[1] Challenge 5

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The teams were merged, and it was every man for himself. I commented something on one of the chapters in "A Minecraft Story", and the contestants' job was to find it and tell me what it said. The last person to find it was eliminated.

Since Alvin is gone, everyone seemed much more relaxed. There was still some tension between some people, but it seems mostly like a friendly competition right now. (Ew friendly competitions someone turn into a villain)

Anyway, I didn't really think the challenge through, because a lot of people just went through their news feed and found what I commented

I commented on Chapter 46 of "A Minecraft Story", saying "I have a turtle in my pants." So if you saw that and were confused, now you know why.

Dark found the comment first, with Choco coming in with a close second. David found it next, and then came
Rebel. Then Morde and Infinity found it, and later Yuri and Diamond found it as well.

Actually, some of those people didn't find it, others helped them. That was allowed, but I warned them of the risks of helping someone.

Later that day, Cyrus found the comment as well. That left one lonely contestant, who probably didn't even know about the challenge.

Blue was last, and therefore was eliminated.

Blue's Stats
Number of Confessionals: 2
Number of Missed Challenges: 3
Number of Votes for him: 0
Place: 10th

Thanks for participating, Blue!

(Honestly I'm surprised Blue made it that far, he was pretty inactive.)

Also, an immunity idol was given out before the challenge. But who was it given to...?

Number of Confessionals for this challenge:
Yuri: 4
David: 2

What will happen next? Will someone turn into a villain? Find out next time, on Radish's Total Drama Kik Competition!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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