[7] Challenge 10

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Last time on the Radish Reunion Comp, Thomas and Rebel joined the challenge as competitors for the day. Their challenge was a comment scavenger hunt/unscramble the sentence, and both teams were able to finish it very easily. After voting, Aj had the most votes, but a twist happened and Thomas and Rebel were eliminated instead (and returned to being cohosts). Also, the total votes for Leo will be doubled the next time he's up for elimination because of his spin on the wheel of misfortune. What will happen today? Find out right now, on The Radish Reunion Comp!


Remaining Competitors (19):

Santa's High Hoes (11): Andrew, Anna, Collin, Dagger, Ender, Kidd, Luna, Rymle, Sky, Somus, Tech

The Unified Imposters of Radish Land (8): Aj, Alvin, Dark, Fall, Glitch, Leo, Poke, Stab


Thomas's birthday is coming up (it was yesterday actually) so the next challenge was for each team to make him a birthday gift. The best gift would win that team immunity, and the losing team would be losing a member.

On Santa's High Hoes, it seemed like everyone had died. Luna and Andrew, the two usually active members of the team, were both busy and didn't really have time to help with the challenge. And everyone else was just kinda not doing anything. Collin repeatedly tried to get his team to come up with ideas, and several times they discussed something but never started on it.

At one point Andrew suggested buying a Host Hint so they could ask Thomas what things he likes, but he said he only had 5 points and that he didn't want to spend them. Dagger agreed to purchase it, and Thomas told them: Total Drama, Steven Universe, Pokemon, music, and food. Kidd suggested they draw Thomas as a Pokemon trainer, and Dagger said she'd do it but she didn't know much about Pokemon so someone had to pick them. Kidd told her Latios and Latias, and Dagger began working on drawing it.

The rest of the team discussed a little more about what they should submit if Dagger didn't finish, but none of their ideas came to fruition. Dagger did manage to finish her drawing about two hours before the deadline, and submitted it. Nobody else on her team was any help tbh.

The Unified Imposters of Radish Land were a different story. They got to work pretty much right away. Glitch came up with the idea to make a "magazine" about Thomas, and he, Alvin, and Fall discussed many ideas to put in the magazine. Dark showed up a few hours later and asked what he could contribute. He, Fall, and Alvin drew a few pictures of Thomas to put in the magazine, and Glitch wrote some articles and tweets and put the whole thing together. Aj, Stab, Poke, and Leo were no help whatsoever. Glitch submitted their magazine about three hours before the deadline.

Since Leo had missed two challenges in a row, he was eliminated for inactivity. He also informed Rymle on Messenger that he was going to quit or that people should vote for him because of his doubled votes next time. He said he was busy with a lot of schoolwork and such.

So, Leo was eliminated.


Leo's Stats
Confessions: 5
Radish Points: 11
Votes: 0
Place: 19th


Thanks for participating, Leo!

Leo got to distribute some of his Radish Points to the current competitors. His last words were: "Hi! It's been a while, lol. It's been really fun to join the comp, but I don't have any time and resource to get further, so I guess here's when I quit/decide to get eliminated.Thank you to everyone who participated and interacted with me. I'll still be active some time, but not all the time. Good luck!"

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