[3] Challenge 4

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Last time on A Radish Christmas, the contestants had to guess what Christmas carol a lyric was from. The team with the most points ended up being Hectic Icicles{3}, and they chose The Naughty List{1} to eliminate someone. It was a tie between Leo{1} and Thomas{1}, and fate decided Leo was eliminated. What will I force the contestants to do this time? Find out right now, on A Radish Christmas!


The Naughty List{1}: Thomas, Cheshire, Justice, David

Xmas Squad{2}: Alvin, Kelsey, Glitch, Choco

Hectic Icicles{3}: Dagger, Naomi, Izzie, Dark, Chan

The Jingles{4}: Anna, Jimmie, Venn, Jay, Brian


The teams had 48 hours to make a Christmas list for Rebel and I. Five of the items on the list had to be for me, and five had to be for Rebel. The teams got to ask one question to each host to help them in the challenge. The answers were not allowed to be specific. The team with the most accurate list got to choose which team had to eliminate someone, and also got to help vote.

On The Naughty List{1}, Thomas and Justice immediately set to work making the list. Since Thomas knows me better than the other contestants, he figured the challenge would be easy. But even he was stumped on what to put on my list.

There wasn't much discussion in Xmas Squad{2}. Alvin, Choco, and Kelsey are all in different time zones, so it was difficult to discuss. Glitch was inactive.

Hectic Icicles{3} threw many ideas out there, and also decided to roast me for a bit instead of working. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Jingles{4} diligently worked on making their list. Brian still hadn't spoken more than one word in the comp (although he has been commenting on this book ≖-≖).

All teams but Xmas Squad{2} used questions on us hosts.

The Naughty List's{1} questions:

To me- "what do you want for Christmas besides any iPhone and laptop?"

My answer- "I would like to learn to animate Minecraft"

To Rebel- "what do you want the most for Christmas besides a sketchbook?"

Rebel's answer- "well I like books don't I"

Hectic Icicles'{3} questions:

To me- "what is the ideal way to spend your day?"

My answer- "the ideal way to spend my day would be sleeping in, animating Minecraft videos, writing my books, and going to sleep at a decent time"

To Rebel- "what is your ideal day?"

Rebel's answer- "I'd be able to start the day early and awake, make a breakfast that involves bacon, record a few videos for my would-be channel, write my books, work on my paintings, and just be able to be organized yet have a fun time, and possibly look at the stars later"

The Jingles{4} didn't ask me a question, but they asked Rebel:

To Rebel- "What are your hobbies?"

Rebel's answer- "I like to sing in/out of choir, draw, and write"

The Naughty List{1} basically gave up for half of Rebel's gifts, but turned their list in anyway.

Alvin made Xmas Squad's{2} list entirely by himself without consulting anyone (as far as I saw). He turned it in before showing his team.

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