Chapter 52

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Dean POV:

Everything is going well, so I'm expecting something special because it's one of the most important days of my life. Yeah... Today is my birthday! With many dreams in my mind, I wake up to find the bed empty and the smell of bacon wafting in through the open bedroom door.

I groggily get up and make my way down to the kitchen, where Roman sits at the kitchen island while Seth stands at the stove in a t-shirt and gray sweatpants. I hum to myself and then wrap my arms around his waist, my head laying against his back. "Morning, sweetheart," I say, voice still raspy from sleep.

He smiles, "Morning, Dean. There's coffee in the pot, and breakfast has almost done."

I move so that I can place a kiss on his lips without distracting him from his task and then make my way to the pot of coffee. I take a seat on the stool next to Roman, knowing well what he's doing here in the early morning.

We sit together silently and sip our coffee as we chat casually, but I get no evidence of him wishing me. Well, how could he be before my sweetheart? Yeah. Not long after, Seth set our food before us and join us on the island.

"Eat fast, Dean. You have to go to the office." He says, digging the food and recalling me about my work. He hasn't looked like he remembers my birthday, so I stare at him in complete shock. How could it happen? Last week also, we were chatting about it and planning to do something.

"Fuck!" I mumble under my breath. Frustratedly, I get up from the chair and walk over to the sink, rinsing the plate carelessly. I turn to look back at him and notice that he's busy chatting with his brother. How could he forget my birthday?

I feel forgotten. Yeah, forgotten, that's the way to describe how I'm feeling now. I palm my face and growl slowly, trying to clear my mind. I have to recall him if he's forgotten because of some issues. I walk over to him and place my head on his shoulder, kissing him gently on the cheek. "Is anything special about Roman arrival earlier? Do you plan something for this day?"

He looks at me confused before glancing at his brother and giving him a questioning look. "Special?! I guess not. It's like another day. So I invite him to come over and know what's going on in my house." He answers me before getting up from the chair and walking over to take care of Julia.

While shaking my head in heavy frustration, I go upstairs and get ready for work. When I return downstairs, he's talking to his brother about something with Julia in his arms. Saying nothing, I leave the house and walk around the swimming pool, almost getting slipped into the water, but thank God for any of that, nothing happens.

As I'm about to get in the car, he's appearing at the door and calling me. "Dean!" Maybe he remembers my birthday now and emerges to wish me.

With tremendous excitement on my face, I turn around and give him an expectant look. "What, sweetheart? Did you forget something?"

"Yeah!" He says finally, running over to me.

Yay, he's going to wish me!

"Bye Dean." He leans forward and presses a kiss on my cheek. "By the way, you forgot your phone on the dining table." He informs me and hands me the phone, having no idea about what I'm eagerly waiting for.

I can't take this anymore, so I grab his wrist as he's about to move and pull him against me. "Is it the only thing that you have to do now? Didn't you forget anything?"

He wraps his arms around my neck and stares into my eyes, shaking his head gently. "I didn't forget anything; you only forgot your phone." With a teasing smile, he pulls away from me and waves a hand at me. "Go early to the office, or Baron will mad at you."

I sigh frustratedly and step into the car, waving a hand back at him and driving it to the office. Once I reach Cena's Enterprise, I get out of the car and lean against it, trying to calm my nerves.

With a low growl, I enter the office and gawk at everyone who's doing their work as usual, without bothering to greet me. I bump into Baron on my way, but he goes away quickly like he sees a ghost or something. My dad isn't any different. He sits with my uncle in his room and discusses some meetings like his life is hanging onto.

Frustratedly, I sit on the chair in my room and eagerly await the birthday greeting that has never come. A couple of hours later, I stare at my phone and wait for Seth's call because usually, he'll call me at this time to ask about the work, but today he doesn't call me even if I have escaped from the home disappointed.

I thought he would be the first to greet me, but that didn't happen. Heck, I might even plan to take him out for a movie or something after our little make-out session, but nope, he forgot my birthday.

No sign of anyone remembers my birthday. Everybody acted weird, though. Like they were holding their breath for something that I couldn't figure out. It is utter bullshit. Even two days ago, everyone was asking me what's the plan for my birthday. But now, they were acting like there was nothing special on this very much day. Something isn't adding up.

As time goes on, I get irritated, so I pace the room for a few minutes before sitting back on the chair with elbows on top of my knees. I have left the door slightly ajar for some reason, and I swear I see a familiar black leather jacket and dark brown curls turn at the end of the hall.

"Seth!" I sit up, squinting my eyes as I stand up and follow the man, only to lose him when I make a wrong turn. "Damn it," I mutter, looking around the area as I think about the reason for his presence. Why did he not inform me that he would come over here?

I run my fingers through my hair and growl in frustration until my eyes land on the securities. Damn, even they are acting weird, even though I'm sure that they don't know about my birthday.

"Hey, you guys have seen Seth around?" I ask them, and they stiffen visibly.

The taller guy is the one who speaks. "Uh, no. Sorry, Mr. Ambrose. We thought he took days off, didn't he?"

"Yeah. Thanks, anyway." I wave a handoff and make my way to my room but bump into Roman and fall on the floor because I haven't expected it.

He curses under his breath and helps me to stand up. "Sorry, dude. You in a hurry?"

"Kinda," I answer, brushing the dust off the back of my pants. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

He looks around like he doesn't know how to answer my question and then trying to stay calm, but he isn't very good at hiding it. "Baron called me earlier to come over." He turns to go, only to call after me again. "On, by the way, he's been looking for you, dude. Go to the meeting hall in about an hour."

I look at him confused, "Meeting?! I saw him earlier, but he didn't inform anything about it."

He shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. "I don't know, dude. I think he needs to talk to you about something. Whatever, talk to him, all right?"

I nod and thank him for the heads-up, going back to my room to mope, really. Why did Baron call Roman to the office? I'm getting confused when I think about it because everyone is acting weird.

My mind is going back to Seth again, and I swear he has walked past my room earlier. And besides, he would call me first before anyone else if something happened. In fact, he should've called earlier to wish me a happy birthday.

I check my phone, hoping he has called or at least left a few birthday greetings. Sadly, there are none, and I feel even worse. It is my first birthday with Seth, but he has forgotten. I want to cry, but it will be pretty stupid.

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