Chapter 9

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Seth POV:

I love Dean's family and friends because they're good for me. They treat me well and let me feel comfortable at the party. And most importantly, he's always around me and makes sure that I'm okay with everything.

I wrap my arm around my cousin and feel pleased for the photo until a pair of lips press against my cheek. The look of shock that spread across my face is genuine, as is the pink pigment that begins creeping across my face.

The group breaks apart and goes back to mingling, but I glue in place. The lips have belonged to Dean, and there is no doubt about it. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asks, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder.

"You kissed me. On the cheek, you kissed me." I say in shock, but he grins at me. I don't know what to do, so I walk off and excuse myself to the bathroom. But he rushes around to stand in front of me.

As he's about to say something, his cousin Baron calls him. He whines and mumbles something under his breath before waving a hand at me and walking over to him. At least he provides me some space to clear my mind now.

I disappear to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face before staring at the mirror. The water slides down on my face as I try to catch my breath again. Something tells me to break down crying, but no tears are falling. I feel new, totally new.

I peek back to the room and search where Renee is, but she is nowhere to be found. I don't know why she is driving me to worry much by not informing me where she has gone. As I turn to a corner, I stop in shock. Because I see her kissing Dean, and it isn't a friendly type.

My heart shatters into a million pieces when I see that, and tears start to fill in my eyes. How are tears so easy to cry when our heart is heavy! I move backward slowly and make my way outside frustrated, walking on the street alone. I don't know why it hurts me like hell.

Dean POV:

After I have a conversation with Baron, I look around in search of Seth and find him wandering around, looking for someone. I smile and walk toward him but get interrupted by Renee, who is blocking my way. 

Before I respond, she leans forward and presses a kiss on my lips. I haven't expected this, so I get shocked at the moment. My eyes glue to Seth, who is standing a few feet away from us with tears in his eyes.

I hold my hand out to him as he rushes out toward the exit. I grit my teeth and glance at Renee, pushing her away with full force. "What the hell is that?" I yell and rub my lips with the back of my hand, hoping it will erase the bitter taste from both my lips and my life.

I mutter under my breath for not keeping her at the limit. How dare she be? I won't overreact if no one is in my heart, but now I belong to Seth, only to him. And she destroyed the feelings that were slightly bloomed in his heart by a stupid kiss.

"I'm sorry, I really am." She explains, but I glare at her and dash toward the exit where he has disappeared a little earlier. I don't want to hear any bullshit from her because I don't have time for that now. 

Seth POV:

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I shake my head in disappointment as I chant under my breath. "Dean has no right to break my heart. How could he?" I ask myself as I wipe the tears away.

Suddenly, a man grabs me by my arm from behind and tries to kiss me. I'm sure the smell from him tells me that he is already drunken. Shit! I shouldn't have to stay so late, but this party had gotten into a rhythm, and I'd lost track of time.

I try to escape from his grip, but he doesn't let me go. I try hard and do my best to push him away, but he tightens his grip on my arm and slaps my face hard.

"You motherfucker!" A voice yells from behind when the stranger forcefully cups my face and moves closer to me. I feel safe because I know whose voice is this.


Before I turn to look at him, he pulls the guy away from me and jumps at him, taking him down to the ground and punching him wildly. The guy pushes him away and takes off running, leaving me still frozen.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if he didn't come here at the right time. My thoughts are interrupted, and I jump heavily when a hand rests on my shoulder from behind. 

"Are you okay?" The voice asks urgently. "Seth?" He shakes me violently, as I still don't respond to him. I try to process everything that has happened, realizing I'm safe with him. 

I spin around and throw myself into his arms, sobbing and clinging to him. He wraps his arms around me possessively and holds me tightly against his chest. 

I feel his lips press against my temple to make me comfortable. He smells so good and feels so good while he is holding me. 

I stay here standing, wrap up in his arms for a long time. I look up into his eyes when he lifts my face and asks, "Why did you leave the party alone?" Then I realize what I'm doing. 

I pull myself away from him eventually, "I have to go." I look away, as I don't know how to tell him. 

I move away, but he grabs my hand. "Just tell me." I look down as I hold my tears back, trying not to cry in front of him. 

When he squeezes my hand, I look back at him and say, "I saw Renee kissed you.." 

"Shit! Yeah, she only kissed me, but I didn't, and I had no idea why she did that. I really like you, only you." He cups my face and looks into my eyes. 

"But-" Before I talk to him, he cuts me off by shaking his head and reaching out, locking me in his arms as his lips plunder mine, his tongue quickly brushing my lips, begging for entrance.

It takes a second for my head to catch up with the rest of him. I know the look in his eyes tells me whatever he has said is true, so I close my eyes and open my mouth up to him, letting out a moan as our tongues touch for the first time, winding around one another before carefully exploring the other's terrain.

When we finally have to pull apart to breathe, our foreheads remain against one another, our eyes staring deep into the other. Once I'm able to get my mouth to cooperate, I'm asking, "What was that for?"

He gives me a salacious grin in return. "If you need to ask that, then I'm not doing it right!" He pulls me again and presses another kiss on my lips.

I blush and kiss him in return, wrapping my arms around his neck. I wish we have to be like this forever. If this is real, that is, if his love is only for me, then I will give myself to him.

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