[6] Challenge 6

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Last time on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter, the teams had to complete 20 trivia questions about Radish's School of Kik. The Heroes somehow got all 20 questions correct, and the Villains had to send someone home. Choco's last words involved a screenshot from Venn revealing the Freak Show alliance, and Rebel said Venn was not to be trusted. Venn was then almost unanimously voted off. What treacherous task will the contestants be forced to complete this time? Find out right now, on Radish Stars: The Final Chapter!


Heroes (7): Stab, Kelsey, Anna, Poke, Glitch, Ry, JT

Villains (8): Alvin, Cole, Thomas, Jimmie, Collin, Dark, Chess, Rebel


Venn's last words weren't as dramatic as I had hoped :(

"Y'all are complete idiots.

Just... Ffs

Well yeah fudge you all but like at least now I can focus on more important things, like the HIGH SCHOOL I JUST GOT INTO BISHES

Also read One Wish


Oh well.

I went camping for the weekend, so the contestants had a few days off. While I was gone, Rebel noticed there hadn't been much drama lately. She asked Dark to fight with her, and they yelled at each other about nothing.

Later, nothing happened.

When I returned, I announced the next challenge, which was similar to one of the challenges of season 3: A Radish Christmas. During season 3, the teams had to create a Christmas list for Rebel and I.

For this challenge, the teams had to create a Christmas list for ten of the contestants of season 3 with one thing each of them would have wanted during that season. For example, if Naomi was on the list, she could have had peace on her Christmas list.

On the Villains, Collin, Thomas, Rebel, and Jimmie got right to work on the list. They came up with several ideas to put on their list. Later, Alvin showed up, pointing out that a lot of their team had been in season 3, so they could add themselves to the list. Cole also gave a few ideas.

Eventually, Chess arrived, and wrote down all their ideas in one list. Alvin gave her his item and Choco's item after asking her. Dark agreed with them. Chess thought of a few more by herself, then sent in a list 24 hours early with fourteen contestants on it.


The Heroes, on the other hand, were the complete opposite. Unless they discussed in their chat without me, they had minimal discussion on the list.

Glitch asked for everyone who was in season 3 to tell him what they would've wanted during that season. Besides a few suggestions from JT, Kelsey, and Poke, the Heroes didn't really speak.

Eventually, Glitch made the list by himself. He added explanations to why each item was chosen, probably to try to make the list seem better than it was.

It wasn't.

The Villains' list:

Naomi: a dragon
Anna: first place
Dark: a chill pill
Brian:an active account
Chan: for Todd to stop thinking he's Damen
Justice: a friend
Rebel: for Tood to love her for who she really is
Jimmie: Naomi choke on a dragon egg
Alvin: An Enderman
Chess: To annoy everyone
Choco: That everything will be behind her one day
Dagger: Pointless self-sacrifice
Corey: To be cool
Thomas: An alliance

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