on you. The letter has evident in it."

It seems like a puzzle with many pieces and parts, so I palm my face and struggle to process something. Every segment has a place that determines where I have to start. If a piece is missing from where the parts should meet, it distorts the complete picture, so I need to be careful.

I want to get my Seth back so poorly. I have to stay up thinking about us all long until I figure out whatever has gone wrong and taken my sweetheart away from me, sending a dagger into my heart so hard.

If I could go back in time and change things, I would do it in no time. If I have wings, I will fly over the earth and find where he is. But since I can't, forcing him to know that I miss him, as I have never missed anyone before. "Please, come back to me, sweetheart." I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut and letting the tears flow, which is well up in my eyes.

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