Chapter 43

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Dean POV:

When Renee returns to the living room, I take Seth's wedding ring out of my pocket and swirl it on the coffee table, trying to get her attention. It's my last shot. If I play well, she will fall into my trap definitely.

"D-Dean," She whispers, trying to know what's going on, but I keep quiet. With a loud, frustrated sigh, she grabs the ring from me and glances over it for a few minutes before approaching slowly to me. "I know the ring, Seth's. Did he send this to you with the letter?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

I didn't tell her that I got a letter again, but she fell into my trap without realizing it, so she's a culprit. If I want to find my Seth and catch her with evidence, I have to keep quiet. "Yeah," I respond, looking down at the floor with worry on my face.

She places her fingers under my chin and tilts my head up, giving me a concerning face. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks, soothing small circles on my cheek with her thumb.

"Nah." I shake my head and grab the ring from her, throwing it on the floor. "I-I don't want to recall anything that is hurting me much."

"Okay." She nods, pulling her hand away and leaning back on the couch. She thinks about something serious as her eyes glue to Seth's ring. She then places her hand on my thigh and tries to inject me that is plaguing her mind. "Shall we go out for dinner, if you don't mind? I guess it will help you about the whole Seth thing."

I hesitate to answer but nod anyway, hoping she believes each of my words. "I think you may go now because Baron will be here in another fifteen minutes. And I don't want him to know this. You know-" The words stop in my throat when she presses her lips on mine.

"I'm sorry. Hmm... I know what you mean." She replies gently and grabs her handbag before making her way to the door. If I encourage her a little, she will definitely meet my sweetheart today.

"Can you put on a red dress for me?" I ask, knowing well about what I'm doing. A fake smile curls on my lips as she turns to look at me and gives me a soft smile. With a long heavy sigh, I lean back on the couch and wave a hand at her.

Once she steps her foot out of the house, I get up from the couch and grab Seth's ring from the floor, pressing my lips on it. "I'll get you back, sweetheart." I sigh and take my phone out from my pocket, dialing Baron's number and informing him to trace Renee where she's going based on her phone signal.

A few minutes later, he informs me that she's going to Seth's house. I rub my temple in absolute confusion and rethink about my everything. Did I guess wrong that she would meet my sweetheart now? No! There's no chance for it.

I chew my lip nervously and step out of the house, leaning against the wall and crossing my arms over my chest. My eyes wander around until it settles on my neighbor's dog, which is barking inside the kennel, wanting to get outside. A question suddenly appears in my mind that makes my heart stop its beating. What if Seth gets trapped in his own house?

I could feel something whenever I went to his house after his kidnapping, so I had to check it out. "Shit!" I growl and run toward my car, getting inside and driving it to his house. On the way, I request Baron and Roman to come over with the detectives for support.

My focus is only on the road now, thinking about my sweetheart. I hope he's good. It's been too long that I'm roaming around and letting him suffer in hell, so I have to apologize to him once I get him in my arms. Just as the wheels are rolling, my mind is also undulating and recalling our sweet moments.

Maybe his love was just another sweet weight that I had to carry for my lifetime. "What is?" He asked breathlessly because he wanted this the whole time. But he just pretended that he never did. Even if he purported, I knew he needed me, even if I was the most fucking painful thing in the world.

"You. The way you look at me," I said, meeting his eyes, and it looked like I could hardly bear it.

"How do I look at you?" He asked quietly, making me held my gaze.

"Like I'm everything that you want." I smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss on his nose.

"Because you are," He told me at once. He made a choked sound after that. "B-But I don't know... how to be a good better half." He said, pulling his limbs in closer to his body. He wrapped his arms around his knees as he moved away from me a little, unconsciously making himself smaller and staring at me.

Watching him vulnerable like this, I wanted to protect him from anything in the world that could ever harm him, always. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him against me. "You don't have to be anything. You have to be you."

He laughed ruefully. "I know you have way too much fucking faith in me, even if I don't deserve to. Please, never imagine in your life to leave me even if the things between us are not working." He said, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"I will work because it's us," I told him firmly, reaching out to brush my fingertips to the knuckles of his hand that had curled tightly into the knee of his skinny jeans.

There was a long silence, and then he slowly turned his body toward me and stared into my eyes, his knee brushing mine. "I love you," He said because it was the only thing he could say, the most truthful word in the entire world. "Please never leave me for my insecurities."

"Seth," I exhaled, like a curse, like a prayer.

He just stared at me, eyes wide, lips trembling, his breath soft and slow and longing in the space between us, like please, please, please...

I reached out and took his face in both hands, pulling him toward me into a crushing kiss. His entire body was pulsing with electricity against me, and it felt like we couldn't breathe again, but it was the best fucking feeling in the world this time.

I kissed him until I felt drink on it until I couldn't feel anything but his soft lips, his beard catching against my own, his hands tight in my hair, his chest firming and heaving against my own.

I pulled away, fingers stroking over his cheeks. "I want you. God, I want this. I want fucking everything." I breathed against his lips. "I'm not going anywhere," I reassured him, smiling at him, our foreheads pressing together.

"And I'll never let you go away from me as well," I said, ducking in to kiss him again, soft and brief. And he sighed into it as his eyelids flutter shut.

"Promise?" He asked when his eyes blinked back open.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tugging him closer, so he was pressed flush against my side, his head falling onto my shoulder. "Promise," I said against his hair.

Maybe we were sprawled on the floor outside in front of a cold swimming pool, but this was the warmest and happiest we'd ever been. We could stay right here forever, my arms around Seth, my breath on his skin. It was better than any picture-perfect moment we had ever dreamed of under the brightest light of the sun. Because it was us. It was real.

I snap out of my thoughts when I take a sharp turn on a familiar street. "I almost near you, sweetheart." I groan, speeding up the car. Now we might not be a series of fleeting, fragmented moments, but we have a future, a home, a life. Together.

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