[5] Challenge 17

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Last time on Radish's Kik Arcade, the players had to find a certain comment on "A Minecraft Story". It was more difficult than the last four seasons because it was a reply instead of just a regular comment. Tech didn't find it and Kelsey found it last, making it Game Over for the both of them. What crazy challenge will the players do today? Find out right now, on Radish's Kik Arcade!


Remaining Players (8):
Stab, Poke, Ry, Naomi, Glitch, Jimmie, Sky, Anna


Tech's last words:

"Ev is a good and caring community. I lost because i had no wifi rip. Yeah I was a spy for the ev blah blah. Deal. With. It. Thanks for the opportunity to play. It was fun. Thanks to the ev for accepting me and yeah. Bai!"

If you recall from one of Rebel's chapters, Tech was one of the three to be "kicked out" of the Endventurers, along with Sky and Glitch.

Apparently that was not actually the case for Tech, since he revealed he was a spy for EV. But are Sky and Glitch in the same situation, or were they actually kicked out?

Anyway, Kelsey's last words were a bit more dramatic:

"Well this has been a dramatic season and I am (kinda) glad to be part of it. Since I am eliminated, I have some things I would like to say.

First to the Mighty Mix alliance, I would like to say that I am sorry. I am actually still an Endventurer and I never quit. Thank Dark for impersonating me to quit. I am sorry I made you trust me that I quit the EV. I'd understand if you don't forgive me, but I hope that we could still be friends. (Jimmie, I actually voted for you, but Naomi and I decided on that since you have enough RP to get the idol or the instant elimination) I wish who is still fighting in the Comp good luck.

To the Endventurers, I am sorry that I haven't made it far, but that doesn't mean I would leave the Endventurers. I would always be an Endventurer now and forever. Good luck those who are still fighting in the Comp.

To everyone who has been eliminated before, I am sorry that you have been eliminated but I do hope that you have fun playing this last season of the Kik Competition. I have, and I hope that it won't be the last time we all see each other.

Now to the hosts:

To Thomas (I know he isn't a co host this season but I don't care) I am glad to be doing this comp with you and I hope we could still be friends.

To Rebel, you are a good co host and know how to trick people by threatening them.

Finally to the host, Todd. Todd, you are a great host and even though you did rig the comps here and before, I still think you are a great host. I don't care you rig it. To be honest I did thought of all the contestants and I as book characters in the beginning so you're not alone on that part. If somehow you are doing another comp and you rigged it, I would be glad to be part of because I don't care about that. I did care about Rebel, Glitch and Naomi part though but I forgive you on that.

Sorry that this is taking a long time. Anyway I would like to say goodbye and good luck to everyone.

Until this comp ends, Cya and PEACE!

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