Chapter 12

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Seth POV:

I'm shivering hard, and my hand is shaking uncontrollably. I sit on the couch and start to think why I get so damn nervous if Dean is coming over. It isn't as if he is going to interrogate me or something. I try to calm myself down, but I can't do it.

It is the first time since our love has bloomed that he is coming over to my place. I mock myself mentally for being so nervous around him when we are going to do, is watching a simple baseball game that he has suggested to watch over in my house that day in the restaurant.

He usually surprised me and made me feel good whenever he was with me, so I had to take care of him well. What makes everything worst is that there is no one in my house with me now! And I don't know what to do.

I look down at myself and notice that I'm dressing well. It wasn't unusual for me to be wearing my favorite black glamor kill t-shirt with tight skinny jeans. But, what surprised me was that how long it took for me to decide. It seemed like I was going on a first date or something, and I tried to look my best.

I glance at the coffee table and make sure that I have arranged the pizza already with my favorite chocolate cream cupcakes. I have just taken a seat on the couch when I hear the doorbell ring.

I become excited, and my heart starts to beat fast, but I control myself before opening the door. My jaw literally drops on seeing how cute Dean looks, with his dark denim jeans along with a Cincinnati red shirt over a long-sleeve undershirt. He is even wearing the Cincinnati reds cap.

I check him out with wide eyes, "Wow, you look prepared."

He chuckles a little while, shrugging. "Hmm... What can I say that it's been a long since I've watched any reds match? And I got a little carried away. Anyway, you look fancy."

"Hmm... I blame it on my mood today." I say with a small smile and hug him while ushering him inside the house.

"Wow... Your house looks great and clean." He says while quirking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I enjoy keeping it clean. Anyway, the match would be starting now. So take a seat, and let's watch." I say while gesturing for him to sit beside me on the couch.

He is really having fun watching the Reds team kick-ass of Pittsburg pirates. And I'm enjoying the game as well, but I can't keep my mind from diverting now and then. I keep thinking about how our life will be in the future.

He literally jumps out of the seat to celebrate his supported team victory. He quickly pulls me out of my thoughts when he hugs me tightly. With him alone in the house, embracing each other's arms is too much for me.

I take a moment to realize it and fold my arms as well, hugging him back. I'm surprised to recognize that I have been thinking about our future the entire time. And it is making me sick.

We pull away from each other when we hear the door open, and someone enters the house unexpectedly. It's not someone; it's Renee, my cousin! "Hey." I greet her with a small smile, tugging at my lips, and walk over to her.

"Hey, Dean! It's lovely to see you here." She says and moves to him, giving him a long hug.

"I'm going to get some ice cream from the refrigerator. Do you like some?" I ask them excitedly because the tension in my body flies away already when she approaches us.

"Yeah, I do like some." She replies while looking at me excitedly.

I run toward the kitchen near the refrigerator and lean against it. I close my eyes while taking slow breaths. I can't make up my mind why my stomach starts to do flip-flops when I'm in a tight embrace with Dean.

As I'm cursing myself for scaring about him sometimes, I jump in shock when I feel a soft pat on my shoulder. I freak out and abruptly turn around to meet face-to-face with Dean.

His eyes widened on seeing me, so shit scared. "Sweetheart, are you okay?"

I palm my face while taking long breaths. "Nah... I'm fine. I mean, I'm okay."

"No, you don't look okay at all. What's the matter? Is anything bothering you? You kind of ran away from me in the living room. Am I causing any trouble for you?" He asks directly.

I had trust issues with everyone since I knew I was the cause of my dad kicking my mom out of his life. No! Dean is not like him! He is different in my life and gave some new feelings that I'm having as of late.

"What? No, come on, Dean. I'm just happy to have you with me here. I didn't let any friends into my home, and it was the first time, so I was just startled. I'm not able to trust anybody. Having you here makes me nervous, just a little. And I don't know whether I deserve this happiness or not!" I say while leaning against the refrigerator.

He pulls me away while sitting at the kitchen counter and holds me in front of him, in between his legs. He has tightly wrapped his arms around my waist, but I keep looking at the floor with my head down.

"Look up! Come on, Seth." He jolts me a little in his arms.

I look up to see the world's most amazing blue orbs that I have ever seen. I can't relinquish the fact that Dean is simply cute, and in his tight embrace, I feel so protected and cared for.

"Seth, please listen carefully. You and I are not friends; we are boyfriends. No! We are soulmates!! And I will give you everything that you can never dream of in your life because you deserve everything, even the whole fucking world. Now, I can understand that you have trusting issues. But, I'm telling you now that I trust you." He says with a pleasant smile on his face.

I wrap my arms over the back of his neck and mumble, "I love you."

I move away from him when my cousin walks over with a slight smile on her face. "You have feelings for him, but he's calling you as a timid twink in the living room." She glances at him and grabs a water bottle to satisfy her thirst.

I turn to glance at him and smile softly, "I know you won't." I move closer to him and hug him tightly.

"You said you had trust issues, but you didn't believe what I had told. So you trust Dean!" She says and drops the bottle on the counter, crossing her arms over her chest.

A sweet smile etches all over his face now as he hears her words. He moves away from the embrace to look at me. "Wow! Look at that! You look so cute when you smile, sweetheart. Oh gosh! My heart.." He places his right hand over his heart, acting as if he is going to have a heart attack.

I laugh harder while he takes his cap off and places it over my head. "There you go, now you look more adorable." He says while he glances over his watch and freaks out, as it is already a quarter to four in the evening.

"Oh! Damn, Baron needs me at four for something. I should leave now." He takes my hand and drags me back into the living room.

I hand him his car keys and phone while he puts on his shoes and leaves for the door. I open the door, but just as he is about to leave, I grab his hand and stop him from moving. "Dean.. your cap. Take it." I pull the cap from my head and hold it in front of him.

"Nah, keep it. Anyway, it looks good on you." He says while pulling me near his face and giving a slight peck on my lips.

A smile creeps on my face again. "Thanks. I'll meet you tomorrow in the office at nine," I say while rubbing my hands over Dean's arms.

"Yeah, meet you there." He says while moving toward his car and then hoping on it. He starts his car and turns around to leave.

"Bye. Drive home safely." I say while slightly waving my hand. I smile to myself even after he has left and thought to myself that I'm certainly lucky to have a boyfriend.. no, soulmate like him in my life. This man has really become my life in a short amount of time. No matter what has happened, the truth is I feel so happy around him.

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