[4] Challenge 4

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Last time on The Radish Nations, the delegates had to answer questions based on the other countries' maps. Nobody knew anything about the other maps, so they were all just guessing. The pair with the most points in the end was Thomas and Glitch of Pyolangi, so they earned immunity. The delegates than voted on which country was to be nuked next, and Almeria had the most votes. So, Choco and Chan were eliminated. What will I force the contestants to do this time? Find out right now, on The Radish Nations!


Remaining Countries (11):
Deolark (Leo/Dark)
Emeraldia (Andrew/Ry)
Galastaria (Aj/Anna)
Lorien (Stab/Poke)
Minecraftia (Venn/Kelsey)
Minetopia (Braxton/Star)
Navire (Cheshire/Izzie)
Pyolangi (Glitch/Thomas)
Republic of Demolition (Collin/Echo)
Sky Blue Republic (Blue/Sky)
Vaprid Realm (Jay/Dagger)


The delegates had 108 hours to create a flag for their country. It could be anything they wanted, as long as it could fit on a rectangle. The best looking flag would win immunity, and the delegates would vote for which country to nuke next.

On the first day of the challenge, I learned that Ales is a thing. Ales is the ship name for Aj and Ryles (Ry). They are in different pairs, though. (it is now several days later. idk if Ales is still a thing)

Lmao this is the first comp with "real" relationships and it's honestly very amusing

We also learned that Thomas and Collin live in the same state of America. Thomas visibly disliked this, and asked what general area of the state Collin lived. Collin did not say where, even though Thomas did.

Later, Andrew and Collin said that Coldrew became a thing. I was the only one on when they announced it, and was very surprised. But then they revealed they were just pranking me.

I had been b a m b o o z l e d

The next day, some drama went down. Apparently Ry was added to some alliance chat where they talked bad about Andrew. Dark had been the one to add Ry, and he had forgotten she was Andrew's partner. Ry told Andrew everything.

In the alliance chat, Cheshire and Dark said that Andrew was just manipulating girls into liking him so he could gain their trust. Andrew had liked and/or dated three girls in the past week, and Cheshire was irritated by this.

Andrew and Cheshire argued in the main chat. Andrew insisted he wasn't manipulating anyone, just playing a clean game. Cheshire argued that he was manipulating girls just so they wouldn't vote for him.

On the same day, Andrew cracked his phone's screen pretty badly, and this argument just added to his stress. He decided to leave the comp.

But, nobody can escape me.

I added Andrew back, and he left again. This happened several times before Andrew finally gave in and said he would stay. He said he was going to get everyone to vote for him, though.

That's fine with me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cheshire wanted to leave the comp too, but she didn't want to make Izzie do all the work herself. So she decided to stay as well.

A day or two later, Collin decided to be annoying. He asked extremely stupid questions in the chat ("what's a notification?"), and called tomatoes potatoes for some reason. I can't even describe how annoying it was. He was doing it on purpose, but it triggered Thomas enough to make him leave the chat for awhile.

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